Set Up Withholding Tax

You must complete the withholding tax setup..

You must use the KR_WHT Regime withholding tax regime to complete this setup.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create Tax Regime.
    1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and click Manage Tax Regimes.
    2. Set up KR_WHT regime.
  2. Create Tax Jurisdiction.
    1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and click Manage Tax Regimes.
    2. Create the KR_IN_JU income tax jurisdiction under the KR_WHT withholding tax regime.
  3. Create Taxes.
    1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and click Manage Tax Regimes.
    2. Click Manage Taxes.
    3. Open each tax authority, select the Sites tab, and select the site to edit.
    4. Select the Site Assignments tab.
    5. Check if relevant site assignments are available for the selected tax authority.