Define CFOP

The operations fiscal code (CFOP) is a fiscal classification for transactions defined by the government of Brazil. It is a mandatory attribute for goods and mixed fiscal documents. During transaction entry, the CFOPs are captured as a transaction business category. Transaction business categories are tax determinants in the transaction line level.The operations fiscal code (CFOP) is a fiscal classification for transactions defined by the government of Brazil. It is a mandatory attribute for goods and mixed fiscal documents. During transaction entry, the CFOPs are captured as a transaction business category. Transaction business categories are tax determinants in the transaction line level.

To configure transaction business categories, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to the Manage Transaction-Based Fiscal Classifications task.
  2. Search for Transaction Business Category Codes.
  3. In the Search section, enter the fiscal classification code as one of the predefined levels.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Select the record from the search results.
  6. Click Create Child Node to add additional levels.
  7. On the Create Fiscal Classification page, enter the code as CFOP numeric code.
  8. Enter the name as the CFOP description.
  9. Select the country as Brazil.
  10. Enter the start date of the record.
  11. Click Save and Close.