Manage Bank Instruction Codes for Brazil

You must understand the bank instruction codes for Brazil. This is an important configuration step where all codes used for remittance, return and updates are defined per bank.

Follow these steps:
  1. Search Manage Bank Update Codes for Brazil.
  2. Select the bank.
  3. Select the appropriate option:
    • Remittance Occurrence
    • Remittance Update
    • Return Occurrence
    • Return Update from the Collection Document
    • Update Type
  4. In the Standard Update Type field, select from LOV, for example, Remittance.
  5. In the Collection Document Update Code, enter the code as per the bank definition.
  6. Enter the Description.
  7. In the Media (File, Report) field, select the required file for the electronic file transfer.
  8. In the Limit Days field, enter the number of days that a given bank update code can be submitted after the bank collection is sent.