Manage Customer Account Sites

You can configure bank transfer at the account site level.

Follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to the Account Sites tab.
  2. Search for the customer account site.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Review and update all the required information such as address and collection related information. Verify that the site is marked for the collection and set to Bill-to and enter the Bill-to Site.
  5. Select the Primary Receipt Method on the Payment Details tab.
  6. In the Profile History tab, Additional Information region, select a value for payment schedule consolidation on customer profile class, for example: Default.
  7. Configure these bank transfer related fields:
    • Regional Information: Customer Profiles for Brazil
    • Remit Protest Instructions (Yes, No)
    • Remit Interest Instructions (Yes, No)
    • Interest Type (Rate, Amount)
    • Interest Rate or Amount (enter value)
    • Interest Period
    • Interest Formula (Simple, Compound)
    • Interest Grace Days (enter)
    • Interest Penalty Type (Rate, Amount)
    • Interest Penalty Rate or Amount (enter)
    • Consolidate Payment Schedules (Yes, No)
    • Interest Due Date Derivation Method (Anticipate, Keep, Postpone)