Sales Invoice and Customer Receipt Enhancements for Brazil

To support the common business practices in Brazil, the payment collection process is enhanced to support transactions between suppliers, customers, and their banks. You can now automatically generate and electronically transmit collection documents to banks for collecting payments due from customers.

The processes are automated using electronic file transfers that transfer information from companies to banks and the return from banks to companies.

You can:

  • Process receipt files from banks for the associated collection documents. Include taxes and short payments on collection documents submitted for Receivables invoices.

  • Use city-specific calendars to identify local holidays and ensure due dates are accurately assigned, and late payment interest is correctly calculated and included in the collection documents for bank transfers.

  • Send remittance collection documents to customer banks based on invoice payment terms.

  • Send remittance update collection documents for any updates, discounts, or protests to process corrections to files that are already sent.

  • Receive bank files with information on payments collected from customers, and create and apply receipts.

  • Use the Receivables REST API to update installment due dates and generate automatic bank occurrences of the transactions associated with the collection documents sent to the bank.

    Note: You can't update installments of the transactions associated with a consolidated collection document with multiple installments.

Create Receivables Invoices and Generate Remittance Batch

These enhancements are available for generating a remittance batch:

  • Create Receivables transactions and complete them by receiving final approval on the associated fiscal documents. Receivable invoices associated with approved fiscal documents are then available to be included in a remittance batch for collection.

  • Use a remittance batch to send information to the customer's bank for payment collection. The information sent to a bank includes instructions such as interest charges to be collected and any protest after due date. When generating a remittance batch, selection criteria can be specified to automatically or manually select the installments to include in the batch. Collection documents are created in Receivables for the installments. After creating collection documents to be sent to the bank, review the collection documents selected in the batch and remove any, if needed.

  • Enter parameters during batch creation to limit selection of records or default information, such as the maximum quantity of documents per remittance batch, minimum or maximum amount for a document, or a minimum or maximum total amount for the remittance batch.

  • Assign specific bank remittance formats to each bank. Once the remittance batch details have been reviewed, the remittance batch is generated base upon the assigned format and validated. The batch can be edited to correct errors and re-generated. A remittance batch can also be canceled before a bank return is done if needed.

Updates to Collection Documents

Use bank collection updates to provide additional directions to a bank for collection documents that are already sent in a remittance batch. Once the updates are entered, create a collection update remittance batch to send to a bank. Collection document updates can be created automatically based on certain actions or can be created manually as needed to process collection document updates.

Bank Returns and Receipts

Receive information from banks as a file that can be imported. Use the Import Bank Returns for Brazil program to import and validate the bank return details in the file and to upload and validate records that have been manually entered in a spreadsheet. A validation is performed against the associated collection documents and bank return records rejected by this process are shown in the Bank Return Import Report.

Rejected bank return records can be corrected and a Correct Bank Returns spreadsheet used to upload corrected information. The uploaded details are also validated by the same import process. After completion of import process, AR receipts are created automatically and can be applied using the standard Receivables processes.