Receivables and Payables Audit Report

This topic explains the implementation and usage guidelines for the Receivables and Payables Audit Report for Russia.

This report helps you comply with the requirements of the Russian Legislation on Credit and Financing. Using this report, you can present the audit results of settlements with vendors and customers. This report is issued in two sets and signed by the commission that performed the audit.

The report shows, balances for the customers or vendors and Receivables or Payables GL accounts for the given first party organization and division, on the reporting date. The “Addendum” section shows the list of documents that are the original sources for the payables and receivables transactions, including amounts, the start dates of debts, and the supporting documents details.

The amount is in functional currency, thus documents in foreign and conventional currency are converted in functional currency by the exchange rate defined on Transaction, Receipt or Payment.

You can submit the Receivables and Payables Audit Report for Russia through Enterprise Scheduling Services (ESS).

Here are the parameters of the report:

  • Title page: Displays the report name and the report parameters.
  • Heading section: Displays the first party organization details and document details.
  • Debt section: Displays aggregated information of the balance for the customer or receivables account and vendor or payables account for the selected documents.
  • Liability section: Displays aggregated balance information for the customer or receivables account and vendor or payables account for the selected documents.
  • Addendum section: Displays the list of documents that are the origin sources for the payables and receivables transactions, including amounts, the start dates of debts, and the supporting documents details.

Assumptions and Prerequisites

We assume that you have already configured the following entities:

  • Data Security
  • Geographies
  • Enterprise Structure
  • Tax Regime to Rate setup
  • Tax Party Profiles
  • Tax Rules
  • Suppliers
  • Customers
  • Procurement Business Function
  • Common Options for Payables and Receivables
  • Receipt Classes and Methods
  • Financial Configuration

You must complete the Implementation Project for your organization before commencing the Feature Specific Setup outlined below. For more details, refer to the Appendix.

Feature Specific Setup

This part describes setup requirements for Receivables and Payables Audit Report for Russia. Setups for

Organization, Suppliers, and Customers are needed for the proper outputting Organization’s or 3d parties’ names and legally required identification numbers and classifiers.

Add Privileges

Here’s how you can define privileges for Receivables and Payables Audit Report for Russia:

  • Navigate to Security Console.
  • Search for Roles.
  • Edit Role Tax Manager.
  • Add function security policy.

Address Style Format for Russia

Define address format for Russia as follows (task Manage Address Formats):

Prompt (*-) Address Element
Country* Country
Postal Code Postal Code
State* State
County County
City City
Population Aggregate Additional Address Attribute 1
Street Additional Address Attribute 2
Building Building
Bulk Additional Address Attribute 3
Office Additional Address Attribute 4

Note: Address element Country should have Attribute Transformation Function = hz_format_pub.get_tl_territory_name (COUNTRY).

Attach this address style format to the Russian Federation.

Use Russian Address Style in Geography validation, if you need to control addresses by Geography dictionary (task “Manage Geographies”).

Organization attributes

Setup the following Organization attributes and classifiers:

  • Company Long Name: Company Long Name is stored in the Registered Name field of Legal Entity registration for the defined jurisdiction.
  • Company Short Name: Company Short Name is stored in the Registered Name field of main LRU registration for the defined jurisdiction.
  • Company Main Address: Legal Address for Legal Entity registration in the defined jurisdiction.
    • Note: Address of identifying registration is visible as the address of Legal Entity.
  • Company INN (INT): INT field of Legal Entity registration for the defined jurisdiction Russia Tax.


Setup the following Supplier attributes:

  • Supplier Name: Field Supplier of the Manage Suppliers page (tab Profile)
  • Supplier Site Name: Field Site of the Manage Suppliers page (tab Sites)
  • Supplier Site Address: Supplier site address. Regional information segments on supplier site, context Supplier Site Information for Russia:
    • State
    • County
    • City
    • Population Aggregate
    • Street
    • Building
    • Bulk
    • Office
  • Supplier INN (INT): Supplier Taxpayer ID


Setup the following Customer attributes:

Customer Name Field Name of the Create or Edit Customer page
Customer Site Name Field Site Name of the Create or Edit Customer Site page
Customer INN (INT) Taxpayer Identification Number of the Create or Edit Customer page

Supporting Reference

To provide additional flexibility, this report uses data from the Subledger Accounting (SLA) supporting references to fill the column Agreement (Description, number, date).

If the SLA supporting reference called FIN_JE_RU_CONTRACT is set, the Agreement (Description, number, date) column of the report will be filled with the data from supporting reference, in other cases column will be left blank.

Navigation: Setup and Maintenance –> Setup: Financials -> Receivables -> All Tasks -> Manage Supporting Reference

The Name and Short Name of the supporting references should be exactly as shown in the current document; Description could be any. Supporting references could be defined With or Without Balances based on business needs of the organization.

Approval Commission

The Approval Commission is represented as user lookup types with prefix JERU_CMTE, for example, JERU_CMTE_002.

Committee member data is stored in lookup codes:

  • Lookup Code stores internal member code.
  • Display Sequence defines the order committee members are printed in reports. The first person is treated as presiding commissioner (Chief of Commission). Display Sequence of presiding commissioner should not necessarily be 1.
  • Lookup Meaning stores full person name. - Lookup Description person position.

You can create as many lookup types as you need for committees.

Transaction Selection

The following document details are printed in the Receivables and Payables Audit Report for Russia:

Receivables Section - Receivables section includes the following documents:

  • The customer invoices that meet the following conditions are included:
    • Transaction GL date is less than or equal to the reporting date (from report parameter).
    • The transaction has non-zero balance and is still in Open status on the reporting date. - Parameter open receivables should be ON for selected transactions.
    • Transaction receivables account number must be in the account range (from the report parameter).
  • The Receivables credit or debit memos that meet the following conditions are included: - Credit or debit memo GL Date is less than or equal to the reporting date.
    • Credit or debit memo has unapplied amount earlier or equal to the reporting date. - Credit or debit memo account number must be in the account range.
  • The Payables debit memos that meet the following conditions are included: - Debit memo GL Date is earlier or equal to the reporting date.
    • The debit memo has unapplied amount earlier or equal to the reporting date. - The debit memo account number must be in the account range.
  • The supplier prepayments that meet the following conditions are included:
    • Prepayment has been paid on the reporting date (a paid date before reporting date).
    • Prepayment has an unapplied amount less than or equal to the reporting date.
    • The prepayment account number must be in the account range.

The Receivables section of the report shows aggregated information of the balance for the customer or receivables account and vendor or payables account for the selected documents.

Receivables section.

The lines in the Receivables section are sorted by the value in column 1.

Liability Section - Liability section should include the following documents:

1.The Payables credit memos that meet the following conditions are included:

  • Transaction GL date is earlier or equal to the reporting date.
  • The transaction has non-zero balance (unpaid and unapplied to invoice) and is still in Open status on the reporting date.
  • Transaction receivables account number must be in the account range.

2.The customer receipts that meet the following conditions are included: - Receipt GL date is earlier or equal to the reporting date.

  • The receipt has an unapplied or on-account amount on the reporting date. - Receipt receivables account number must be in the account range.

3.The supplier invoices that meet the following conditions are included: - Invoice GL Date is earlier or equal to the reporting date.

  • Invoice has a non-zero balance on the reporting date.
  • Liability invoice account number must be in the account range.

The section Liability of the report shows aggregated information regarding the balance for the customer or receivables account and vendor or payables account for the documents selected for this section.

Liability section

The lines in the Liability section are sorted by the value in column 1.

Addendum Section – The Addendum Document Details section shows the full list of open payables and receivables documents affecting the customer or vendor liabilities (all documents from the previous sections). The lines are sorted by Transaction Date and Third-Party Name.

All sections – All documents in all sections must be completed or validated and accounted.

Receivables and Payables Audit Report for Russia

You can submit this report through Enterprise Scheduling Services (ESS). Here are the report parameters:

  • Legal Entity
  • Business Unit
  • Account
  • Reporting Date
  • Document Number
  • Stamp Aria Number
  • Stamp Aria Date
  • Stamp Aria Transaction Type
  • Stamp Aria Type of Activity
  • Commission
  • Print Addendum

Receivables Section

  • Account name and Third-Party Name
  • Account Number
  • Balance Total
  • Balance Including Debt Confirmed
  • Balance Including Debt Non-Confirmed
  • Balance Including Debt Expired

Liability Section

  • Account name and Third-Party Name
  • Account Number
  • Posted Amount, Total
  • Posted Amount Including Liability Confirmed
  • Posted Amount Including Liability Non-Confirmed
  • Posted Amount Including Liability Expired
  • The Chief of Commission position, signature and full name
  • Members Commission position, signature and full name

Addendum Section

  • Sequence Number
  • Name and Address of Customer/Supplier
  • Accounted Debts For What
  • Amount Receivables
  • Amount Payables
  • Supporting Document Description
  • Supporting Document Number
  • Supporting Document Date
  • Accountant

XML extract – Purchase Order Number

In the XML extract is extracted Purchase Order Number defined on:

  • Receivables Transaction Header
  • Payables Invoice Header

You can customize the report output to display the Purchase Order number in the report output file.