Supplier Setup

Managing supplier information related to withholding tax is crucial for accurate reporting.

Follow these steps to ensure all the necessary details are provided and properly reflected in the reports:
  1. Go to the Navigator and select Procurement, followed by Suppliers.
  2. Open the Supplier UI.
    • You can find various fields to provide information about suppliers, such as their names, alternate names, site names, and alternate site names. These fields are standard and provided for convenience. Withholding tax application relies on specific details entered in the regional information section of both the Supplier UI and the Supplier Site UI.
  3. Suppliers subject to withholding tax can input additional attributes in the regional information section, including organization type, business occupation description, withholding tax officer number, and withholding tax group. To display these additional attributes, choose Withholding Tax for Israel from the list of values in the Regional Information field.
    • The information entered in the regional information section of the Supplier UI and Supplier Site UI will also be reflected on the withholding tax reports for Israel.