Add Formats and Graphs to a Financial Reporting Report

This is the sixth and final topic in a series of topics on designing a financial report with Financial Reporting Web Studio.

In this example, you add formats and graphs to a financial report.

Before you start, do the steps described in these topics.

  1. Define a Basic Financial Report Using the Reporting Web Studio

  2. Add Formulas to a Financial Reporting Report

  3. Define Range Functions for a Financial Reporting Report

  4. Set User and Grid Points of View for a Financial Reporting Report

  5. Work with Grid Point of View Setup and Page Axis for a Financial Reporting Report

Now follow these steps.

  1. In the report object browser, select the name of the report, which is the first object.

  2. Add a logo.

    1. In the report layout, drag the header line to make space for the logo and title.

    2. In the Header section, click the Add Report Object icon and select Image.

    3. In the Image Properties pane, click Browse and select your company logo.

  3. Add a title.

    1. Select the name of the report in the report object browser.

    2. In the Header section, click the Add Report Object and select Text. As an alternative, you can click the Text icon in the toolbar and draw the text box. The text box opens.

    3. Enter the report title.

    4. Select the title text and use the format toolbar to adjust the font size, center the text, and change the font style to bold.

  4. Change the page orientation.

    1. Select the name of the report in the report object browser.

    2. On the File, menu, select Page Setup.

    3. In the Page Setup dialog box, select the Landscape option.

    4. Click OK.

  5. Add a chart.

    1. In the Body section, click the Add Report Object icon and select Chart.

    2. In the Chart Properties pane, select the Line chart type.

    3. To show only the expense account rows, deselect row 1, and select rows 3, 4, and 5 in the Data Range section.

    4. Click the Format Chart button. The Format Chart dialog box opens.

    5. In the Appearance tab, enter the title for the chart. For example, Expenses by Period.

    6. Click the Legend tab and enter a title for the legend. For example, Type of Expenses.

    7. Click the Axes tab and enter a title for the Metadata axis. For example, Period. Enter a title for the Primary Axis. For example, Dollars.

    8. Click the Refresh Chart button to preview the chart on the Format Chart dialog box.

    9. Click OK. The Format Chart dialog box closes.

  6. Save the report and optionally, preview it.

For more information about Financial Reporting Web Studio, select the Using EPM with Oracle Financials Cloud link from the All Books for Oracle Financials Cloud page of the Oracle Help Center at