Journals Report Data Model and CSV Output

The data model for the Journals report contains some columns that appear only in the CSV output. They provide more information about your batches, journals, and journal lines. You can use them for improved reporting and for audit purposes.

These columns don’t appear in the other report output formats (PDF, Excel, HTML).

Note: Some columns are planned for future use.

These columns are related to batches.

Column Description
BATCH_ID Journal entry batch identifier.
BATCH_POSTED_STATUS Journal entry batch status.
BATCH_DESC Journal entry batch description.
BALANCE_TYPE Balance type (Actual or Encumbrance)

These columns are related to journals.

Column Description
HEADER_ID Journal entry header identifier.
PERIOD_NAME Accounting period type.
JRNL_ACCT_SEQ_NAME Journal accounting sequence name.
JRNL_ACCT_SEQ_VERSION Journal accounting sequence version.
JRNL_ACCT_SEQ_NUM Journal accounting sequence number.
JRNL_DOC_SEQ_NAME Journal document sequence name.
JRNL_DOC_SEQ_NUM Journal document sequence number.
JRNL_REP_SEQ_NUM Journal reporting sequence number.
JRNL_REP_SEQ_VERSION Journal reporting sequence version.
JRNL_REP_SEQ_NAME Journal reporting sequence name.
JRNL_EFFECTIVE_DATE Journal entry default effective date.
JRNL_DESC User entered description of the journal header.

These columns are related to journal lines.

Column Description
REFERENCE1 Sequential numbering sequence.
ACCT_DESC Account description.
BALANCING_SEGMENT_DESC Balancing segment description.
NATURAL_ACCOUNT_DESC Natural account segment description.
COST_CENTER_DESC Cost center segment description.
MANAGEMENT_SEGMENT_DESC Management segment description.
INTERCOMPANY_SEGMENT_DESC Intercompany segment description.
GL_SECONDARY_DESC Secondary balancing segment description.
ACCT_VALUE Account segment value.
BALANCING_SEGMENT_VALUE Balancing segment value.
COST_CENTER_VALUE Cost center segment value.
MANAGEMENT_SEGMENT_VALUE Management segment value.
INTERCOMPANY_SEG_VAL Intercompany segment value.
SECONDARY_TRACK_SEG_VAL Secondary balancing segment value.
LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Legal entity identifier.
LEGAL_ENTITY_NAME Legal entity name.
LE_ADDRESS_LINE_1 Legal entity address line 1.
LE_ADDRESS_LINE_2 Legal entity address line 2.
LE_ADDRESS_LINE_3 Legal entity address line 3.
LE_CITY Legal entity city name.
LE_POSTAL_CODE Legal entity postal code.
LE_REGISTRATION_NUMBER Legal entity registration number.
LE_ACTIVITY_CODE Legal entity activity code.

Here are the general columns.

Column Description
CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID Key flexfield structure instance.
PERIOD_TO_PARAM Not currently used. For future use only.
PAGE_NUM_START_PARAM Not currently used. For future use only.
DOC_SEQ_NAME_PARAM Not currently used. For future use only.
START_DOC_SEQ_NUM_PARAM Not currently used. For future use only.
END_DOC_SEQ_NUM_PARAM Not currently used. For future use only.
ACCT_SEQ_NAME_PARAM Not currently used. For future use only.
START_ACCT_SEQ_NUM_PARAM Not currently used. For future use only.
END_ACCT_SEQ_NUM_PARAM Not currently used. For future use only.
REP_SEQ_NAME_PARAM Not currently used. For future use only.
START_REP_SEQ_NUM_PARAM Not currently used. For future use only.
END_REP_SEQ_NUM_PARAM Not currently used. For future use only.
USER_JRNL_SRC_PARAM Not currently used. For future use only.
JRNL_CATEGORY_PARAM Not currently used. For future use only.
FILTER_CONDITIONS_ATT Not currently used. For future use only.
FILTER_CONDITIONS_OPT Not currently used. For future use only.
LEDGER_ID Ledger unique identifier.
CONFIGURATION_ID Not currently used. For future use only.
ENVIRONMENT_CODE Not currently used. For future use only.