Budget Period Status Options

Budget period statuses affect the budgetary control validation result.

The following table shows the budgetary control validation results for each budget period status.

Budget Period Status Options

Budget Period Status Budgetary Control Validation Funds Status Result Funds Status Failure
Never opened Fail Budget period not open for control budget
Available for budgeting Pass for budget entries N/A
Fail for all other transactions Budget period not open for control budget
Open Pass N/A
Close pending Fail for:
  • Budget imported with initial budget as the budget entry classification
  • All subledger transactions enabled for budgetary control except for the final close action on a purchase order
Budget period not open for control budget
Pass for:
  • Budget imported with budget revision as the budget entry classification
  • General Ledger and subledger journal entries
  • Final close action on a purchase order including:
    • Carry Forward Purchase Order Budgetary Control Balances process
    • Manual final close action on a purchase order
Closed Fail Budget period closed for control budget
Permanently closed Fail Budget period not open for control budget
Note: The close pending status can be used to limit budgetary control validation of General Ledger and subledger journal entries only while completing month-end or year-end close tasks. This prevents consumption of a control budget’s funds available balance by subledger transactions and prevents changes to a control budget’s initial budget amount.