Budgetary Control Analysis Report

This topic includes details about the Budgetary Control Analysis Report.


The Budgetary Control Analysis Report is a ready to use Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher report that can be viewed online or scheduled. The report layouts are predefined, but you can modify the layouts to meet your requirements and filter data interactively.

Budgetary Control Analysis Report includes the following layouts:

  • Funds Available Trend: Lists fund budget and consumption balances for a specific control budget in a range of periods. The budget, commitment, obligation, and expenditure balances by cost center and account are also listed.

  • View Funds Available: Lists funds available by control budget account and period. Budget consumption from transactions is listed along with the impacted commitment, obligation, and expenditure and funds available balances.

  • Account Activities: Lists control budget accounts by period with consumption and without consumption. Account balances and transaction details are also listed.

The following figure is an example of the Funds Available Trend layout.

This image displays the Funds Available Trend Report.

The following figure is an example of the View Funds Available layout.

This image displays the View Funds Available Report.

The following figure is an example of the Accounts Activities layout.

This image displays the Accounts Activities Report.

Key Insights

Use this report to periodically review the consumption trends by control budget. Each layout displays the data to highlight different aspects of consumption.

  • Funds Available Trend: How the budget is consumed

  • View Funds Available: How much is left in the budget

  • Accounts Activities: Which activities are consuming the budget

This report only captures transactions for which funds are reserved, but not those that have only checked for funds availability.

Report Parameters

The following table describes selected process parameters:



Control Budget

Specify the name of the budget for reporting.

From/To Budget Period

Specify which periods to include in the report.

Include Additional Attributes

Indicate whether to include and retrieve additional attributes. If you're not using these attributes in your layout, don't retrieve them.

Budget Account Filter

Specify the budget accounts for reporting.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following table lists frequently asked questions about the budgetary control analysis reports.



How do I find these reports?

Schedule and run these reports from the Scheduled Processes work area on the Navigator menu.

Who uses these reports?

Budget Manager

When do I use these reports?

Use these reports to:

  • Review graphs of your budget and consumption amounts for your fund or project by period

  • Analyze your budget, consumption and funds available balances and percentages by:

    • Period, fund, cost center and object

    • Period and budget account

  • Review budget consumption details with budget account, period and transaction details

  • Review budget accounts and periods with budgeted amounts but no consumption

What type of reports are these?

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher