Budgetary Control Validation Failures and Corrective Actions

You can identify the budgetary control result on a transaction using the View Budgetary Control Results page. A transaction can fail budgetary control validation due to several reasons.

You can hover over the status for each transaction line to review the failure description. Corrective actions for failures that require more details are listed in the table below. Determine how to correct the failure using the failure description in the View Budgetary Control Results page or the corrective action listed below. Take the appropriate action before reattempting the transaction.

Budgetary Control Validation Failures and Corrective Actions

Status Failure Description Corrective Action
Insufficient funds The funds available are insufficient to complete the transaction. This happens when the transaction amount is more than the funds available balance for the budget account and budget period combination.

Reduce the transaction amount to be below the funds available amount. You can access the funds available from the Budget view of the Budgetary Control Results window. If you don't have access to the Budget view, contact the budget manager with the budget account and budget period to determine the funds available amount.

Alternatively, contact the budget manager with the budget account and budget period to request additional funds.

Pending lines exceeds funds available There is another transaction being validated for budgetary control. If the validation for that transaction is successful, it may consume the remaining funds available, resulting in insufficient funds for the current transaction. This is a temporary failure. Please submit the transaction for budgetary control validation again later. If the other transaction that was being validated at the same time wasn't successful, then this transaction may now pass budgetary control.
You can override the insufficient funds The funds available are insufficient to complete the transaction. This happens when the transaction amount is more than the funds available balance for the budget account and budget period combination. However, you can override this budgetary control failure.

If the transaction amount cannot be reduced, you can override this budgetary control failure.

Alternatively, reduce the transaction amount to be below the funds available amount. You can access the funds available from the Budget view of the Budgetary Control Results window. If you don't have access to the Budget view, contact the budget manager with the budget account and budget period to determine the funds available amount.

Override available by others for insufficient funds The funds available are insufficient to complete the transaction. This happens when the transaction amount is more than the funds available balance for the budget account and budget period combination. However, an insufficient funds override is available.

If the transaction amount cannot be reduced, you can request an override.

Alternatively, reduce the transaction amount to be below the funds available amount. You can access the funds available from the Budget view of the Budgetary Control Results window. If you don't have access to the Budget view, contact the budget manager with the budget account and budget period to determine the funds available amount.

Override exceeds maximum balance allowed

The funds available are insufficient to complete the transaction and the additional required amount exceeds the remaining override balance available.

Allowed consumption = Funds available + Remaining Override balance.

Reduce the transaction amount to be less than the sum of the funds available and the remaining override amount. You can access the funds available and the remaining override amount from the Budget view of the Budgetary Control Results window. If you don't have access to the Budget view, contact the budget manager with the budget account and budget period to determine the funds available and the remaining override amount.

Alternatively, contact the budget manager with the budget account and budget period to request additional funds or update the maximum override amount.

Budget date outside of valid budget date range for ledger The budget date on the transaction falls outside of the date range across all control budgets for the ledger. The budgetary control is set to fail validation in this case.

The budget date must be in a valid budget period allowed for consumption. Verify the budget date is correct and if not, change the budget date.

If the entered budget date is correct, contact the budget manager. The budget manager should ensure there are control budgets defined for the specified budget period.

Budget period not open for control budget The budget period for the budget date on the transaction is not opened. Budget consumption will be allowed when the budget period is opened. Request the budget manager to open the period for consumption or move the transaction to an open budget period.
Budget period closed for control budget The budget period for the budget date on the transaction is closed. Budget consumption is not allowed in a closed budget period. Contact the budget manager to find an open period and change the budget date to the open budget period. If the transaction needs to be consumed on entered budget date, request the budget manager to open the budget period to allow consumption. Budget managers can also choose to implement closed period override for certain transaction types to avoid reopening the budget period.
You can override this closed budget period The budget period for the budget date on the transaction is closed. Budget consumption is not allowed in a closed budget period. However, you can override this budgetary control failure.

If the transaction needs to be consumed on the entered budget date, you can override this budgetary control failure.

Alternatively, contact the budget manager to find an open period and change the budget date to the open budget period.

Override available by others for closed budget period The budget period for the budget date on the transaction is closed. Budget consumption is not allowed in a closed budget period. However, a closed period override is available for this transaction.

If the transaction needs to be consumed on the entered budget date, you can request a budgetary control override.

Alternatively, contact the budget manager to find an open period and change the budget date to the open budget period.
Transaction account rolls up to multiple budget accounts The transaction is controlled by a control budget with one or more segments using a tree to determine the budget account. However, the account used in the transaction contains a segment value that has more than one parent node in the tree version with the tree label specified in the control budget. Ensure the account being used for the transaction is valid for the control budget. You can contact the budget manager for confirmation. If the account is valid, the budget manager should update the tree version so the value is assigned to only one parent node with the corresponding label specified by the control budget segment. The budget manager will also need to run the process to refresh the control budget's tree.
Transaction account does not roll up to a budget account The transaction is controlled by a control budget with one or more segments using a tree to determine the budget account. However, the account used in the transaction contains a segment value that is either not present in the tree version or lacks a parent node with the tree label specified in the control budget. Ensure the account being used for the transaction is valid for the control budget. You can contact the budget manager for confirmation. If the account is valid, the budget manager should update the tree version so the value is assigned to a parent node with the corresponding label specified by the control budget segment. The budget manager will also need to run the process to refresh the control budget's tree.
Invalid account on line, budget account cannot be created Budgetary control failed to determine the budget account on this transaction. Possible reasons include:
  • You don't have access to the budgetary controlled segment values
    • You don't have access to the parent segment value when the transaction is controlled by a control budget with one or more segments using a tree.
    • You don't have access to the derived segment value when the transaction is a payment or receivables receipt.
  • Project Expenditure Item is controlled by a control budget with GL segments and Transaction Account Builder is not configured to generate the code combination:
    • The Chart of Accounts control budget is applicable to transactions with projects.
    • The Project control budget has Supplemental Rules defined with chart of accounts segment values.

Perform the appropriate step below after determining the reason for the failure.

  • If you see this error on a project expenditure transaction, contact the application implementation consultant to configure Transaction Account Builder.
  • If you see this error on a payment or receivables receipt, contact the budget manager with the transaction account to check the security on the value sets of the cash control budget segments. If security is enabled, the budget manager should grant you access to the value.
  • Contact the budget manager with control budget, transaction account and budget date to check the security on the value sets of the control budget segments with trees assigned. If security is enabled, the budget manager should grant you access to the parent values in the tree.
Missing currency conversion information on transaction The transaction is controlled by a control budget in a different currency from the transaction currency. The currency conversion information is not available for the conversion rate type of the control budget for the budget date. The currency conversion information is required to complete the budgetary control for the transaction.

Identify conversion rate type, conversion date and budget currency from the View Budgetary Control Results page. Contact the general accounting manager with these details along with transaction currency to request adding the conversion information.

Note: The budget currency is available on the Budget view. If you don't have access to Budget view, contact the budget manager to identify the budget currency for the control budget.
No chart of accounts control budget The transaction has no project attributes and there is no control budget in place for the transaction's budget date.

Contact the budget manager to determine a suitable budget date in which the transaction is controlled by a chart of accounts control budget and update the budget date.

If the transaction needs to be consumed on entered budget date, request the budget manager to update the chart of accounts control budget to include the budget date.
No cash control budget Budgetary control is enabled for cash and either the cash control budget isn't created or the budget date on the transaction is outside the cash control budget's date range.

The budget date must be a valid date within the accounting calendar. Verify the budget date is correct and if not, change the budget date.

If the budget date is correct, contact the budget manager to confirm if budgetary control should be disabled for cash or the cash control budget needs to be created and put in use.

If the cash control budget is already in use, the date range isn't synchronized with the ledger. To synchronize the cash control budget date range with the ledger's accounting calendar, the budget manager should close the cash control budget and prepare it for use again.