Design Your Drill Path

When you define a line item in a budget account group to display in your Budget Monitor, you select a segment value as a starting point from a list of values that comprises of segment values organized in two categories, separated by:

  • All <Segment Value Set> Values (Example: All Account Values)
  • <Tree>-<Version> / R_<Tree>-<Version> (Example: Account-V1 / R_ Account-V1)
The category from which you select your segment value depends on whether your control budget uses a tree for the segment and your choice of drill-down experience as listed in this table:
If you want to Segment value selection and drill path if the segment uses tree in your control budget Segment value selection and drill path if the segment does not use tree in your control budget
Directly report on a segment value where balances are recorded
  • Select the summary segment value within <Tree>-<Version> or R_<Tree>-<Version>, such as 5200 (Personnel Service) where balances are recorded, for your budget account group line item.
  • Budget Monitor directly reports on 5200 (Personnel Service).
  • Drill link is not provided because balances are not recorded at the next level - 5201 (Salary).
  • Select the detailed segment value within All <Segment Value Set> Values, such as 5201 (Salary) where balances are recorded, for your budget account group line item.
  • Budget Monitor directly reports on 5201 (Salary).
  • Drill link is not applicable.
Start with a total across all segment values and drill directly to the segment values where balances are recorded
  • Select All Account Values in your budget account group line item. Budget Monitor starts by displaying the total balance across all segment values for All Account Values.
  • Drill down on All Account Values immediately displays individual summary account segment values where balances are recorded, such as 5200_Base (Personnel Service).

    Note that _Base is suffixed to the summary segment value 5200 necessary for the reporting cube.

    It is recommended that you select Account-V1 (see the next row) instead of this All Account Values if your segment uses tree in your control budget to avoid segment values with this _Base suffix.

  • Select All Account Values in your budget account group line item. Budget Monitor starts by displaying the total balance across all segment values for All Account Values.
  • Drill down on All Account Values immediately displays individual account segment values where balances are recorded, such as 5201 (Salary).
Start with a total across all segment values or a subtotal for a subset of segment values and drill down one level at a time along the hierarchy
  • Select Account-V1 in your budget account group line item. Budget Monitor starts by displaying the total balance across all segment values for Account-V1.
  • Drill down on Account-V1 displays 3000 (Net Income), which drills down to 5000 (Total Expenditures), which drills down to 5100 (Total General Administration Expenditures), which drills down to 5200 (Personnel Service). Assuming your control budget record balances at 5200 (Personnel Service) summary level, it won’t drill further down to 5201 (Salary).
  • Select 5100 (Total General Administration Expenditures) within Account-V1 in your budget account group line item. Budget Monitor starts by displaying the subtotal balance for 5100 (Total General Administration Expenditures).
  • The drill path is the same as above except it starts from 5100 (Total General Administration Expenditures).
  • Account-V1 is not available when you define your budget account group if the segment does not use tree in your control budget.
  • Select R_Account-V1 instead in your budget account group that can be made available by running the Add Reporting Tree for Budgetary Control Cubes process. Budget Monitor starts by displaying the total balance across all segment values for R_Account-V1.
  • Drill down on R_Account-V1 displays 3000 (Net Income), which drills down to 5000 (Total Expenditures), which drills down to 5100 (Total General Administration Expenditures), which drills down to 5200 (Personnel Service), which drills down to 5201 (Salary), where balances are recorded.
  • Select 5100 (Total General Administration Expenditures) within R_Account-V1 in your budget account group line item. Budget Monitor starts by displaying the subtotal balance for 5100 (Total General Administration Expenditures).
  • The drill path is the same as above except it starts from 5100 (Total General Administration Expenditures).