Add Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule Line Attributes

After you save the header-level fields for a federal attribute supplemental rule, you can add line-level information such as reporting codes, allocations, and filters.

Here are key points you should consider when defining federal attribute supplemental rule line attributes:
  • The reporting code must be unique across all the lines and allocations for a federal attribute supplemental rule. This means that you can’t add a reporting code if it’s already been added to another line or allocation for the federal attribute supplemental rule. For example, if the reporting code for Line 1 is ABC, you can’t enter reporting code ABC for any other line or allocation for the federal attribute supplemental rule.
  • When you define filters for a federal attribute supplemental rule line, you can select a segment only once for a line.
  • When defining filters, if you don’t specifically define a value for any segment associated with the ledger, all the values for that segment will be considered when the validation process runs to check for overlapping values.
  1. On Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule, in the Line Attributes area, click Add.
  2. On New Line, complete the following fields in the header area:
    • Reporting Code: Enter or select the reporting code.
      • If a source lookup type is defined for the federal attribute, this field displays a list of values in the drop-down list from which you can select a value.
      • If the source lookup type isn't defined or a table-validated value set is defined for the federal attribute, this is a free-form text field. If a format-based value set is defined for the federal attribute, the value that you enter will be validated against the predefined format.
    • From Period: Select the beginning period for the federal attribute supplemental rule line. The from period is the accounting period from which the federal attribute supplemental rule line is effective.
    • To Period: Select the ending period for the federal attribute supplemental rule line. The to period is the accounting period until which the federal attribute supplemental rule line is effective.
  3. To add allocations:
    1. In the Allocations area, click Create Allocation, complete these fields on the new row that appears, and then click Apply on the row:
      • Reporting Code: Enter or select the reporting code.
        • If a source lookup type is defined for the federal attribute, this field displays a list of values in the drop-down list from which you can select a value.
        • If a source lookup type isn't defined or a table-validated value set is defined for the federal attribute, this is a free-form text field. If a format-based value set is defined for the federal attribute, the value that you enter will be validated against the predefined format.
      • Percentage: Enter the allocation percentage. This is the percentage allocated for the reporting code on the selected row. You can enter a percentage up to one decimal place.
    2. Add more allocations, edit an allocation, or delete an allocation as needed. To edit an allocation, click Edit on the row. To delete an allocation, click Delete on the row.
      Note: The sum of the percentage of all allocations for a line must be 100.
  4. To add filters:
    1. In the Filters area, click Create Filter, complete these fields on the new row that appears, and then click Apply on the row:
      • Segment: Select the accounting segment from the list of segments for the ledger.
      • Operator: Select Between, Equal To, or Not Equal To.
      • Value: Enter a value if you selected Equal To or Not Equal To as the operator.
      • Low Value: Enter the low value for the range of values if you selected Between as the operator.
        Note: You must enter a low value that’s less than or equal to the high value.
      • High Value: Enter the high value for the range of values if you selected Between as the operator.
        Note: You must enter a high value that’s more than or equal to the low value.
    2. Add more filters, edit a filter, or delete a filter as needed. To edit a filter, click Edit on the row. To delete a filter, click Delete on the row.
  5. Click Save and Close to save your changes and return to the Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule page for the federal attribute, or click Save and New to save your changes and define attributes for a new line.

    The line attributes appear in the Line Attributes area of the Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule page. The Allocated field displays a check mark if allocations are defined for the line, and the Validation Status field displays "Pending" to indicate that the line attributes are pending validation.

  6. In the Line Attributes area, add more line attributes, edit a line attribute, or delete a line attribute as needed. To edit a line attribute, click Edit on the row. To delete a line attribute, click Delete on the row.

What to do next

After defining the line attributes for a federal attribute supplemental rule, you can validate the attributes.