Configure SAM Supplier Profile Change Approvals

Use the Manage Internal Supplier Profile Change Approvals setup task to set up the approval routing policies for System for Award Management (SAM) supplier profile changes made by internal users through the Suppliers work area.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Internal Supplier Profile Change Approvals task:
    • Offering: Procurement
    • Functional Area: Approval Management
    • Task: Manage Internal Supplier Profile Change Approvals
  2. Click Edit Rules.
  3. From the Actions menu, click Create.
  4. In Create Rule, complete these fields:
    Field Description
    Rule Enter a rule name, for example, SAM Approval Rule 1.

    Select the rule priority, for example, Medium.

    Approvers from the higher priority rule will be notified before the approvers from the lower priority rule.

    Description The rule description.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In Edit Approval Rules, select the rule that you just created and click Add Condition in the Details area.
  7. In Add Condition, enter these values:
    Field Value
    Type Select Approval task attribute.
    Attribute Search for Regional Information and select Regional Information Change Request Organization Detail.
    Operator Select Equals.
    Value Type Select Value.
    Value Enter Y.
  8. Click OK.
  9. In Edit Approval Rules, select the rule and click Add Action in the Actions area.
  10. In Edit Action 1, enter these values:
    Field Value
    Action Type Select Automatic
    Set Outcome To Select Rejected
  11. Click OK.
  12. Repeat steps 3-11 to create the second rule. This rule has 2 conditions. To add more than condition, click Add Another in the Add Condition dialog box.

    Use these values for the rule:

    Priority Condition 1 Condition 2 Action

    Type: Approval Task Attribute

    Attribute: Regional Information Change Request Organization Detail

    Operator: Equals

    Value Type: Value

    Value: FVxUSPOZSuppliers

    Type: Approval Task Attribute

    Attribute: Change Request Organization detail Global Attribute 3

    Operator: Does not equal

    Value Type: Value

    Value: Y

    Action Type: Approval required

    Route Using: Automatic

    Set Outcome To: Approved

  13. Repeat steps 3-11 to create the third rule. Use these values:
    Priority Condition Action

    Type: Approval Task Attribute

    Attribute: Regional Information Change Request Organization Detail

    Operator: Does not equal

    Value Type: Value

    Value: FVxUSPOZSuppliers

    Action Type: Approval required

    Route Using: Automatic

    Set Outcome To: Approved

  14. In Edit Approval Rules, click Save.
  15. Click Deploy.
  16. If a warning appears, click Yes to continue.
  17. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.
  18. In Manage Internal Supplier Profile Change Approvals, if the rules are disabled, click Enable, and then click Done.