Line Attribute Validation Example

This example shows how the segment filters defined for a federal attribute supplemental rule are validated.

The following table illustrates an example of segment ranges defined for a combination of federal attribute name, ledger, and TAS. The Validation Status shows the status of each line after the lines are validated.

Supplemental Rule Line Validation

Line From Period To Period GL Account Program Cost Center Object Validation Status
Line 1 1/2011 53100001 53200-53299 210 2501 Validated
Line 2 1/2011 53100001 2300-2499 Validated
Line 3 1/2011 53100001 53210 Failed
Line 4 1/2011 53100001 210 2500 Validated
Line 5 1/2011 53100001 53210 210 2500 Failed

Here's how the lines are validated in this example:

  • Line 1: Validation is successful because all the segment values are valid.
  • Line 2: Validated against Line 1. Validation is successful because the Object value is unique across Line 1 and Line 2.
  • Line 3: The first validation check is performed against Line 1, but the validation fails because all the segment values overlap.
  • Line 4: The validation check is performed against Line 1 and the validation is successful because the Object value is unique across the two lines. The second validation check is performed against Line 2 and the validation is successful again because the Object value is unique across the two lines. The validation against Line 3 is skipped because Line 3 already failed validation.
  • Line 5: The validation against Line 1 and Line 2 is successful, but it fails the validation against Line 4 because all the segment values overlap.