Manage Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules

Use the Manage Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules task to map Oracle Fusion account segment combinations to federal attributes and to override attribute assignment mapping defined on the Manage Federal Attributes page.

If you use federal attribute supplemental rules for overriding attribute assignments, the supplemental rule attribute values override previously assigned attribute values.

Here’s what you can do with the Manage Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules task:
  • Map the ledger, Treasury Account Symbol, and chart of account segments to a federal attribute.
  • Override the attribute assignment that's defined for a federal attribute.
  • Define a source for the federal attributes in the Federal Attributes table.
    Note: If a federal attribute is mapped to the Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule category, you must either define a source lookup on the Manage Federal Attributes page or enter the attribute domain values on the Manage Supplemental Rules page.

This table shows you the attributes that you see on the Manage Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules page:

Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule Fields

Attribute Description
Ledger The ledger associated with the federal attribute.
Federal Attribute Name The name of the federal attribute.
Treasury Account Symbol The Treasury Account Symbol associated with the selected ledger.