Manage Federal Attributes

Use the Manage Federal Attributes task to assign a federal attribute to a U.S. Federal Financials source field and lookup.

Use the Manage Federal Attributes page as a reference to identify how each attribute is mapped as it contains all the federal attributes even if the assigned field isn't editable.

You can also use the Manage Federal Attributes task to identify whether a federal attribute is used for GTAS (Governmentwide Treasury Account Symbol Adjusted Trial Balance System) and DATA Act (Digital Accountability and Transparency Act). You can add or delete federal attributes, and update the category and source values of all federal attributes except Program Activity Code.

  • You can’t update the federal attribute name.
  • You can’t delete a predefined federal attribute.
  • You can’t delete a federal attribute if federal account attributes or federal supplemental rules are defined for that attribute.

Here’s the list of fields that you can define for a federal attribute:

Federal Attributes

Attribute Description
Name Name of the U.S. Federal Financials federal attribute. This is the Federal Financials attribute that's mapped to the federal attribute.
Category The category associated with the federal attribute. Here's the list of categories you can define for a federal attribute:
  • Trading Partner
  • Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule
  • Ledger
  • Federal Account Attribute
  • Federal Fund Attribute
  • Purchase Order
Source The source associated with the federal attribute category. The list of values for this field are populated based on the selected category. For example, if you select Trading Partner as the category, the list of values populated for the Source field includes Federal or Non-Federal Code, Trading Partner Agency Identifier, and Trading Partner Main Account Code.
Source Lookup

The lookup that's associated with the source for the federal attribute.

This can be a blank value if the federal attribute category for the source is Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule. This is true for all attributes except Program Activity Code. If it's a blank value, you can enter the domain values for the attribute by using the Manage Federal Supplemental Rules task.

GTAS Identifies whether the attribute is used for GTAS reporting.
Note: If this field is set as Yes and if the attribute is defined as a USSGL account attribute, this attribute will be considered when the GTAS file creation processes are run.
DATA Act Identifies whether the attribute is used for DATA Act reporting and indicates the file type if the attribute is used for DATA Act reporting.

Here’s the list of valid values that you can define for the Source attribute for each category for a federal attribute:

Source Attribute Values

Category Source Value
Trading Partner
  • Federal Non-Federal Code
  • Trading Partner Agency Identifier
  • Trading Partner Main Account Code
Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule Reporting Code
Ledger Segments defined for the ledger
Federal Account Attribute Federal attribute names defined for the federal account attribute
Federal Fund Attribute Federal attribute names defined for the federal fund attribute
Purchase Order
  • Parent Award
  • PIID
  • FAIN
  • URI

This table describes which categories are valid when you update the category value:

Original Category Updated Category Is Updated Category Valid? (Yes/No)
Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules Federal Account Attributes Yes
Federal Fund Attributes No
Ledger Yes
Trading Partner No
Purchase Order No
Federal Account Attributes Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules Yes
Federal Fund Attributes No
Ledger Yes
Trading Partner No
Purchase Order No
Federal Fund Attributes Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules Yes
Federal Account Attributes Yes
Ledger Yes
Trading Partner No
Purchase Order No
Ledger Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules Yes
Federal Account Attributes Yes
Federal Fund Attributes No
Trading Partner No
Purchase Order No
Trading Partner Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules No
Federal Account Attributes No
Federal Fund Attributes No
Ledger No
Purchase Order No
Purchase Order Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules No
Federal Account Attributes No
Federal Fund Attributes No
Ledger No
Trading Partner No