Manage Federal Ledger Options

The Manage Federal Ledger Options page provides the ability to define ledger-specific options.

When you save a federal ledger option with a federal group and ledger combination, a process automatically creates federal account attributes for all the USSGL accounts in the USSGL tree if the attribute source is Federal Account Attributes in the Federal Attributes table. If there’s more than one attribute defined for the account on the USSGL accounts table, the first attribute will be used. The From Period on the Federal Account Attributes will be set to the first day of the first open calendar.

Attributes on the Manage Federal Ledger Options page include:




Name of the Ledger.

Federal Group

Identifies the federal group assigned to the ledger.


USSGL tree for the Ledger.

Federal Account Attribute Status Indicates the status of the federal account attributes for the USSGL accounts associated with the ledger and federal group:
  • Success: Federal account attributes are successfully created.
  • Processing: Federal account attributes are in the process of being created.
  • Error: The federal account attribute creation process ended in error.