Manage Payment Type Mapping

Use the Payment Type Mapping task to map a payment type to a pay group.

Here's the list of attributes that you can see on the Manage Payment Type Mapping page:
Attribute Description
Payment Format Code Identifies whether the payment format is SPS or PAM.
Pay Group The pay group used for the mapping.
Payment Type Code The payment type that's being mapped to the pay group.
Check Type The check type that's being mapped to the pay group. Valid check types are:
  • Check with Stub

  • Check without Stub

Electronic Type The electronic type that's being mapped to the pay group. Valid electronic types for the SPS payment format are CCD and PPD. Valid electronic types for the PAM payment format are CCD, PPD, IAT, and CTX.
Note: You must select Pay Alone for invoices when you use SPS ACH or PAM ACH with the Electronic Type set to CCD, CCD SDP, PPD, PPD SDP or IAT.
Wire Identifies whether wired payments are permitted for the pay group.
Note: This applies only to SPS payments. Enable it only if no electronic type is set for the SPS format.

To map a payment type to a pay group, perform these steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Payment Type Mapping task:

    • Offering: Financials

    • Functional Area: U.S. Federal Financials

    • Task: Manage Payment Type Mapping

  2. Click Add Mapping.

  3. On the Create Payment Type Mapping page, select the payment format.

  4. Select the pay group that you want to map to the payment format.

  5. Select the payment type code.
    Note: Payment type codes are specific for SPS and PAM formats.
  6. Select the applicable check type and electronic type.

  7. If the selected pay group supports wired payments, select the Wire check box.
    Note: The Wire check box appears only for SPS payment formats. Select the Wire check box only if no electronic type is mapped to the payment type.
  8. Click Save and Close.