Tax Rule Details for Simulated Transaction Lines

For the tax lines associated with each transaction line, you can review the tax rule details that are specific to each tax line, such as:

  • Rule results

  • Rule conditions

  • Tax rules process results

Rule Results

Use the Rule Results table to view the tax rules that are applied to each tax line for each tax calculation process. For each rule type, you can:

  • View the processed result.

  • Verify whether the result was determined by a tax rule or the default value.

When a tax rule is applied, you can determine the associated tax rule from the Rule Results table.

Rule Conditions

By selecting the Determine Tax Registration row, you can review the rule conditions that are successfully evaluated in the Determine Tax Registration: Rule Conditions table.

The following table shows the attributes displayed:

Determining Factor Class

Class Qualifier

Tax Determining Factor Name


Value or From Range

To Range


Ship-from party

Registration Status

Equal to

Not Registered

Tax Rules Process Results

Use the Tax Rules Process Results table to view the processing and evaluation of the rules associated with a rule type. For each associated rule, the process result consists of one of the following:

  • Failed

  • Successful

  • Not evaluated

For each rule in the Tax Rules Process Results table, you can also review:

  • Rule information: Provides a summary of details associated with the tax rule, such as configuration owner, tax regime, tax, effectivity, rule order, and tax determining set code.

  • Event information: Provides additional information for the event class if the rule is defined as applicable to a specific event class.

  • Geography information: Provides additional parent geography and geography details defined for a specific tax rule if the rule is geography specific.

For each tax rule listed in the Tax Rules Process Results table, you can drill-down to the associated rule conditions to review the condition details.

For example, if your transaction is correctly using tax rules to calculate taxes but is applying an incorrect tax rule, use the Tax Rules Process Results table to review the rule order and the associated rule conditions for each tax rule.