Confirm Treasury Payment Schedules

After submitting a treasury payment schedule, if the Summary Schedule Creation process completes successfully, you can confirm the payment schedule.

Before you start

To confirm summary schedules, you must have the Confirm Treasury Schedules (ORA_FV_TC_CONFIRM_PRIV) privilege assigned to your role.

  1. On the Home page, select U.S. Federal Financials and then click Treasury Payment Schedules.

  2. On Manage Treasury Payment Schedules, select the PAM toggle button to view PAM payment schedules or the SPS toggle button to view SPS payment schedules.

  3. Select the payment schedule and make the necessary updates:

    • Enter a confirmation date for the payment schedule. Double-click the Confirmation Date field and select a date from the calendar. Alternatively, click the Edit icon and select a confirmation date.

      Note: The confirmation date must be later than the schedule date.
    • Enter the check ranges in the From Range and To Range fields. After you enter the From Range value, the To Range value is automatically populated based on the Number of Payments value. For example, if the Number of Payments value is 3, the To Range value is automatically populated as 3 after you enter the From Range value.

    • If the number of payments is greater than 1, you can update the Range Type value. Click the Range Type field and then select either Single or Multiple range type from the drop-down list. If you select the Multiple range type, you must enter the payment ranges by clicking the Payment Ranges button.
      Note: If you change the Range Type value from Multiple to Single, the payment ranges defined for the payment schedule will be deleted.
  4. Click Save. A message appears, indicating that the treasury payment schedule has been updated and the Confirm button is enabled.

  5. Click Confirm.
    Note: The Confirm button will be enabled or disabled based on these conditions:
    • Enabled only if the status of the treasury payment schedule is either Unconfirmed or Reversed

    • Disabled if the confirmation date is not defined

    • Disabled if the payment ranges are not defined


The status of the payment schedule changes to In Process. Click Refresh to refresh the page.

After the Treasury Schedule Confirmation process completes successfully, a message appears to indicate that the treasury payment schedule is confirmed, and the status of the payment schedule changes to Confirmed.