Parameters for Prompt Payment Date Calculation Process

You must provide these submission parameters for the Prompt Payment Date Calculation process:



Business Unit

Only include invoices for the business unit

Generate Report

Determines if the process produces a report

In addition to the required parameters, you can also enter these optional parameters:



Pay Group

Only include invoices for the Pay Group (if provided)

Payment Method

Only include invoices for the Pay Method (if provided)


Only include invoices for the Supplier (if provided)

Supplier Type

Only include invoices for the Supplier Site (if provided)

Invoice Information

If the Generate Report parameter is entered, the process generates a Prompt Payment Date Calculation report. This report is sorted by Supplier, Supplier Site, and Invoice Number.

For each invoice, the report displays the following invoice information:



Invoice Number

Invoice Header

Invoice Received

Invoice Header

Goods Received

Invoice Header

Due Days

Payment Terms Installment

Interest Basis Days

Payment Terms Installment

Overdue Return Days

Original Invoice Returned Date minus Original Invoice Received Date minus Invoice Return Days

Due Date

Use the latest of the Invoice Line Basis Due Dates plus Due Days minus Overdue Return Days

Interest Basis Date

Due Date minus Days plus Interest Basis Days minus Overdue Return Days

Prompt Payment Date

Interest Basis Date plus Number of days to the next working day, if the Interest Basis Date is a nonworking day

Purchase Order Information

For each invoice, the report displays the Purchase Order Schedule line referenced by the invoice along with this Purchase Order information:



Invoice Line Number

Invoice Lines

PO Number

Invoice Lines

PO Line

Invoice Lines

PO Schedule

Invoice Lines

Quantity Invoiced

Invoice Lines

Match Level

Purchase Order Schedule

Constructive Acceptance Days

Payment Terms Header

Basis Acceptance Date

For a 3-way or 4-way match, the receipt with the latest Basis Acceptance Date with a nonzero value in the Receipt Quantity Invoiced is used.

Basis Due Date

  • In case of a direct invoice, the Invoice Received date or the Goods Received Date (if supplied), whichever is later.

  • In other cases, the Basis Acceptance Date or the Invoice Received date, whichever is later.

Receipt Information

For each Purchase Order Schedule line, the report displays Receipts (if applicable).

The following Receipt information is displayed:



Receipt Date

Receipt Header

Acceptance Date

Transaction Date of the receipt inspection record

Constructive Acceptance Date

In case of a 4-way match, the Constructive Acceptance Days is added to the Receipt Date.

Basis Acceptance Date

  • In case of a 3-way match, the Receipt Date and Acceptance Date are the same and used as the Basis Acceptance Date.

  • In case of a 4-way match, the Acceptance Date or the Constructive Acceptance Date, whichever is earlier.

Quantity Accepted

  • For 3-way match, Quantity Received for 3-Way match records.

  • For 4-way match, Quantity inspected and accepted for 4-Way match records.

Consumed Receipt Quantity

  • Receipt quantities applied to previously paid invoices.

  • Receipt quantities applied to unpaid validated invoice lines matched against the same purchase order shipment. These are selected in the order of Invoice Received Date, starting with the earliest.

Available Receipt Quantity

Receipt quantity available for matching against the PO line. Its value is Quantity Accepted minus Consumed Receipt Quantity.

Receipt Quantity Invoiced

Receipt quantity allocated against the current invoice line reported.