Cancellation of Payment Requests for Expense Reports

The ability to cancel payment requests for expense reports allows companies to stop the reimbursement processing and communicate real-time status to the employees.

Only the payment requests that are invoiced or validated are eligible for cancellation.

As Payables supervisor, navigate to the Invoices work area in Payables and search for the payment report in the Manage Invoices page. Click Cancel Invoice from the Action.

When the Payables supervisor cancels the payment request for an expense report, the Expense application:

  • Updates the status of expense report
  • Deletes both pay expense reports created to pay corporate card issuers
  • Reverses the cash advance applications.

On the Audit Expense Report page, an auditor can update a canceled expense report and process it again for expense reimbursement or return a canceled expense report to the employee.

Employees can see the expense report status in the Expenses work area in real-time thus reducing inquiries to the accounts payable department. When a payment request is canceled, the associated expense report status is changed to Invoice Canceled and a suffix (+1) is added to the expense report number. Employees cannot take any action on an expense report in the Invoice Canceled status.

Employees can see the expense report status in the Expenses work area thus reducing inquiries to the accounts payable department. Employees can rework on the returned report and resubmit it. If the expense report is in the invoice canceled status, you cannot reprocess it.

A payables supervisor can cancel the following types of payment requests for expense reports.

  • Expense reports containing cash expenses

    When reprocessed for reimbursement, a new payment request to an employee is created.

  • Expense reports containing individual pay corporate card transactions

    When reprocessed for reimbursement, a new payment request to an employee is created.

  • Expense report containing both pay corporate card transactions

    When one of the payment request is in payment process status, the application prevents the supervisor from further action. When the payment requests are in invoiced or validated statuses, the application alerts the supervisor that payment requests for both the employee and the card issuer will be canceled. When the expense report is reprocessed for reimbursement, the application creates two new payment requests, one for the employee and the second for the card issuer.

  • Expense report containing company pay card transactions

    When a payment request for the card issuer is canceled, the invoice number is removed from the card transactions and these transactions are available for reprocessing. When a payment request for the employee is canceled, the expense report status is changed to Invoice Canceled.