When will my expense be sent to my manager for approval?

If automatic submission of expenses is enabled, you will know the expense is complete and prepared for submission to your manager when the Expense Assistant tells you that the expense will be automatically submitted to your manager.

If expense details are complete and the expense is ready for submission, the application also provides the automatic submission date.

If you paid for an expense with personal funds or don't have a corporate card, the application submits the expense in the next scheduled auto submit run. Auto submit runs are set up by your Expense Assistant's administrator and the frequency of these auto submit runs is communicated to you..

If you used your corporate card to pay for an expense, the application waits to receive the credit card charge data from the corporate card provider. Then, it matches your filed expense with the charge record. By default, the application pays matched charges to the corporate credit card provider. However, if the corporate card charges aren't received or they don't match your expense, the application keeps waiting indefinitely to find the corporate card match. In such a case, you can submit the expense from the Expenses web application.

If you have disabled automatic submission, the application waits for you to submit your expenses manually through the Expense Assistant or the Expenses web application.