Financial Application Administrator (Job Role)

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Role Hierarchy

The Financial Application Administrator job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Financial Application Administrator
    • Accounting Hub Administration
      • Business Intelligence Consumer

    • Application World Reference Administration

    • Bill Management Setup
      • Bill Management Registration Management

    • Budgetary Control Administration

    • Business Process Human Taskflow Administration Duty
      • Business Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration

    • Cash Management Administration
      • Customer Account Inquiry

      • Functional Setups

    • Collections Administration

    • Corporate Card Account Administration
      • Employee Bank Account Management

      • Functional Setups

    • Download data for General Ledger Export

    • Download data for Payments Export

    • Download data for Receivables Export

    • Download data for Tax Export

    • Enterprise Structures Administration
      • Accounting Hub Administration
        • Business Intelligence Consumer

      • Application World Reference Administration

      • Business Intelligence Consumer

      • Customer Account Inquiry

      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

      • Fixed Asset Inquiry
        • Customer Account Inquiry

        • Payables Invoice Inquiry

      • Functional Setups

      • Legal Entities Administration
        • Functional Setups

    • Expenses Administration
      • Functional Setups

    • External Connectivity Configuration Administration

    • Federal Administration

    • Financial Transaction Approval Reviewing

    • Financials Administration for Brazil

    • Financials Approval Workflow Management

    • Fixed Asset Administration

    • General Accounting Functional Administration
      • Accounting Hub Administration
        • Business Intelligence Consumer

      • Customer Account Inquiry

      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

      • Functional Setups

      • Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status

    • General Ledger Technical Administration
      • Functional Setups

    • Import Chart Of Accounts

    • Import Customer

    • Import Tax Rate

    • Joint Venture Application Administrator
      • Accounting Hub Administration
        • Business Intelligence Consumer

      • Functional Setups User
        • Functional Setups

    • Legal Entities Administration
      • Functional Setups

    • Manage Users
      • Manage User Account
        • Edit User Name

        • Manage User Roles

        • Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only

    • Payables Administration
      • Functional Setups

    • Payments Data Security Administration

    • Payments Disbursement Administration

    • Payments Funds Capture Administration

    • Receivables Administration
      • Customer Maintenance
        • Customer Account Inquiry

        • Customer Payment Instrument Management

        • FSCM Load Interface Administration

        • Party Taxpayer Identifier PII

        • Trading Community Import Batch Management

        • Trading Community Import Process Management

      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

      • Resource Administration
        • Application World Reference Administration

        • Manage Users
          • Manage User Account
            • Edit User Name

            • Manage User Roles

            • Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only

        • Use User Details Service

      • Resource Organization Administration

      • Trading Community Data Quality Administration

    • Revenue Management Configuration Administration

    • SOA Infra Operations

    • Tax Administration
      • Customer Account Inquiry

      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

      • Party Taxpayer Identifier PII

      • Supplier Profile Inquiry
        • Supplier Qualification Viewing

    • Upload data for General Ledger Import

    • Upload data for Receivables Import

    • Upload data for Tax Import

    • Upload security credential files for Payments Import

    • Withholding Tax Administration
      • Supplier Profile Inquiry
        • Supplier Qualification Viewing


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Financial Application Administrator job role.

Duty Role Description

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Bill Management Registration Management

Manage customer registration.

Bill Management Setup

Manages Bill Management Setup objects.

Budgetary Control Administration

Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control

Business Intelligence Consumer

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.

Business Process Engineering Human Taskflow Administration

This role grants a user the privilege to perform administrative actions in the workflow functionality via the worklist UI. A user in this role will be able to view all tasks in the system, recover errored (incorrectly assigned) tasks, create approval groups and edit task configuration / rules DT@RT UI (both AMX functionality) This is a business administrator type role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Corporate Card Account Administration

Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee accounts.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Download data for General Ledger Export

Allows to download data exported from general Ledger related data.

Download data for Payments Export

Allows to download data exported from payments related data.

Download data for Receivables Export

Allows to download data exported from Receivables related data.

Download data for Tax Export

Allows to download data file to export tax related data.

Employee Bank Account Management

Manages employee bank accounts and other payment details.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

External Connectivity Configuration Administration

Sets up features allowing electronic communication with an external party, such as a bank or credit card processor.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Federal Administration

Manages all aspects of the U.S. Federal Financials as a super user.

Financial Transaction Approval Reviewing

Allows the status of financials transactions going through the approval process to be viewed and take the appropriate action to expedite the approval process.

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Financials Approval Workflow Management

Allows the Financials application administrator to manage Financials approval workflow rules.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

General Ledger Technical Administration

Administers technical setups for Oracle Fusion General Ledger.

Import Chart Of Accounts

Allows import of the chart of accounts.

Import Customer

Allows access to import customer.

Import Tax Rate

Allows import of tax rate.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage User Account

Manages user roles.

Manage Users

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Party Taxpayer Identifier PII

View personally identifiable information for tax registration number of type taxpayer ID.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Payables Invoice Inquiry

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Payments Disbursement Administration

Sets up features allowing disbursement of funds for supplier payments, customer refunds, and employee expense reports.

Payments Funds Capture Administration

Sets up features allowing payee-initiated payment transactions, such as customer payments by credit card or bank account transfer.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

Revenue Management Configuration Administration

Manages Revenue Management setup activities.

SOA Infra Operations

This role provides restricted management capabilities in EM. This is more of a system administrator role than a business administrator role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin. By default this application role is granted to "Administrators" and "Operators" enterprise roles.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Trading Community Data Quality Administration

Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and cleansing configurations.

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Upload data for General Ledger Import

Allows to upload data file to import chart of account segment values and hierarchies.

Upload data for Receivables Import

Allows to upload data file to import customers.

Upload data for Tax Import

Allows to upload data file to import tax related data.

Upload security credential files for Payments Import

Allows upload of wallet and key file to Payments credential store.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Aggregate Privileges

This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Financial Application Administrator job role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Edit User Name

Updates the user name associated with a person.

Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status

Manages Oracle Fusion General Ledger period status.

Manage User Roles

Allows management of user roles assignments.

Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Public Workers REST Service.

Use User Details Service

Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Financial Application Administrator job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Activate Subledger Journal Entry Rule Set Assignments

Allows submission of the program to activate subledger journal entry rule set assignments to accounting method.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Create Journal Entries for New Reporting Currency or Secondary Ledger

Create Journal Entries for New Reporting Currency or Secondary Ledger

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Create and Assign Subledger Standard Source

Allows submission of the process to generate sources and source assignments based on the object definitions.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Define Subledger Application

Allows creation or update of the subledger application.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Define Subledger Transaction Account Type

Allows the creation or update of the subledger transaction account type.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Generate Objects for Subledger Transaction Account Type

Generate Objects for Subledger Transaction Account Type.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Import Subledger Balance for Supporting Reference

Allows submission of the program to upload initial subledger balance for supporting reference.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Import Subledger Control Balance

Run program to upload third party initial balances

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Allows management of all application profile option settings and values at various levels to control application behavior.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Not Available

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage sub-type entities stored in the Application Set-Enabled Lookup entity. Lookup Types are lists of values such as Days of the Week or Yes/No which can be used to validate column values.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Manage sub-type entities stored in the Application Standard Lookup Values entity. Lookup Types are lists of values such as "Days of the Week" or "Yes/No" which can be used to validate columns values.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Account Rule

Allows creation or update of the subledger account rule.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Accounting Attribute

Allows update of the assignment of sources to accounting attributes.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Accounting Class Usage

Allows creation or update of the accounting class assignments.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Accounting Existing Scope

Allows creation or selection of subledger application context for setup scope.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Accounting Method

Allows creation or update of the subledger accounting method.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Accounting Option

Allows update of the subledger accounting options for a ledger.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Application Transaction Object

Allows creation or update of the subledger application transaction object.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Custom Source

Define custom sources to be used in subledger journal entry rule sets

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Description Rule

Allows creation or update of the subledger description rule.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Formula

Allows creation or update of the subledger formula.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Journal Entry Rule Set

Allows creation or update of the subledger journal entry rule set.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Journal Line Rule

Allows creation or update of the subledger journal line rule.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Mapping Set

Allows creation or update of mapping set.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Mapping Set Value

Allows creation or update of mapping set value.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Standard Source

Allows creation or update of subledger sources.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Supporting Reference

Allows creation or update of the subledger supporting reference.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Transaction Account Definition

Allows register and maintain of the subledger application and its corresponding event model such as event classes and event types.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Purge Accounting Event Diagnostic Data

Allows submission of programs to generate and purge transaction objects diagnostics data.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Account Rule

Allows review of the subledger account rule.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Accounting Attribute

Allows review of the assignment of sources to accounting attributes.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Accounting Method

Allows review of the subledger accounting method.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Accounting Option

Allows review of the subledger accounting options for a ledger.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Application

Allows review of the subledger application.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Custom Source

Define custom sources to be used in subledger journal entry rule sets

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Description Rule

Allows review of the subledger description rule.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Formula

Allows review of the subledger formula.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Journal Entry Rule Set

Allows review of the subledger journal entry rule set.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Journal Line Rule

Allows review of the subledger journal line rule.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Mapping Set

Allows review of mapping set.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Standard Source

Allows review of subledger sources.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Supporting Reference

Allows review of the subledger supporting reference.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Transaction Account Definition

Allows review of the subledger application and its corresponding event model such as event classes and event types.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Transaction Account Type

Allows review of the subledger transaction account type.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Submit Accounting Event Diagnostic Report

Allows submission of programs to generate and purge transaction objects diagnostics data.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Update Subledger Accounting Balance

Allows submission of the program to update subledger third party account and supporting reference balances.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Update Subledger Application

Allow submission of the program to update subledger application options when there is a new subledger application registered or updates are made to event model, event class, or event type - after ledgers are defined.

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Currency

Manage currencies used by applications.

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference ISO Language

Manage ISO Languages used by applications.

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Industry

Manage Industries used by applications

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Language

Manage Languages used by applications

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Natural Language

Manage Natural Languages used by applications

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Territory

Manage Territories used by applications

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Timezone

Manage Timezones used by applications

Bill Management Registration Management

Manage customer registration.

Create User Profile

Create User Profile

Bill Management Registration Management

Manage customer registration.

Run Customer Contact Listing Report

Run Customer Contact Listing Report

Bill Management Setup

Manages Bill Management Setup objects.

Set Up Bill Management System Options

Set Up Bill Management System Options

Budgetary Control Administration

Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control

Archive and Purge Historical Budgetary Control Data

Purge and archive historical budgetary control data without data security restrictions by control budget.

Budgetary Control Administration

Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control

Create Reporting Cube

Allows the creation of a multidimensional database to report budgetary control balances.

Budgetary Control Administration

Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control

Enable Budgetary Control

Allows the configuration to enable budgetary control for ledgers, business units and business functions.

Budgetary Control Administration

Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control

Manage Carry Forward Rule for Budgetary Control

Allows the management of the business rules to carry forward pending consumption transactions that have been reserved against the current year's budget to the next year's budget.

Budgetary Control Administration

Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control

Manage Control Budgets

Allows the management of control budgets set up for budgetary control.

Budgetary Control Administration

Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control

Purge Budgetary Control Data not Affecting Balances

Purge funds check, failed funds reservations, and superseded funds reservations and archive superseded successful funds reservations without data security restrictions by control budget.

Budgetary Control Administration

Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control

Rebuild Budget Calendar Dimension

Creates or rebuilds the budget calendar dimension members and hierarchies for budgetary control balances cubes.

Budgetary Control Administration

Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control

Rebuild Budget Chart of Accounts Dimension

Creates or rebuilds the budget chart of accounts dimension members and hierarchies for a particular budget dimension in the budgetary control balances cubes.

Budgetary Control Administration

Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control

Rebuild Control Budget Dimension

Creates or rebuilds the control budget dimension members and hierarchies for budgetary control balances cubes.

Budgetary Control Administration

Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control

Refresh Tree for Budgetary Control

Allows the submission of a process to refresh the hierarchies for the budget and accounting segment values for budgetary control usage.

Budgetary Control Administration

Manages the administration tasks relating to budgetary control

Transfer Control Budget Balances to Essbase

Transfer changes in control budget balances to the budget balances cubes in Essbase.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Add Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Add Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Add Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Add Trading Community Organization Address Use

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Add Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Add Trading Community Organization Contact

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Add Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Add Trading Community Organization Contact Responsibility

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Add Trading Community Organization E-Mail

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Add Trading Community Organization Instant Messenger

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Add Trading Community Organization Phone

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Add Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows specification of organization relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Add Trading Community Organization Web Page

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Authorize Bank Account Transfer

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Correct Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Create Location of Final Discharge

Allows creation of location of final discharge.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Create Party Fiscal Classification

Allows creation of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Create Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Create Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Define Accounting Calendar

Allows definition of periods used to record and report accounting transactions.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Transaction Calendar

Allows creation and maintenance of the transaction calendar.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Enter Trading Community Organization Information

Allows the specification of organization information.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Export Trading Community Organization

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Export Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Export Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Export Trading Community Organization Addresses

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Export Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Export Trading Community Organization Contact Points

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Export Trading Community Organization Contact Preferences

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Export Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows the export of organization relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Import Party Tax Profile

Allows import of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Maintain Bank Account Transfer

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Allows management of all application profile option settings and values at various levels to control application behavior.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Allows management of application descriptive flexfields.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage implementation of the Extensible Flexfield feature on a given entity.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Allows management of value sets to validate the content of a flexfield segment. Value sets provide declarative validation for use in applications flexfield attributes and key segments.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Bank

Allows managing of banks.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Bank Account

Allows managing of bank accounts.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Bank Account Security

Allows managing of bank account security.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Bank Account Transfer Security

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Bank Branch

Allows managing of bank branches.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Bank Statement Automatic Reconciliation Matching Rule Set

Allows create, review, update, and delete of bank statement autoreconciliation rule sets.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Bank Statement Code

Allows create, review, update, and delete of bank statement codes.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Bank Statement Reconciliation Matching Rule

Allows create, review, update, and delete of bank statement reconciliation matching rules.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Bank Statement Reconciliation Tolerance

Allows create, review, update, and delete of bank statement reconciliation tolerance rules.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Bank Statement Transaction Creation Rule

Allows create, review, update, and delete of bank statement transaction creation rules.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Cash Forecasting Rule

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Cash Pool

Allows create, review, update and delete of cash pools.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Reports

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Source

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Time Bucket

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Transaction Grouping

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Worksheet

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Cash Transaction Type Mapping

Allows create, review, update, and delete of cash transaction type mapping.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Financial Application Lookups

Allows the creation or update of financial application lookups

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Organization Attachments

Allows the specification of attachments, such as documents, with an organization.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Organization Interactions

Allows the specification of interactions for an organization.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Organization Notes

Allows the entry of organization notes.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Parse Rule Set

Allows create, review, update, and delete of parse rule sets.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Payment Instrument

Allows managing of payment Instruments.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Tax Fiscal Classification Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax fiscal classification configuration data.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Tax Third-Party Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax third-party configuration data.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Trading Community Organization Source System Mapping

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Manage Trading Community Organization Usage Assignment

Allows the assignment of usages to an organization. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization usage assignment.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Move Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Remove Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Remove Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Remove Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Remove Trading Community Organization Address Use

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Remove Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Remove Trading Community Organization Contact

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Remove Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Remove Trading Community Organization Contact Responsibility

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Remove Trading Community Organization E-Mail

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Remove Trading Community Organization Instant Messenger

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Remove Trading Community Organization Phone

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Remove Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows the removal of organization relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Remove Trading Community Organization Web Page

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Restore Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Restore Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Restore Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Restore Trading Community Organization Address Use

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Restore Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Restore Trading Community Organization Contact

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Restore Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Restore Trading Community Organization Contact Responsibility

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Restore Trading Community Organization E-Mail

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Restore Trading Community Organization Instant Messenger

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Restore Trading Community Organization Phone

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Restore Trading Community Organization Relationship

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Search Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows the search of organization relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Select Trading Community Organization Address as Primary for a Purpose

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Select Trading Community Organization Contact Responsibility as Primary

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Select Trading Community Organization Contact as Primary

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Set Up Predictive Cash Forecasting

Allows setting up predictive cash forecasting.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Specify Cash Positioning and Forecasting Options

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Submit Organization Merge Request

Allows the submission of organization merge requests.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Location of Final Discharge

Allows update of location of final discharge.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Party Fiscal Classification

Allows update of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Trading Community Organization

Allows the update of the organization relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Trading Community Organization Address Use

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Trading Community Organization Contact

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Trading Community Organization E-Mail

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Trading Community Organization Instant Messenger

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Trading Community Organization Phone

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows the update of the organization relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

Update Trading Community Organization Web Page

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Accounting Calendar

Allows view access to existing groupings of accounting periods.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Bank

Allows review of banks.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Bank Account

Allows review of bank accounts.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Bank Account Transfer

Not Available

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Bank Branch

Allows review of bank branches.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Bank Statement Automatic Reconciliation Matching Rule Set

Allows review of bank statement autoreconciliation rule sets.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Bank Statement Code

Allows review of bank statement codes.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Bank Statement Reconciliation Matching Rule

Allows review of bank statement reconciliation matching rules.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Bank Statement Reconciliation Tolerance

Allows review of bank statement reconciliation tolerance rules.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Bank Statement Transaction Creation Rule

Allows review of bank statement transaction creation rules.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Cash Pool

Allows review of cash pools.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Cash Transaction Type Mapping

Allows review of cash transaction type mapping.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Oracle Fusion General Ledger Transaction Calendar

Allows view access to existing groupings of accounting periods for daily balances.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Parse Rule Set

Allows review of parse rule sets.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Payment Instrument

Allows review of payment Instruments.

Cash Management Administration

Sets up system parameters, lookups, profile options, and descriptive flexfields. Examples include cash pooling setups, bank account, and reconciliation matching rules.

View Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows viewing organization relationships.

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Configure Collections Application Preference

Allows a user to set the general collections preferences.

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Determine Collections Delinquency

Allows a user to run the delinquency management batch program.

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Maintain Collections Aging Buckets

Allows a user to maintain aging buckets.

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Maintain Collections Correspondence

Allows a user to maintain collections dunning plans.

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Maintain Collector

Allows a user to maintain collectors.

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Manage Collections Common Components

Allows user to setup common components

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Manage Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments

Allows a user to manage the scoring and strategy assignments.

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Run Aging 4-Bucket Report

Allows a user to run Aging 4-Bucket Report.

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Run Aging 7-Bucket Report

Allows a user to run Aging 7-Bucket Report.

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Run Aging 7-Bucket by Collector Report

Allows a user to run Aging 7-Bucket by Collector Report.

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Run Collections Dashboard Summary

Allows a user to run collections reports.

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Send Collections Correspondence

Allows a user to run the send dunning batch program.

Collections Administration

Maintains Collection setups.

Submit Collections Metrics

Allows a user to run Essbase batch job.

Corporate Card Account Administration

Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee accounts.

Manage Corporate Card Expense Type Mapping Rule

Allows management of rules that map corporate card expense types to transaction codes provided in the charge files.

Corporate Card Account Administration

Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee accounts.

Manage Corporate Card Expense Types Mapping

Allows management of mapping between corporate card expense types and expense types defined in expense templates.

Corporate Card Account Administration

Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee accounts.

Manage Corporate Card Issuer

Allows management of application entities that issues corporate cards to employees of the deploying company.

Corporate Card Account Administration

Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee accounts.

Manage Corporate Card Program

Allows management of application records that captures the agreement between the corporate card issuer and the deploying company, which governs the issuance of corporate cards to company employees and payments to the card issuer.

Corporate Card Account Administration

Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee accounts.

Manage Corporate Card Transaction Submission Policy

Allows management of corporate card transaction submission age limits for the deploying company.

Corporate Card Account Administration

Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee accounts.

Manage Corporate Card Usage Policy

Allows management of policies that define the maximum cash amount allowed for expense types, above which, employees must use corporate cards.

Corporate Card Account Administration

Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee accounts.

Manage Corporate Card for Employee

Allows management of corporate cards issued to employees of the deploying company.

Corporate Card Account Administration

Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee accounts.

Manage Expense Template

Allows management of expense templates and expense types for use in expense reports.

Corporate Card Account Administration

Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee accounts.

Manage Expenses System Option

Allows management of expense management implementation options for the deploying company.

Corporate Card Account Administration

Administers corporate card travel programs and procurement card programs. Manages new, active, and terminated employee accounts.

Manage Financial Application Lookups

Allows the creation or update of financial application lookups

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Export Customer Account

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Allows the export of customer account contact relationship information.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Customer Account Relationships

Allows the search of customer account relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account relationship.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Customer Account Site

Allows the search of customer account sites. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization

Allows the search of organizations. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account

Allows the viewing of customer account information.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Information

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Relationship

Allows the viewing of customer account relationship information.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Relationships

Allows the viewing of customer account relationship information.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Site

Allows the viewing of the customer account site information.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Site Use

Allows the viewing of the customer account site use information.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Location of Final Discharge

Allows view of location of final discharge.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Party Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization

Allows exporting, searching, and viewing of organization details such as addresses, classifications, identifiers, and names.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Address Use

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Source System Mapping

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Usage Assignment

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Add Customer Account Contact

Allows the specification of customer account contact information.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Add Customer Account Site Use

Allows the specification of customer account site use information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view customer account site use.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Add Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows specification of organization relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Add Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows the specification of person relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Correct Customer Account Site

Allows the correction of customer account site information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File

Allow Access to Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Customer

Create new customers to record and account for transactions, transaction activities, and other attributes of the customer relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Customer Account Site

Allows the specification of customer account site information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Location of Final Discharge

Allows creation of location of final discharge.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Party Fiscal Classification

Allows creation of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Create Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Enter Customer Account

Allows the update of customer account information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Enter Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Allows the specification of customer account contact responsibility information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account contact responsibility.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Enter Customer Account Relationship

Allows the specification of customer account relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Enter Trading Community Merge Request

Allows the creation of a manual merge request by searching and selecting the duplicate person or organization records to merge.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Export Customer Account Contact

Allows the export of customer account contact information.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Allows the export of customer account contact relationship information.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Export Customer Account Site

Allows the export of customer account contact site information.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Export Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows the export of organization relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Export Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows the export of person relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Import Party Tax Profile

Allows import of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Manage Customers

Manage customer account and site information, and the relationship with the customer.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Manage Source System Descriptive Flexfields

Allows the specification of additional fields to enter and track information that is not otherwise captured. Descriptive flexfields can be validated and dependent on other values entered in other areas of the page.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Manage Tax Fiscal Classification Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax fiscal classification configuration data.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Manage Tax Third-Party Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax third-party configuration data.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Manage Trading Community Original System

Allows the update of original system information.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Manage Trading Community Source System Lookups

Allows the specification of lookup values that provide choices related to the source system model, such as original system types.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Move Customer Account Site

Allows customer account site addresses to be corrected. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Customer Account

Allows the removal of customer accounts. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Customer Account Contact

Allows the removal of customer account contacts. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account contact.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Allows the removal of customer account contact responsibilities. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account contact responsibility.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Customer Account Relationship

Allows the removal of customer account relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Customer Account Site

Allows the removal of customer account sites. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Customer Account Site Use

Allows the removal of customer account contacts. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site use.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows the removal of organization relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Remove Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows the removal of person relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Customer Account

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Customer Account Contact

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Customer Account Relationship

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Customer Account Site

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Customer Account Site Use

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Trading Community Organization Relationship

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Restore Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows the restoration of inactive person relationships.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Customer Account Relationships

Allows the search of customer account relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Customer Account Site

Allows the search of customer account sites. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows the search of organization relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person Additional Name

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person Address

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person Classification

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person Contact Point

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Search Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows the search of person relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Select Customer Account Contact Responsibility as Primary

Allows the identification of customer account primary contact responsibilities.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Select Customer Account Contact as Primary

Allows the identification of customer account primary contacts.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Submit Trading Community Merge Request

Allows the submission of a manual merge request either to the application for immediate processing or to a data steward for processing later.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Customer Account

Allows the update of customer account information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Customer Account Contact

Allows the update of customer account contact information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account contact.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Customer Account Relationship

Allows the update of customer account contact relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Customer Account Site Use

Allows the update of customer account contact site information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Location of Final Discharge

Allows update of location of final discharge.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Party Fiscal Classification

Allows update of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows the update of the organization relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

Update Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows the update of person relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person relationship.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customer Account Contact

Allows the viewing of customer account contact information.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Allows the viewing of customer account contact information.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customer Account Relationship

Allows the viewing of customer account relationship information.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customer Account Relationships

Allows the viewing of customer account relationship information.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customer Account Site

Allows the viewing of the customer account site information.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customer Account Site Use

Allows the viewing of the customer account site use information.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Customers

Allows the viewing of the customer, account and the site information.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Location of Final Discharge

Allows view of location of final discharge.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Party Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization

Allows exporting, searching, and viewing of organization details such as addresses, classifications, identifiers, and names.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Address Use

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Relationship

Allows viewing organization relationships.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Source System Mapping

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Organization Usage Assignment

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person

Allows exporting, searching, and viewing of person details such as addresses, classifications, identifiers, and names.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Additional Name

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Address

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Address Use

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Classification Code Assignment

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Contact Points

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Contact Preference

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Relationship

Allows viewing of person relationship information.

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Source System Mapping

Not Available

Customer Maintenance

Defines and maintains Receivables attributes of customer accounts and customer account sites.

View Trading Community Person Usage Assignment

Not Available

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage External Bank and Bank Branch

Allows managing of external banks and bank branches.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage External Payer Payment Details

Allows management of payer payment details.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage Payment Card

Allows management of payment cards.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage Payment Instrument Assignment

Allows creation of payment instrument assignment

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage Third Party Bank Account

Allows update of external bank accounts.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

View Payment Card

Allows viewing of payment cards.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account

Allows viewing of external bank accounts.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account Assignment

Allows viewing of payment instrument assignments.

Employee Bank Account Management

Manages employee bank accounts and other payment details.

Manage External Payee Payment Details

Allows management of external payee payment details.

Employee Bank Account Management

Manages employee bank accounts and other payment details.

Manage Payment Instrument Assignment

Allows creation of payment instrument assignment

Employee Bank Account Management

Manages employee bank accounts and other payment details.

Manage Third Party Bank Account

Allows update of external bank accounts.

Employee Bank Account Management

Manages employee bank accounts and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account

Allows viewing of external bank accounts.

Employee Bank Account Management

Manages employee bank accounts and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account Assignment

Allows viewing of payment instrument assignments.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Assign Balancing Segment Values to Ledger

Allows assignment of balancing segment values to ledger.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Assign Balancing Segment Values to Legal Entity

Allows assignment of balancing segment values to legal entities.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Assign Business Unit Business Function

Allows the assignment of the business unit business function.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Assign Legal Entity

Allows assignment of legal entities to accounting configuration.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Assign Oracle Fusion General Ledger Data Access Set Definition

Allows assignment of data access sets.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Common Access Apps Stats Provider Service

Allows the submission of Metrics Statistics Service For Enterprise Manager process.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Create Journal Entries for New Reporting Currency or Secondary Ledger

Create Journal Entries for New Reporting Currency or Secondary Ledger

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Accounting Calendar

Allows definition of periods used to record and report accounting transactions.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Chart of Accounts Mapping

Allows definition of chart of accounts mappings.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Commitment Control Calendar

Allows definition of commitment budget calendars.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Conversion Rate Type

Allows creation of rate types.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Ledger Set

Allows definition of ledger sets.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Data Access Set

Allows definition of data access sets.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Statistical Unit Of Measure

Allows definition of statistical units of measure.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Suspense Account

Allows definition of suspense accounts.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Transaction Calendar

Allows creation and maintenance of the transaction calendar.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Reporting Currency

Allows definition of reporting currencies.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Extract Ledger Setup Definitions

Extract ledger setup data from Oracle Fusion General Ledger to support export of ledger actual balance type balances data from Enterprise Business Suite General Ledger.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Load and Maintain Account Values and Hierarchies

Allows management of value sets through import of value set values and hierarchies from Data Relationship Management, or also known as DRM. Also allows submission and scheduling of programs to audit and flatten account hierarchies.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Maintain Daily Conversion Rate

Allows maintenance of daily rates using a spreadsheet.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Maintain Segment Value Attributes

Allows propagation of segment value attribute changes to code combinations.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Account Combination Validation Rules

Allows management of account combination validation rules for a chart of accounts.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Account Cross Validation Rules

Allows management of account combinations segment cross validation rules.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Accounting Configuration

Allows management of the accounting configuration.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Accounting Flexfield Aliases

Allows management of the accounting flexfield aliases.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Accounting Flexfields Segment Value Security Rules by Spreadsheet

Allows management of accounting flexfields segment value security rules, including the assignment of such security rules to data roles, using the Rapid Implementation spreadsheet interface.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Allows management of all application profile option settings and values at various levels to control application behavior.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Data Security Policy

Allows management of security policies that restrict access to functions and data, such as preventing particular values from being accessed in a chart of account segment.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Database Resource

Manage application database resources for data security

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Allows management of application descriptive flexfields.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage implementation of the Extensible Flexfield feature on a given entity.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Allows management of value sets to validate the content of a flexfield segment. Value sets provide declarative validation for use in applications flexfield attributes and key segments.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Key Flexfield

Allows management of application key flexfields.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Tree

Manage application trees and tree versions

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Tree Structure

Manage application tree structures

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Applications Coexistence Configuration Setup

Allows for the management of the applications co-existence configuration setup.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Business Unit

Allows the definition of the business unit.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Business Unit Service Client Relationships

Allows the review of service clients.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Business Unit Service Provider Relationships

Allows create or update of business unit service provider relationships.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Business Unit Set Assignment

Allows creation or update of the business unit set assignment.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Chart of Accounts and Related Components

Allows create and edit of chart of accounts and related components.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Close Monitor Setup

Allows definition of Close Monitor setup including the ledger or ledger sets, manager, image, and account group assignments.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Enterprise Structures Rapid Implementation

Allows management of the enterprise structures setup objects through the Rapid Implementation path.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Financial Application Lookups

Allows the creation or update of financial application lookups

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany Balancing Rule

Allows creation or update of the intercompany balancing rules.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany Customer Supplier Mapping

Allows the creation or update of the customer supplier associations.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany Organization

Allows the creation or update of the intercompany organizations.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany Period Status

Allows the definition of period statuses to control the timing of intercompany transaction processing.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany Receivables Assignment

Allows the assignment of receivables transaction types and memo lines to intercompany transaction types for particular business units.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany System Option

Allows the definition of intercompany system options.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany Transaction Type

Allows the creation or update of intercompany transaction types.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Ledger Balancing Rule

Allows the creation or update of intercompany ledger options.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Legal Address

Allows creation and update of the legal address used to register with a legal authority.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Legal Authority

Allows the association of a governing legal body that operates within a jurisdiction to a legal entity for purposes of providing legal reports and financial statements.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Legal Jurisdiction

Allows the definition of the geographic area or areas for which a legal authority is responsible.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Oracle Fusion General Ledger Account Combinations

Allows management of the account combinations.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Secondary Ledger

Allows management of the secondary ledgers.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Subledger Accounting Option

Allows update of the subledger accounting options for a ledger.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Review and Submit Accounting Configuration

Allows review and submission of the accounting configuration process.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Run Balancing Segment Value Assignment Report

Allows submission of the balancing segment assignments to accounting configuration report.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Run Calendar Validation Report

Allows submission of the calendar validation report.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Run Chart of Accounts - Mapping Rules Report

Allows submission of the chart of accounts mapping rules report.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Run Daily Rates Import and Calculation Program

Allows submission of the daily rates import and calculation program.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Run Data Access Set Listing Report

Allows submission of the data access set listing report.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Run Import Chart of Accounts Mapping Segment Rollup Rules

Allows submission of the import program for chart of accounts mapping segment rollup rule.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Select Aggregation Options for Account Hierarchies

Allows selection of account balance aggregation options for the account hierarchies in Essbase.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Specify Ledger Option

Allows definition of the various additional attributes for the ledger.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Sweep Incomplete Intercompany Transaction

Allows sweep of incomplete intercompany transactions.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Accounting Calendar

Allows view access to existing groupings of accounting periods.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Accounting Configuration

Allows view access to the current status and details of the accounting configuration and running the Rapid Implementation enterprise structure listing report.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Accounting Flexfield Aliases

Allows review of the accounting flexfield aliases.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Commitment Control Calendar

Allows view access of commitment budget calendars.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Daily Conversion Rate

Allows view access to daily conversion information.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Ledger Set

Allows view access to existing collections of ledgers intended for batch processing or financial reports.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Oracle Fusion General Ledger Data Access Set Definition

Allows view access of data access set definitions and makes data access set selection.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Oracle Fusion General Ledger Transaction Calendar

Allows view access to existing groupings of accounting periods for daily balances.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Configure Expense-Specific Field

Allows configuration of the display behavior of expense category fields in expense reports.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Configure Expense-Specific Tax Field

Allows configuration of the display behavior of tax fields in expense reports.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Extend Employee Matching Rule

Allows addition of new rules for matching corporate cards to employees.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Link Corporate Expense Policy to Expenses Work Area

Allows linkage of the corporate expense policies page or web site to the Oracle Fusion Expenses work area.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Allows management of application descriptive flexfields.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage implementation of the Extensible Flexfield feature on a given entity.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Allows management of value sets to validate the content of a flexfield segment. Value sets provide declarative validation for use in applications flexfield attributes and key segments.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Cash Advance Policy

Allows management of cash advance policies and options for the deploying company.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Conversion Rate and Policy

Allows management of conversion rates and tolerances for a specific business unit for use in expense reports.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Corporate Card Expense Types Mapping

Allows management of mapping between corporate card expense types and expense types defined in expense templates.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Corporate Card Transaction Submission Policy

Allows management of corporate card transaction submission age limits for the deploying company.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Cumulative Mileage Determinant

Allows the management of cumulative mileage determinants for employees in a business unit and a legal entity.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Expense Partner Accounts

Allows access to view and edit partner account settings in Expenses.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Expense Partner Configurations

Allows access to configure partners in Expenses.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Expense Report Terms and Conditions

Allows management of expense report terms and conditions for the deploying company.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Expense Template

Allows management of expense templates and expense types for use in expense reports.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Expenses System Option

Allows management of expense management implementation options for the deploying company.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Extensions for Expenses

Not Available

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Financial Application Lookups

Allows the creation or update of financial application lookups

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Policies by Expense Category

Allows the management of expense reimbursement policies by expense category.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Travel Itinerary Validation Rules

Allows creation and update of travel itinerary validation rules to be assigned to the import process for a travel partner Integration or travel partner booking site.

Expenses Administration

Manages company's expense reporting system, including policies and processes.

Manage Travel Partner Integrations

Allows creation and update of travel partner integrations and travel partner booking site configurations.

External Connectivity Configuration Administration

Sets up features allowing electronic communication with an external party, such as a bank or credit card processor.

Integrate External Payment System

Allows integration of external payment systems.

External Connectivity Configuration Administration

Sets up features allowing electronic communication with an external party, such as a bank or credit card processor.

Manage BI Publisher Template

Allows management of BI Publisher templates.

External Connectivity Configuration Administration

Sets up features allowing electronic communication with an external party, such as a bank or credit card processor.

Manage Code Map Groups

Allows management of code map groups, sets of externally specified codes used to represent internal values in formatted payment files or reports.

External Connectivity Configuration Administration

Sets up features allowing electronic communication with an external party, such as a bank or credit card processor.

Manage Oracle Fusion Payments Format

Allows management of Oracle Fusion Payments formats.

External Connectivity Configuration Administration

Sets up features allowing electronic communication with an external party, such as a bank or credit card processor.

Manage Payment System

Allows management of payment systems, which are representations of external organizations that process funds capture and disbursement transactions.

External Connectivity Configuration Administration

Sets up features allowing electronic communication with an external party, such as a bank or credit card processor.

Manage Transmission Configuration

Allows management of transmission configuration, which controls transmission of payment information to payment systems for processing.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

Allow financials and supply chain users to access the methods associated with the Integration Rest Service.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load File to Interface

Allows file data load to interface tables

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load Interface File for Import

Allows a user to load interface file for import

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Manage File Import and Export

Privilege to manage import and export of files.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Transfer File

Allows management of file transfer from server

Federal Administration

Manages all aspects of the U.S. Federal Financials as a super user.

Enable Budgetary Control

Allows the configuration to enable budgetary control for ledgers, business units and business functions.

Federal Administration

Manages all aspects of the U.S. Federal Financials as a super user.

Manage Federal Budget Setup

Lets you define and manage the setup required to process Federal budgets.

Federal Administration

Manages all aspects of the U.S. Federal Financials as a super user.

Manage Federal Financials Setup

Lets you define and manage the setup required for Federal financials

Federal Administration

Manages all aspects of the U.S. Federal Financials as a super user.

Manage Federal Payment Processing Setup

Lets you define and manage the setup required for Federal payment processing.

Federal Administration

Manages all aspects of the U.S. Federal Financials as a super user.

Manage Federal Reporting Setup

Lets you define and manage the setup required for Federal reports.

Federal Administration

Manages all aspects of the U.S. Federal Financials as a super user.

Submit Budget Execution Controls

Lets you submit and update budget execution controls.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Archive Financials Business Objects

Allows archive of Financials business objects.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Assign Roles to User

Allows assignment of roles to users.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Create Business Process Stream

Allows creation of Business Process Stream objects.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Generate Cloud Usage Metrics for Financials

Allows generating the cloud usage metrics for Financials.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Maintain Historical Conversion Rate

Allows maintenance of historical rates using a spreadsheet.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Maintain Reports and Analytics Region

Allows selection of reports to appear in the Reports and Analytics region of Oracle Fusion Applications work areas.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Application Menu Customization

Manage application menu customizations

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Banking Configurations for J.P. Morgan

Allows management of turnkey onboarding of J.P. Morgan and setup configuration for all business flows supported by the bank.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Financial Applications Workflow Rules

Allows creation or modification of workflow rules for Financial Applications.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Help Content

Allows addition, modification, and maintenance of help content.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Intercompany Balancing Rule

Allows creation or update of the intercompany balancing rules.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Intercompany Customer Supplier Mapping

Allows the creation or update of the customer supplier associations.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Intercompany Organization

Allows the creation or update of the intercompany organizations.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Intercompany Period Status

Allows the definition of period statuses to control the timing of intercompany transaction processing.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Intercompany Receivables Assignment

Allows the assignment of receivables transaction types and memo lines to intercompany transaction types for particular business units.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Intercompany Rule

Allows configuration of relationships between two or more business units for the purpose of initiating financial transactions between those business units.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Intercompany System Option

Allows the definition of intercompany system options.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Intercompany Transaction Type

Allows the creation or update of intercompany transaction types.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Lease Configuration

Manage Lease Configuration

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Ledger Balancing Rule

Allows the creation or update of intercompany ledger options.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Manage Partner Configurations

Allows management of global partner onboarding activities and related configurations.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Mass Create Legal Entity HCM Information

Allows mass creation of legal entity HCM information.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Personalize Financial UI

Allows personalization of financial application UI

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Remove Personally Identifiable Information in Financials

Allows removal of personally identifiable information of an individual who is no longer associated with the organization

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Reset Password

Allows reset password links to be emailed to users.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Review Historical Conversion Rate

Allows review of historical rates using a spreadsheet.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Run BPM Workflow Reports

Allows submission of various workflow related reports including reports for workflow rules configuration, approval groups, employee vacation and delegation rules in BPM, and status of the transaction in workflow process.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Run ERP Maintenance Processes

Allows submission of maintenance processes in ERP

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Set Watchlist Options

Allows specification of the Watchlist categories and items available at the site.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

Sweep Incomplete Intercompany Transaction

Allows sweep of incomplete intercompany transactions.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

View Business Process Stream

Allows view of Business Process Stream objects.

Financial Application Administrator

Manages financial application administration. Collaborates with financial application users to maintain consistent financial application setup, rules, and access.

View Lease Configuration

View Lease Configuration

Financial Transaction Approval Reviewing

Allows the status of financials transactions going through the approval process to be viewed and take the appropriate action to expedite the approval process.

Review Approval Transactions

Allows viewing of basic information for approval transactions.

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Create Bank Collection Update Codes for Brazil

Create Bank Collection Update Codes for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Create Bank Instruction Codes for Brazil

Create Bank Instruction Codes for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Create Collections Remittance Batch Templates for Brazil

Create Collections Remittance Batch Templates for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Create Global Receipt Methods for Brazil

Create Global Receipt Methods for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Create Local Holidays for Brazil

Create Local Holidays for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Manage Accounting Configuration for the Americas

Define accounting configuration for Mexico and Brazil.

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Manage Bank Collection Update Codes for Brazil

Manage Bank Collection Update Codes for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Manage Bank Instruction Codes for Brazil

Manage Bank Instruction Codes for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Manage Collections Remittance Batch Templates for Brazil

Manage Collections Remittance Batch Templates for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Manage Fiscal Attribute Templates

Manage fiscal attribute templates.

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Manage Fiscal Document Controls for Business Units

Manage fiscal document controls for business units.

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Manage Fiscal Document Generation Controls

Manage fiscal document generation controls.

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Manage Fiscal Document Sequences

Manage fiscal document sequences.

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Manage Global Receipt Methods for Brazil

Manage Global Receipt Methods for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Manage Local Holidays for Brazil

Manage Local Holidays for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Manage Localization System Options

Manage localization system options.

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Manage Participant Relationship for Brazil

Create and edit participant relationships for Brazil.

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Manage Participant Relationships for Brazil

Create and edit participant relationships for Brazil.

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Update Bank Collection Update Codes for Brazil

Update Bank Collection Update Codes for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Update Bank Instruction Codes for Brazil

Update Bank Instruction Codes for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Update Collections Remittance Batch Templates for Brazil

Update Collections Remittance Batch Templates for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Update Global Receipt Methods for Brazil

Update Global Receipt Methods for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

Update Local Holidays for Brazil

Update Local Holidays for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

View Bank Collection Update Codes for Brazil

View Bank Collection Update Codes for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

View Bank Instruction Codes for Brazil

View Bank Instruction Codes for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

View Collections Remittance Batch Templates for Brazil

View Collections Remittance Batch Templates for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

View Global Receipt Methods for Brazil

View Global Receipt Methods for Brazil

Financials Administration for Brazil

Configure Brazil country specific functionality for Financials.

View Local Holidays for Brazil

View Local Holidays for Brazil

Financials Approval Workflow Management

Allows the Financials application administrator to manage Financials approval workflow rules.

Manage Payables Invoice Approval Workflow

Allows management of Payables invoice approval workflow rules.

Financials Approval Workflow Management

Allows the Financials application administrator to manage Financials approval workflow rules.

View Payables Invoice Approval Workflow

Allows viewing of Payables invoice approval workflow rules.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Allows management of all application profile option settings and values at various levels to control application behavior.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Allows management of application descriptive flexfields.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage implementation of the Extensible Flexfield feature on a given entity.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Allows management of value sets to validate the content of a flexfield segment. Value sets provide declarative validation for use in applications flexfield attributes and key segments.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Application Key Flexfield

Allows management of application key flexfields.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Financial Application Lookups

Allows the creation or update of financial application lookups

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Bonus Rule

Allows management of bonus rules to take additional depreciation for assets.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Book

Allows management of asset books, each of which can have its own set of accounting rules and accounts to organize and implement fixed assets reporting and tax accounting policies.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Calendar

Allows the definition of accounting periods used for reporting and tax purposes.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Cash Generating Unit

Allows management of cash generating units that is used to group assets for impairment loss calculation.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Category

Allows management of asset categories, which are used to classify and group fixed assets. Categories are assigned to books and define default depreciation rules and accounts, which are used for transactions and reporting.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Ceiling

Allows management of ceilings to limit the annual depreciation expense and the recoverable cost used to calculate annual depreciation expense.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Depreciation Method

Allows management of depreciation methods to calculate the depreciation for assets as required by reporting standards and tax regulations.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Distribution Set

Allows management of distribution sets to quickly assign the appropriate distributions to a new asset.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Fiscal Year

Allows definition of fiscal years used for reporting and tax purposes.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Key

Allows management of asset key flexfield segment value combinations and review of the existing combinations.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Location

Allows management of location flexfield segment value combinations and review of the existing combinations.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Price Index

Allows management of price index to be used to revalue the carrying cost of the assets at periodic intervals.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Prorate Convention

Allows management of prorate conventions to manage depreciation calculation during the first and last year of an asset's life.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset System Control

Allows the definition of system options to configure Oracle Fusion Assets.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Assets Configuration in Spreadsheet

Allows management of Fixed Assets Configuration in Spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Manage My Application Profile Values. Access to manage profile values at the user level.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Upgrade Asset Transactions to Reporting Currency

Allows submission of the upgrade asset transactions to reporting currency programs to upgrade asset transactions to a reporting currency.

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Inquire Fixed Asset

Allows viewing of all asset information and depreciation accounting entries.

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Inquire Fixed Asset Transaction

Allows viewing of asset transaction details and accounting entries.

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Manage Fixed Asset Tracking

Allows access to the tracking transactions work area.

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Submit Fixed Asset Trace Report

Allows submission of the Asset Trace report, which displays the transaction and setup information stored in different fixed assets tables for the specified asset.

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

View Fixed Asset Books

Allows asset book information to be viewed in Oracle Fusion Assets.

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

View Project Asset Details

Allows viewing of details related to Project Assets from the Fixed Asset .

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Allows setup task execution and searching of tasks and tasks lists.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Applications Offering

Provides access to the Getting Started page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Allows access to the Assigned Implementation Tasks page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Setup and Maintain Applications

Allows access to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Administer Financial Statement Report

Allows administration of financial statements.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Administer Oracle Fusion General Ledger Allocation Formula

Allows administration of allocation rules or rule sets using the allocation functionality with ability to update all aspect of allocation rules or rule sets including the ownership attribute, regardless of the original definition's ownership.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Create Financial Statement Report

Allows creation of financial statements.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Define Journal Reversal Criteria Set

Allows definition of the journal reversal criteria set.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Allocation Formula

Allows management of allocation rules or rule sets using the allocation functionality with the ability to update allocation rules or rule sets owned by the user himself with view access to all allocation rules or rule sets regardless of their ownership.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Automatic Posting Criteria Set

Allows definition of the automatic post ing criteria set.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Revaluation

Allows creation of revaluation definitions.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Suspense Account

Allows definition of suspense accounts.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Delete Translated Balances Program

Allows submission of the delete translated balances program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Export and Import Financial Report Definitions

Allows export and import financial report definitions from one Essbase cube or instance to another.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Maintain Aggregated Balances

Allows maintenance of aggregated balances with Oracle Fusion General Ledger to Essbase balances transfer program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Accounting Automation Setup

Allows management of the accounting automation setup.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Accounting and Reporting Sequencing

Allows definition and assignment of accounting and reporting sequences.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Allows management of all application profile option settings and values at various levels to control application behavior.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Application Document Sequence

Manage implementation of Application Document Sequences. Document Sequences are identifiers guarenteed to be unique, time-ordered, and gapless. This is in contrast to a database sequence which (for performance purposes) may contain gaps and which might not be ordered by time of document creation. Examples would include ID numbers for traffic tickets or other legal documents where gaps in the record may trigger an investigation.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Manage document sequence categories

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Clearing Accounts Reconciliation Setup

Allows definition of clearing accounts reconciliation types and the associated rules for performing GL Clearing Accounts Reconciliation.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Encumbrance Type

Allows management of encumbrance types.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage General Ledger Encumbrance Carry Forward Rules

Create and maintain General Ledger encumbrance balances carry forward rules.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany Balancing Rule

Allows creation or update of the intercompany balancing rules.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany Customer Supplier Mapping

Allows the creation or update of the customer supplier associations.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany Organization

Allows the creation or update of the intercompany organizations.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany Period Status

Allows the definition of period statuses to control the timing of intercompany transaction processing.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany Receivables Assignment

Allows the assignment of receivables transaction types and memo lines to intercompany transaction types for particular business units.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany System Option

Allows the definition of intercompany system options.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany Transaction Type

Allows the creation or update of intercompany transaction types.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Journal Approval Rules

Allows definition of employee journal authorization limits and other journal approval options.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Journal Categories

Allows definition of journal categories.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Journal Sources

Allows definition of journal sources.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Ledger Balancing Rule

Allows the creation or update of intercompany ledger options.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Migrate Allocations and Periodic Entries Formulas

Allows export and import allocation rules and periodic entry formula definitions from one Essbase cube or instance to another.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Run Accounting Automation Program

Allows submission of the accounting automation program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Run Close Period Program

Allows submission of the close period program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Run Gapless Close Program

Allows submission of the gapless close period program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Run Open Period Program

Allows submission of the open period program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Run Permanently Close Program

Allows submission of the permanently close period program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Run Unprocessed Transactions Report

Run Unprocessed Transactions Report to support accounting automation process.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Sweep Incomplete Intercompany Transaction

Allows sweep of incomplete intercompany transactions.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Transfer E-Business Suite Balances to Financial Reporting Cloud Service

Allows balance transfer from E-Business Suite General Ledger to Oracle Fusion General Ledger to support the co-existence solution with E-Business Suite for Oracle Fusion Cloud reporting.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

View Fixed Asset Books

Allows asset book information to be viewed in Oracle Fusion Assets.

General Ledger Technical Administration

Administers technical setups for Oracle Fusion General Ledger.

Administer Cubes with Full Access

Allows GL programs to perform full Essbase administrative operations without enforcement of any data access set or key flexfield security

General Ledger Technical Administration

Administers technical setups for Oracle Fusion General Ledger.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Concurrent Process Schedule

Allows definition of submission schedules.

General Ledger Technical Administration

Administers technical setups for Oracle Fusion General Ledger.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Storage Parameter

Allows update of storage parameters.

General Ledger Technical Administration

Administers technical setups for Oracle Fusion General Ledger.

Maintain Aggregated Balances

Allows maintenance of aggregated balances with Oracle Fusion General Ledger to Essbase balances transfer program.

General Ledger Technical Administration

Administers technical setups for Oracle Fusion General Ledger.

Maintain Balances Cubes and Dimension Members

Allows maintenance of balances cubes and dimension members from Oracle Fusion General Ledger to Essbase cube and dimensions maintenance programs.

General Ledger Technical Administration

Administers technical setups for Oracle Fusion General Ledger.

Run Chart of Accounts Segments Indexes Optimization for Journal Import Program

Allows submission of the program that creates or drops indexes for those segments in the chart of accounts that are marked for indexing to improve journal import performance.

General Ledger Technical Administration

Administers technical setups for Oracle Fusion General Ledger.

Run Create Opening Balance Journals in Reporting Currency Program

Allows submission of the create opening balance journals in reporting currency program.

General Ledger Technical Administration

Administers technical setups for Oracle Fusion General Ledger.

Upgrade for Management Segment

Allows upgrading chart of accounts for management segment.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

Import Joint Venture Setups

Allows the migration and upload of joint venture setup data.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

Manage Carried Interest Agreements

Allows the management of carried interest agreements.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

Manage Joint Venture Account Sets

Allows the management of joint venture account sets.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

Manage Joint Venture Assignment Rules

Allows the management of joint venture assignment rules.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

Manage Joint Venture Definition

Allows the management of joint venture definitions.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

Manage Joint Venture Invoice Partner List

Allows the management of the list of joint venture partners and their associated Supplier and Customer identifiers.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

Manage Joint Venture Overhead Methods

Allows the management of joint venture overhead methods.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

Manage Joint Venture Periodic Adjustment Factors

Allows the management of joint venture periodic adjustment factors for overhead methods.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

Manage Joint Venture Project Sets

Allows for the management of joint venture project sets.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

Manage Joint Venture System Setup

Allows users to setup system options for joint ventures.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

View Customers

Allows the viewing of the customer, account and the site information.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

View Joint Venture Invoicing Partners

Allows users to view invoicing partners for joint ventures.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

View Supplier List of Values Using REST Service

Allows access to REST services list of values for suppliers that will be consumed cross pillars.

Joint Venture Application Administrator

Superuser responsible for administering all aspects of the joint venture application.

View Trading Community Person

Allows exporting, searching, and viewing of person details such as addresses, classifications, identifiers, and names.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Address

Allows creation and update of the legal address used to register with a legal authority.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Authority

Allows the association of a governing legal body that operates within a jurisdiction to a legal entity for purposes of providing legal reports and financial statements.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity

Allows creation and update of the legal entity.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity Contact Information

Allows creation and update of the legal entity contact information.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity Deduction Records

Manage Legal Entity Deduction Records

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity Financial Information

Allows creation and update of legal entity financial information.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity HCM Information

Allows creation and update of the legal entity HCM information.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity Intercompany Exception

Allows the creation or update of legal entity intercompany exceptions.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity Primary Ledger

Manage Legal Entity Primary Ledger

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity Registration

Allows creation and update of the legal entity registration.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity for Associated Business Entity

Allows the definition of associations between business entities and legal entities or legal reporting units for tax calculation purposes.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Jurisdiction

Allows the definition of the geographic area or areas for which a legal authority is responsible.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit

Allows the definition of the legal reporting unit.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit Contact Information

Allows creation and update of the legal reporting unit contact information.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit Deduction Records

Manage Legal Reporting Unit Deduction Records

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit Financial Information

Allows creation and update of the legal reporting unit financial information.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit Registration

Allows creation and update of the legal reporting unit registration.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit Workforce Information

Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit for Associated Balancing Segment

Allows the association of one or multiple balancing segments value to a legal report unit to meet the legal reporting requirement of specific countries.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Mass Create Legal Entity HCM Information

Allows mass creation of legal entity HCM information.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Search Legal Entity

Allows the search for existing legal entities to update or delete them.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Search Legal Reporting Unit

Allows the search for the legal reporting unit.

Manage User Account

Manages user roles.

Copy Personal Data to LDAP

Allows copy of worker personal data to LDAP

Manage User Account

Manages user roles.

Manage User Account

Allows access to Manage User Account.

Manage User Account

Manages user roles.

Manage User Account and My Account

Allows access to the page components that are common to My Account and Manage User Account.

Manage User Account

Manages user roles.

Reset Password

Allows reset password links to be emailed to users.

Manage Users

Creates and updates users and assigns roles to users.

Manage User Details

Allows management of user account information.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Bank Charges

Allows configuration of the fees charged by a customer's bank, which is the transferring bank, to transfer money to a supplier's bank, which is the receiving bank.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Buyer-Initiated Discount Offers

Manage Buyer-Initiated Discount Offers

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Option

Allows definition of default values and controls used in processing invoices from Intelligent Document Recognition.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payables Aging Period

Allows definition of time periods used by the invoice aging report.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payables Distribution Set

Allows definition of distribution sets used to automatically enter distributions for invoices not matched to purchase orders.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payables Financials Option

Allows selection and maintenance of common options used by Oracle Fusion Payables and Oracle Fusion Procurement.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payables Income Tax Regions

Allows management of tax regions used for the United States 1099 electronic media combined filing program reporting.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payables Interest Rate

Allows definition of interest rates used to calculate and pay interest on overdue invoices.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payables Invoice Hold

Allows definition of holds to manually hold or release invoices, and release names used to remove holds that are applied on invoices.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payables Invoice Tolerance Set

Allows definition of amount-based and percentage-based matching tolerances to allow for variances among invoices, purchase orders, and receipts.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payables Special Calendar

Allows definition of calendars used for key indicator reports, payment terms, and withholding.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payables System Option

Allows definition of default values and controls used in processing invoices, payments, and withholding taxes.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payables Tax Codes

Allows definition of tax names or tax codes for withholding taxes by specifying rates, effective dates, and tax amount limits for tax authorities.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payables Tax Reporting Entity

Allows definition and management of reporting entities for United States 1099 tax reporting.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payables Withholding Tax Certificate

Allows definition and management of withholding tax code rate exceptions for supplier sites.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payables Withholding Tax Groups

Allows definition and management of withholding tax groups that include multiple withholding tax type tax codes.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Manage Payment Terms

Allows definition and maintenance of Oracle Fusion Payables payment terms used by an organization.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

Terminate Payables Invoice Approval Task Flow

Allows termination of the Oracle Fusion Payables invoice approval task flow.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

View Payables System Option by REST Service

Allows viewing of default values and controls used in processing invoices, payments, and withholding taxes by REST Service.

Payables Administration

Configures and maintains setups for the Oracle Fusion Payables application.

View Payment Terms by REST Service

Allows viewing of Oracle Fusion Payables payment terms by REST Service.

Payables Invoice Inquiry

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Manage Payables Invoices

Allows searching and viewing of Oracle Fusion Payables documents.

Payables Invoice Inquiry

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

View Payables Invoice

Allows viewing of Oracle Fusion Payables invoices without performing a search.

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Manage System Security Options

Allows configuration of masking, encryption, wallet, and other security options.

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Manage Wallet

Allows configuration of encryption and decryption using the wallet.

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Submit Credit Card Decryption Process

Allows submission of the Credit Card Decryption process.

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Submit Credit Card Detokenization Process

Not Available

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Submit Credit Card Encryption Process

Allows submission of the Credit Card Encryption process.

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Submit Credit Card Masking Process

Allows submission of the Credit Card Masking process.

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Submit Credit Card Tokenization Process

Not Available

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Submit Import Credential Process

Allows submission of the Import Credential process.

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Submit Payments Sensitive Data Decryption

Allows submission of the Sensitive Data Decryption process.

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Submit Payments Sensitive Data Encryption

Allows submission of the Sensitive Data Encryption process.

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Submit Third Party Bank Account Decryption Process

Allows submission of the Third Party Bank Account Decryption process.

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Submit Third Party Bank Account Encryption Process

Allows submission of the Third Party Bank Account Encryption process.

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Submit Third Party Bank Account Masking Process

Allows submission of the Third Party Bank Account Masking process.

Payments Data Security Administration

Manages security features, such as encryption and masking of sensitive data like credit card or bank account numbers.

Submit Transaction Encryption Process

Allows submission of the Transaction Encryption process.

Payments Disbursement Administration

Sets up features allowing disbursement of funds for supplier payments, customer refunds, and employee expense reports.

Grant Payment Function Access

Allows granting of payment function access.

Payments Disbursement Administration

Sets up features allowing disbursement of funds for supplier payments, customer refunds, and employee expense reports.

Manage Disbursement Payment Method

Allows management of funds disbursement payment methods.

Payments Disbursement Administration

Sets up features allowing disbursement of funds for supplier payments, customer refunds, and employee expense reports.

Manage Internal Payer

Allows management of disbursement system options for internal payers.

Payments Disbursement Administration

Sets up features allowing disbursement of funds for supplier payments, customer refunds, and employee expense reports.

Manage Payment Code

Allows management of delivery channel codes, bank instruction codes, and payment reason codes.

Payments Disbursement Administration

Sets up features allowing disbursement of funds for supplier payments, customer refunds, and employee expense reports.

Manage Payment Method Defaulting Rule

Allows management of rules that determine which payment method will default onto an invoice or other document payable.

Payments Disbursement Administration

Sets up features allowing disbursement of funds for supplier payments, customer refunds, and employee expense reports.

Manage Payment Process Profile

Allows management of payment process profiles.

Payments Disbursement Administration

Sets up features allowing disbursement of funds for supplier payments, customer refunds, and employee expense reports.

Manage Virtual Card Programs

Allows management of virtual card programs

Payments Disbursement Administration

Sets up features allowing disbursement of funds for supplier payments, customer refunds, and employee expense reports.

Manage Virtual Card Templates

Allows management of virtual card programs

Payments Funds Capture Administration

Sets up features allowing payee-initiated payment transactions, such as customer payments by credit card or bank account transfer.

Manage Credit Card Brand

Allows definition and update of accepted credit card brands.

Payments Funds Capture Administration

Sets up features allowing payee-initiated payment transactions, such as customer payments by credit card or bank account transfer.

Manage Funds Capture Payment Method

Allows management of funds capture payment methods.

Payments Funds Capture Administration

Sets up features allowing payee-initiated payment transactions, such as customer payments by credit card or bank account transfer.

Manage Funds Capture Process Profile

Allows management of funds capture process profiles.

Payments Funds Capture Administration

Sets up features allowing payee-initiated payment transactions, such as customer payments by credit card or bank account transfer.

Manage Internal Payee

Allows management of internal payees, which represent one or more business units acting together in a merchant relationship with a payment processor or gateway.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Enter Revenue Policies

Create revenue policies to make automatic revenue recognition decisions on transactions according to the regulations of an enterprise.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Application Document Sequence

Manage implementation of Application Document Sequences. Document Sequences are identifiers guarenteed to be unique, time-ordered, and gapless. This is in contrast to a database sequence which (for performance purposes) may contain gaps and which might not be ordered by time of document creation. Examples would include ID numbers for traffic tickets or other legal documents where gaps in the record may trigger an investigation.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Manage document sequence categories

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration

Allow access to manage collaboration messaging configuration.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Contingency Assignment Rules

Create rules with matching criteria that automatically assign contingencies to transactions.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Customer Paying Relationship Assignments

Create assignments between customer hierarchies and paying relationships to determine how related customers can pay for their transactions.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Receivables Customer Profile Classes

Create customer profile classes to group and maintain characteristics of customer accounts, such as creditworthiness, business volume, payment cycles, and late charge policies.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Receivables Dashboard Threshold Rule Contexts

Create and configure rule contexts to specify the thresholds at which priorities are assigned to Receivables dashboard items.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Receivables Note Type Mapping

Define Receivables note type mapping to map note type lookup values to reference objects.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Receivables Revenue Contingency

Create revenue contingencies to automatically determine the timing of revenue recognition.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Receivables Specialist Assignment Rules

Create assignment rules that assign unapplied receipts to the appropriate Receivables specialist.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Resource Role Assignment Flexfields

Not Available

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Resource Role Descriptive Flexfields

Allows the specification of additional fields to enter and track information that is not otherwise captured. Descriptive flexfields can be validated and dependent on other values entered in other areas of the page.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Salesperson Account References

Create reference accounts for individual salespersons.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Service Provider

Allow access to manage collaboration messaging service provider.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Trading Community Resource Role

Allows the specification of resource roles which indicate the resource function and which usually correspond to a set of jobs. Roles are used to facilitate assignment of appropriate resources, and to derive reporting relationship within an organization.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Manage Trading Community Resource Role Lookups

Allows the specification of lookup values that provide choices when defining resource role types, such as marketing and sales.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up AutoInvoice Grouping Rule

Create AutoInvoice grouping rules to group imported revenue and credit transactions into invoices, debit memos, and credit memos.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up AutoInvoice Line Ordering Rule

Create AutoInvoice line ordering rules to order transaction lines within imported invoices, debit memos and credit memos created by AutoInvoice grouping rules.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Credit Management

Performs credit management setup tasks.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Accounting Rule

Create revenue scheduling rules to manage revenue recognition on invoices.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Activity

Create Receivables activities to provide default accounting information for customer payment activities.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Application Rule Set

Create application rule sets to specify default payment steps for receipt applications and how discounts affect the open balance for each type of associated charge.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Approval Management

Create approval limits that allow users to approve adjustments, credit memo requests, credit memo refunds, and receipt write-offs within assigned currency and amount ranges.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables AutoCash Rule Set

Create AutoCash rule sets to determine the sequence of rules to use to apply receipts to open receivables and update customer account balances.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables AutoMatch Rule Set

Create AutoMatch rule sets to determine how receipts are either applied automatically or recommended for manual application.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Balance Forward Billing Cycle

Create balance forward billing cycles to determine when to generate balance forward bills and which transactions to include in balance forward bills.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Batch Source

Create transaction sources to provide default information for batch transactions either entered manually or imported.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Default Distribution Rule

Create AutoAccounting rules to generate default general ledger accounts for transactions.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Distribution Set

Create distribution sets to account for income not related to invoices.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Late Charge Schedule

Create and configure interest tiers that define period ranges for number of days overdue and charge schedules that assign progressively higher interest or penalty charges to interest tier date ranges for overdue invoices and late payments.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Lockbox

Create lockboxes to automatically generate receipts from transactions using electronic information provided by the bank.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Memo Line Template

Create memo lines to assign to transactions for items that are not Inventory items.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Payment Terms

Create payment terms to specify the due dates, discount dates, and installment details for customer open items.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Receipt Application Exception Rule

Create application exception rule sets to specify how to manage remaining over and under payment amounts after applying receipts to transactions.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Receipt Class

Create receipt classes to determine the required processing steps for receipts assigned receipt methods belonging to the class. Receipt methods in a receipt class manage receipt entries and applications and determine customer remittance bank information.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Receipt Source

Create receipt sources to provide default values for receipt class, receipt method, and remittance bank account for all receipts added to a receipt batch.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Remit-to Address

Create remit-to addresses for customers to send payments.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Reversal Reason to Category Mappings

Create Receivables Reversal Reason to Category Mappings

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Standard Message

Create standard messages to provide text that prints on the bottom of customer statements, debit memos, and interest invoices.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Statement Cycle

Create statement cycles to determine when to send statements to customers.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables System Options

Define system options to modify the Receivables environment for a business unit.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Transaction Type

Create transaction types to define accounting information for transactions either entered manually or imported.

Receivables Administration

Manages Receivables setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Transmission Format

Create transmission formats to specify how data in a lockbox bank file is formatted for import into Receivables.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Add Trading Community Resource to My Social Network

Allows the addition of a resource to their social network.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Administer Sandbox

Allows administration of all sandboxes.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Contact Trading Community Resource

Allows emailing, calling, and instant messenging a resource. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Edit Trading Community Resource Profile

Allows the update of resource profile information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource profile.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Enter Trading Community Resource Information

Allows the specification of resource information.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Identify Trading Community Person as a Trading Community Resource

Allows the identification of existing people as resources.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Allows management of all application profile option settings and values at various levels to control application behavior.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Attachment Category

Manage application attachment categories

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Attachment Entity

Manage application attachment entities

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Not Available

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Data Security Policy

Allows management of security policies that restrict access to functions and data, such as preventing particular values from being accessed in a chart of account segment.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Database Resource

Manage application database resources for data security

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Allows management of application descriptive flexfields.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage implementation of the Extensible Flexfield feature on a given entity.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Allows management of value sets to validate the content of a flexfield segment. Value sets provide declarative validation for use in applications flexfield attributes and key segments.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Message

Manage an end-user message, shown in the User Interface. Messages can have different types, such as Error, Warning, Information. Messages are translated and can be re-used across products. Exampe: "File not found", "Table '&TABLE' does not exist".

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Profile Category

Manage application profile option categories

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Profile Option

Manage Application Profile Options: Manage the level the value can be changed

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Reference Data Set

Manage Application Reference Data set. Maintain reference data set attributes.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Reference Data Set Assignment

Manage Application Reference Data Set Assignments. Create and edit reference data set assignments.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage sub-type entities stored in the Application Set-Enabled Lookup entity. Lookup Types are lists of values such as Days of the Week or Yes/No which can be used to validate column values.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Manage sub-type entities stored in the Application Standard Lookup Values entity. Lookup Types are lists of values such as "Days of the Week" or "Yes/No" which can be used to validate columns values.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Application Taxonomy

Manage hierarchical classification of Applications Taxonomy tree. A node in the Application Taxonomy Tree can be a Product Line, Product Family, Product or Logical Business Area.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Customer Data Management Foundation Custom Objects

Allows access to custom objects in Customer Data Management Foundation.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Goal Management Notifications

Manage Goal Management Notifications

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Manage My Application Profile Values. Access to manage profile values at the user level.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Person Talent Profile

Allows management of talent profile for a person.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Talent Education Establishment

Allows management of talent educational establishments.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Talent Notifications

Allows management of talent management notifications.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Talent Profile Content Item

Allows management of talent profile content items.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Talent Profile Rating Model

Allows management of talent profile rating models.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Talent Profile Sources

Allows management of talent profile subscribers.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource

Allows the specification of resources for any employees or partner members who are to be associated to leads, opportunities, and territories and given sales credits or compensated for that work.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource Address

Allows the management of resource addresses. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource address.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Allows the management of resource contact information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource contact information.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource History

Allows the management of resource historical information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource history.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource Lookups

Allows the specification of lookup values that provide choices when defining resources, such as party usages available for resources.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource Note

Allows the specification of resource notes. If assigning also assign the ability to view the trading community resource note.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Descriptive Flexfields

Allows the specification of additional fields which enter and track information that is not otherwise captured. Descriptive flexfields can be validated and dependent on other values entered in other areas of the page.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type

Allows the specification of note types, such as person details, to categorize notes entered for resources. When mapped, note type values are limited to resources.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource Note Type Mapping

Allows the specification of the mapping that provides a tailored list of note type values for resources. When no mapping is specified, note type values mapped to the object Note are used.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

Allows the specification of resource organization members. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource organization memberships.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

Allows the management of resource role assignments. If assigning also assign the ability to view the trading community resource role assignments.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

Allows the management of resource saleperson setup information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource sales representative information.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource Skills

Allows the management of resource skills information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource skills.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource Social Network

Allows the management of a resource social network. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource social network.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Manage Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Allows the management of resource team members. If assigning also assign the ability to view the trading community resource team memberships.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Remove Trading Community Resource

Allows the removal of resources.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Reset Password

Allows reset password links to be emailed to users.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Search Trading Community Resource

Allows the search of resources.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

Upload Trading Community Resource Picture

Allows the upload of resource pictures. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Administration Link

Privilege to view administration link in UI shell

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Address

Allows viewing of resource addresses. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Administration Detail Information

Allows viewing of resource administration setup information.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Collaboration Information

Allows viewing of resource social network information.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Contact Information

Allows viewing of resource contact information.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Details

Allows viewing of resource basic information, such as name, primary phone, primary address, and primary e-mail.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource History

Allows viewing of archived resource information.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Note

Allows viewing of resource notes. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Memberships

Allows viewing of sales, marketing, and partner organization information.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

Allows viewing of an overview for partner, marketing, and sales organization transaction information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Profile

Allows viewing of resource profile information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Role Assignments

Allows viewing of resource role assignments. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Information

Allows viewing of salesperson setup information, such as sales credits.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Skills

Allows viewing of resource skills information, such as language, competencies, and product expertise. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Social Network

Allows viewing of a resource's social network.

Resource Administration

Administers resource information.

View Trading Community Resource Team Memberships

Allows viewing of resource team memberships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

Manage Application Tree

Manage application trees and tree versions

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

Manage Application Tree Label

Manage application tree labels

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

Manage Application Tree Structure

Manage application tree structures

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

Manage Resource Organization Member Descriptive Flexfields

Not Available

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization

Allows the specification of partner resource organizations used to create partner organization hierarchies. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource organization

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

Allows the specification of sales, marketing, and partner organization hierarchies used to automatically generate reporting hierarchies. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource organization hierarchy.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

Manage Trading Community Resource Organization Members

Allows the specification of resources, such as employee, contractor and partner member, to sales, marketing and partner organizations.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

Run Trading Community Resource Reporting Hierarchy Generation

Allows the running of the process that generates the resource reporting hierarchy.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

Search Trading Community Resource Organization

Not Available

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

Search Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

Allows the search of resource organization hierarchies. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource organization hierarchies.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

View Trading Community Organization Resource Members

Allows viewing sales, marketing, and partner organization members.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

View Trading Community Resource Organization

Allows viewing of sales, marketing, and partner organization information.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Details

Allows viewing of sales, marketing, and partner organization membership information.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchies

Allows viewing of organization hierarchies for sales, marketing, and partner organizations.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy

Allows viewing of organization hierarchies for sales, marketing, and partner organizations.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Hierarchy Details

Allows viewing of organization hierarchy structures for sales, marketing, and partner organizations.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Team Memberships

Allows viewing of sales, marketing, and partner team membership information.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

View Trading Community Resource Organization Usage Information

Allows viewing of sales, marketing, and partner organization usage information.

Resource Organization Administration

Administers resource organizations.

View Trading Community Resource Overview Information

Allows viewing of an overview for partner, marketing, and sales organization transaction information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view trading community resource details.

Revenue Management Configuration Administration

Manages Revenue Management setup activities.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Allows management of application descriptive flexfields.

Revenue Management Configuration Administration

Manages Revenue Management setup activities.

Manage Customers

Manage customer account and site information, and the relationship with the customer.

Revenue Management Configuration Administration

Manages Revenue Management setup activities.

Manage Financial Application Lookups

Allows the creation or update of financial application lookups

Revenue Management Configuration Administration

Manages Revenue Management setup activities.

Manage Revenue Set Up Administration

Set up implementation task for Revenue Management.

Revenue Management Configuration Administration

Manages Revenue Management setup activities.

Manage Trading Community Original System Mapping

Allows the specification of entity associations for various source systems. For example, some source systems are configured to import customer data, whereas others are configured to import customers and contacts.

Revenue Management Configuration Administration

Manages Revenue Management setup activities.

Set Up Receivables Memo Line Template

Create memo lines to assign to transactions for items that are not Inventory items.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Manage External Payee Payment Details

Allows management of external payee payment details.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Manage Payment Instrument Assignment

Allows creation of payment instrument assignment

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Manage Third Party Bank Account

Allows update of external bank accounts.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Run Supplier Background Scheduler

Allows internal users to automatically start scheduled ESS jobs, such as calculating supply base data, sync keyword search and update keyword search based on the frequency setting.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Search Supplier

Allows searching of suppliers.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Location of Final Discharge

Allows view of location of final discharge.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Party Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier

Allows access to the supplier profile.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Address

Allows access to supplier addresses.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Attachment

Allows access to supplier attachments.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Business Classification

Allows access to supplier business classifications.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Contact

Allows access to supplier contacts.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Contact Change Request

Allows access to supplier contact change request details.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Contact User Account

Allows access to the user account for supplier contacts.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Income Tax

Allows access to supplier income tax reporting information.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Payment

Allows access to supplier site payment terms and controls.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Products and Services Categories

Allows access to supplier products and services categories.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Profile Change Request

Allows access to supplier profile change request details.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Registration Bank Account

Allows access to bank account information on supplier registration requests.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Registration Request

Allows access to supplier registration request details.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site

Allows access to supplier sites information.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site Assignment

Allows access to supplier site assignment information.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site Invoicing Information

Allows access to supplier site invoicing terms and controls.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site Purchasing Information

Allows access to supplier site purchasing terms and controls.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site Receiving Information

Allows access to supplier site receiving terms and controls.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Transaction Tax

Allows access to supplier transaction tax information.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Third Party Bank Account

Allows viewing of external bank accounts.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

Search Supplier Assessment

Allows users to search for a supplier assessment.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

Search Supplier Qualification

Allows users to search for a supplier qualification.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

View Supplier Assessment

Allows users to view a supplier assessment.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

View Supplier Qualification

Allows users to view a supplier qualification.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

View Supplier Qualification Initiative

Allows users to view a supplier qualification initiative.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

View Supplier Qualification Question

Allows users to view a supplier qualification question.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Account Based Direct Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows creation of account based tax rules to directly determine tax applicability, status, and rate for taxes that are otherwise not applicable.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Business Unit Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a business unit's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Country Defaults and Controls for Transaction Tax

Allows creation of information at the country level to appear as defaults on the applicable tax and legal entity setups.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Direct Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows creation of direct tax rules to specify the results of tax applicability, tax status, and tax rate for a given tax.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Document Fiscal Classification Code

Allows creation of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a document associated with a transaction for a tax and is applicable in the tax determination and tax reporting processes.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Intended Use Fiscal Classification Code

Allows creation of tax classifications based on the purpose for which a product is used and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Legal Entity Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal entity's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Location of Final Discharge

Allows creation of location of final discharge.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Party Fiscal Classification

Allows creation of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Place of Supply Rule

Allows creation of tax rules to determine the location where a transaction is considered to have taken place for tax determination.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Product Category Fiscal Classification Code

Allows creation of tax classifications defined for a noninventory-based product category that is used for tax determination or tax reporting purposes.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Product Fiscal Classification

Allows creation of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a product and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Reporting Unit Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal reporting unit's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax

Allows creation of details for the taxes of tax regimes.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Applicability Rule

Allows creation of tax rules to determine the taxes that apply to a given transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Calculation Formula

Allows creation of tax formulas where the tax amount is other than the taxable basis multiplied by the tax rate.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Calculation Rule

Allows creation of tax rules to calculate the tax amount for each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Classification Based Direct Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows creation of direct rate rules to determine the tax applicability, status, and rate for a tax when the regime determination set is Standard Tax Classification Code for the configuration owner and event class.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Condition Set

Allows creation of tax condition sets to group together the tax conditions that constitute a tax rule.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Determining Factor Set

Allows creation of tax determining factor sets to group together related tax determining factors to use in tax rules determination and tax regime determination.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Exception

Allows creation of tax exceptions to modify or override a tax rate by item or product fiscal classification association.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Geographies

Allows creation of TCA geography information for each geographical region where you have tax requirements.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Jurisdiction

Allows creation of tax jurisdictions for geographic regions or tax zones where a specific tax authority levies a tax.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Processing Options

Allows creation of configuration owner tax options to differentiate setup from the predefined event class setup.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Rate

Allows creation of tax rates needed for tax statuses and tax jurisdictions.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows creation of tax rules to determine the tax rate for each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Recovery Rate

Allows creation of tax recovery rates for full or partial recovery of taxes paid on purchases.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Recovery Rate Determination Rule

Allows creation of tax rules to determine the recovery rate to apply to each recovery type for each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Regime

Allows creation of tax regimes for the taxes in each country and geographic region where a separate tax applies.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Registration Determination Rule

Allows creation of tax rules to determine the party whose tax registration status is considered for an applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Reporting Type

Allows creation of tax reporting types to capture additional tax information on transactions for tax reporting.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Status

Allows creation of tax statuses that you need for each tax that you create for a combination of tax regime, tax, and configuration owner.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Status Determination Rule

Allows creation of tax rules to determine the tax status of each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Taxable Basis Determination Rule

Allows creation of tax rules to determine the amount upon which to apply to tax rate.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Taxable Basis Formula

Allows creation of tax formulas where the taxable basis is other than the line amount.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Transaction Business Category

Allows creation of tax classifications to identify and categorize an external transaction into an Oracle Fusion Tax transaction and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Transaction Fiscal Classification

Allows creation of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a transaction for a tax and is applicable in the tax determination and tax reporting processes.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create User Defined Fiscal Classification Code

Allows creation of tax classifications for any tax requirement that you cannot define using the existing fiscal classification types.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Import Party Tax Profile

Allows import of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Allows management of all application profile option settings and values at various levels to control application behavior.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Application Tax Options

Allows the creation and maintenance of application tax options for migrated data by combinations of business unit and application.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Financial Application Lookups

Allows the creation or update of financial application lookups

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Item Default Functional Area

Allows access to manage default item catalog associations to functional areas.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Defaults and Controls Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax defaults and controls configuration data.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Exception Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax exception configuration data.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Fiscal Classification Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax fiscal classification configuration data.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Foundation Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax foundation configuration data.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Jurisdiction and Rate Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax jurisdiction and rate configuration data.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Party Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax party configuration data.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Regime Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax regime configuration data.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Reporting Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax reporting configuration data.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Rules Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax rules configuration data.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Third-Party Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax third-party configuration data.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Zone Types

Allows the creation and maintenance of tax zone types to reference a specific part of a master reference geography hierarchy.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Trading Community Classification Category

Allows the specification of classification categories used to classify or group organizations and persons in your business community. The classification model lets you record complex, real-life categories in which entities can be grouped, such as industry classification.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Trading Community Classification Category Group

Allows the specification of groups of classification categories, such as industry groups. Use classification groups to categorize similar classification categories.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Trading Community Classification Lookups

Not Available

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Trading Community Geography

Allows managing of geographic entities, such as country, state, province, and city. Allows the managing of geography hierarchy structure and validations.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Trading Community Zones

Allows managing of geographical boundaries for a specific zone use such as Tax or Shipping based on master reference geography hierarchy data.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Run Geocode Loader

Allows running of the process to populate geocode information for addresses.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Run Tax Configuration Content Upload Program

Allows the running of the Upload Tax Configuration Content request set to upload U.S. sales and use tax updates from the tax service provider.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Run Tax Simulator Purge Program

Allows purging of simulated transaction data. This process impacts only the transactions created using Tax Simulator and has no impact on the transactions or related tax data that resides in the subledgers.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Run Trading Community Classification Hierarchy Generation

Allows the running of the process that generates the classification hierarchy.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Run Trading Community Current Record Information Maintenance

Run Trading Community Current Record Information Maintenance

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Run Trading Community Geography Name Referencing Maintenance

Allows the running of the process to load geography data from external data providers.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Account Based Direct Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows update of account based tax rules to directly determine tax applicability, status, and rate for taxes that are otherwise not applicable.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Business Unit Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a business unit's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Country Defaults and Controls for Transaction Tax

Allows update of information at the country level to appear as defaults on the applicable tax and legal entity setups.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Direct Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows update of direct tax rules to specify the results of tax applicability, tax status, and tax rate for a given tax.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Document Fiscal Classification Code

Allows update of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a document associated with a transaction for a tax and is applicable in the tax determination and tax reporting processes.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Intended Use Fiscal Classification Code

Allows update of tax classifications based on the purpose for which a product is used and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Legal Classification Association

Allows update of classifications associated with a legal entity that represents its legal status within a country and which also guide the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Legal Entity Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal entity's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Location of Final Discharge

Allows update of location of final discharge.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Party Fiscal Classification

Allows update of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Place of Supply Rule

Allows update of tax rules to determine the location where a transaction is considered to have taken place for tax determination.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Product Category Fiscal Classification Code

Allows update of tax classifications defined for a noninventory-based product category that is used for tax determination or tax reporting purposes.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Product Fiscal Classification

Allows update of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a product and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Reporting Unit Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal reporting unit's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax

Allows update of details for the taxes of tax regimes.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Applicability Rule

Allows update of tax rules to determine the taxes that apply to a given transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Calculation Formula

Allows update of tax formulas where the tax amount is other than the taxable basis multiplied by the tax rate.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Calculation Rule

Allows update of tax rules to calculate the tax amount for each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Classification Based Direct Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows update of direct rate rules to determine the tax applicability, status, and rate for a tax when the regime determination set is Standard Tax Classification Code for the configuration owner and event class.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Condition Set

Allows update of tax condition sets to group together the tax conditions that constitute a tax rule.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Determining Factor Set

Allows update of tax determining factor sets to group together related tax determining factors to use in tax rules determination and tax regime determination.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Exception

Allows update of tax exceptions to modify or override a tax rate by item or product fiscal classification association.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Geographies

Allows update of TCA geography information for each geographical region where you have tax requirements.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Jurisdiction

Allows update of tax jurisdictions for geographic regions or tax zones where a specific tax authority levies a tax.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Processing Options

Allows update of configuration owner tax options to differentiate setup from the predefined event class setup.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Rate

Allows update of tax rates needed for tax statuses and tax jurisdictions.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows update of tax rules to determine the tax rate for each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Recovery Rate

Allows update of tax recovery rates for full or partial recovery of taxes paid on purchases.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Recovery Rate Determination Rule

Allows update of tax rules to determine the recovery rate to apply to each recovery type for each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Regime

Allows update of tax regimes for the taxes in each country and geographic region where a separate tax applies.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Registration Determination Rule

Allows update of tax rules to determine the party whose tax registration status is considered for an applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Reporting Type

Allows update of tax reporting types to capture additional tax information on transactions for tax reporting.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Status

Allows update of tax statuses that you need for each tax that you create for a combination of tax regime, tax, and configuration owner.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Status Determination Rule

Allows update of tax rules to determine the tax status of each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Taxable Basis Determination Rule

Allows update of tax rules to determine the amount upon which to apply to tax rate.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Taxable Basis Formula

Allows update of tax formulas where the taxable basis is other than the line amount.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Transaction Business Category

Allows update of tax classifications to identify and categorize an external transaction into an Oracle Fusion Tax transaction and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Transaction Fiscal Classification

Allows update of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a transaction for a tax and is applicable in the tax determination and tax reporting processes.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update User Defined Fiscal Classification Code

Allows update of tax classifications for any tax requirement that you cannot define using the existing fiscal classification types.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Verify Tax Configuration

Allows verification of tax configuration for taxes that are enabled for transactions or for simulation by simulating real-time transactions.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Account Based Direct Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows viewing of account based tax rules to directly determine tax applicability, status, and rate for taxes that are otherwise not applicable.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Application Tax Options

Allows viewing of application tax options for migrated data by combinations of business unit and application.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Business Unit Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a business unit's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Country Defaults and Controls for Transaction Tax

Allows viewing of information at the country level to appear as defaults on the applicable tax and legal entity setups.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Direct Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows viewing of direct tax rules to specify the results of tax applicability, tax status, and tax rate for a given tax.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Document Fiscal Classification Code

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a document associated with a transaction for a tax and is applicable in the tax determination and tax reporting processes.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Intended Use Fiscal Classification Code

Allows viewing of tax classifications based on the purpose for which a product is used and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Legal Classification Association

Allows viewing of classifications associated with a legal entity that represents its legal status within a country and which also guide the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Legal Entity Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal entity's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Location of Final Discharge

Allows view of location of final discharge.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Party Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Place of Supply Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the location where a transaction is considered to have taken place for tax determination.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Product Category Fiscal Classification Code

Allows viewing of tax classifications defined for a noninventory-based product category that is used for tax determination or tax reporting purposes.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Product Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a product and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Reporting Unit Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal reporting unit's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax

Allows viewing of details for the taxes of tax regimes.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Applicability Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the taxes that apply to a given transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Calculation Formula

Allows viewing of tax formulas where the tax amount is other than the taxable basis multiplied by the tax rate.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Calculation Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to calculate the tax amount for each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Classification Based Direct Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows viewing of direct rate rules to determine the tax applicability, status, and rate for a tax when the regime determination set is Standard Tax Classification Code for the configuration owner and event class.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Condition Set

Allows viewing of tax condition sets to group together the tax conditions that constitute a tax rule.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Determining Factor Set

Allows viewing of tax determining factor sets to group together related tax determining factors to use in tax rules determination and tax regime determination.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Exception

Allows viewing of tax exceptions to modify or override a tax rate by item or product fiscal classification association.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Geographies

Allows viewing of TCA geography information for each geographical region where you have tax requirements.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Jurisdiction

Allows viewing of tax jurisdictions for geographic regions or tax zones where a specific tax authority levies a tax.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Processing Options

Allows viewing of configuration owner tax options to differentiate setup from the predefined event class setup.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Rate

Allows viewing of tax rates needed for tax statuses and tax jurisdictions.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the tax rate for each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Recovery Rate

Allows viewing of tax recovery rates for full or partial recovery of taxes paid on purchases.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Recovery Rate Determination Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the recovery rate to apply to each recovery type for each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Regime

Allows viewing of tax regimes for the taxes in each country and geographic region where a separate tax applies.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Registration Determination Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the party whose tax registration status is considered for an applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Reporting Type

Allows viewing of tax reporting types to capture additional tax information on transactions for tax reporting.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Status

Allows viewing of tax statuses that you need for each tax that you create for a combination of tax regime, tax, and configuration owner.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Status Determination Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the tax status of each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Taxable Basis Determination Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the amount upon which to apply to tax rate.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Taxable Basis Formula

Allows viewing of tax formulas where the taxable basis is other than the line amount.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Transaction Business Category

Allows viewing of tax classifications to identify and categorize an external transaction into an Oracle Fusion Tax transaction and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Transaction Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a transaction for a tax and is applicable in the tax determination and tax reporting processes.

Tax Administration

Sets up transaction tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View User Defined Fiscal Classification Code

Allows viewing of tax classifications for any tax requirement that you cannot define using the existing fiscal classification types.

Trading Community Data Quality Administration

Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and cleansing configurations.

Manage Enterprise Data Quality Cleansing Configurations

Allows management of cleansing configurations associated with Oracle Enterprise Data Quality integration.

Trading Community Data Quality Administration

Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and cleansing configurations.

Manage Enterprise Data Quality Key Generation

Allows management of key generation associated with Oracle Enterprise Data Quality matching.

Trading Community Data Quality Administration

Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and cleansing configurations.

Manage Enterprise Data Quality Matching Configurations

Allows management of matching configurations associated with Oracle Enterprise Data Quality integration.

Trading Community Data Quality Administration

Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and cleansing configurations.

Manage Trading Community Data Quality Cleansing Setup

Allows reviewing and updating of configurations for real-time and batch address cleansing.

Trading Community Data Quality Administration

Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and cleansing configurations.

Manage Trading Community Data Quality Lookups

Allows reviewing and defining of the lookup values that provide choices for data matching and address cleansing, such as entities supported for matching and cleansing, cleansing modes, and match options.

Trading Community Data Quality Administration

Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and cleansing configurations.

Manage Trading Community Data Quality Matching Setup

Allows the reviewing and updating of matching configurations for both real-time and batch usages.

Trading Community Data Quality Administration

Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and cleansing configurations.

Manage Trading Community Data Quality Server Setup

Allows configuration of the data quality server to be used for both matching and cleansing data quality functions.

Trading Community Data Quality Administration

Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and cleansing configurations.

Manage Trading Community Data Quality Synchronization

Allows the review and update of data synchronization configuration, to synchronize trading community registry data with the data quality engine repository. Allows to view the latest synchronization results, evaluate errors, and reset for continued processing after resolving error conditions.

Trading Community Data Quality Administration

Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and cleansing configurations.

Run Trading Community Data Quality Data Synchronization Process

Allows scheduling and monitoring of the process to synchronize trading community registry data with the data quality engine repository.

Trading Community Data Quality Administration

Configures, reviews, and edits predefined data quality server configurations and the predefined matching, synchronization, and cleansing configurations.

Run Trading Community Data Quality Data Synchronization Sub-Process

Allows monitoring of the data quality synchronization sub-process that synchronizes trading community registry data with the data quality engine repository for a specific identity table. If assigning, also assign the ability to schedule and monitor the trading community data quality data synchronization process.

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Allows the creation of a trading community data import batch by entering batch definition parameters through user interface. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community import batch information.

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Allows the specification of trading community import batch process information, such as the import process mode, the batch and registry deduplication parameters, address cleansing parameters, and acceptable error limit.

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Not Available

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Not Available

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

Not Available

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

Not Available

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

Not Available

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Not Available

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Allows the creation of a trading community data import batch by entering batch definition parameters through user interface. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community import batch information.

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Allows the specification of trading community import batch process information, such as the import process mode, the batch and registry deduplication parameters, address cleansing parameters, and acceptable error limit.

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Modify Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Allows editing of trading community import batch process information, such as the import process mode, the batch deduplication and registry deduplication parameters, and the address cleansing error limit, especially to perform the What-if Analysis to get the most acceptable import results.

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Not Available

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Not Available

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

Not Available

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

Not Available

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

Not Available

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Business Unit Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a business unit's transaction tax activities.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Document Fiscal Classification Code

Allows creation of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a document associated with a transaction for a tax and is applicable in the tax determination and tax reporting processes.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Intended Use Fiscal Classification Code

Allows creation of tax classifications based on the purpose for which a product is used and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Legal Entity Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal entity's transaction tax activities.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Location of Final Discharge

Allows creation of location of final discharge.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Party Fiscal Classification

Allows creation of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Product Category Fiscal Classification Code

Allows creation of tax classifications defined for a noninventory-based product category that is used for tax determination or tax reporting purposes.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Product Fiscal Classification

Allows creation of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a product and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Reporting Unit Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal reporting unit's transaction tax activities.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Condition Set

Allows creation of tax condition sets to group together the tax conditions that constitute a tax rule.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Determining Factor Set

Allows creation of tax determining factor sets to group together related tax determining factors to use in tax rules determination and tax regime determination.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Tax Geographies

Allows creation of TCA geography information for each geographical region where you have tax requirements.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create User Defined Fiscal Classification Code

Allows creation of tax classifications for any tax requirement that you cannot define using the existing fiscal classification types.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Withholding Tax

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Withholding Tax Exception

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Withholding Tax Jurisdiction

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Withholding Tax Processing Options

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Withholding Tax Rate

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Withholding Tax Regime

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Withholding Tax Rule

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Withholding Tax Status

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Create Withholding Taxable Basis Formula

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Import Party Tax Profile

Allows import of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Allows management of all application profile option settings and values at various levels to control application behavior.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Financial Application Lookups

Allows the creation or update of financial application lookups

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Item Default Functional Area

Allows access to manage default item catalog associations to functional areas.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Defaults and Controls Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax defaults and controls configuration data.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Exception Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax exception configuration data.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Fiscal Classification Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax fiscal classification configuration data.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Foundation Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax foundation configuration data.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Jurisdiction and Rate Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax jurisdiction and rate configuration data.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Party Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax party configuration data.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Regime Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax regime configuration data.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Reporting Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax reporting configuration data.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Rules Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax rules configuration data.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Third-Party Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax third-party configuration data.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Tax Zone Types

Allows the creation and maintenance of tax zone types to reference a specific part of a master reference geography hierarchy.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Trading Community Classification Category

Allows the specification of classification categories used to classify or group organizations and persons in your business community. The classification model lets you record complex, real-life categories in which entities can be grouped, such as industry classification.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Trading Community Classification Category Group

Allows the specification of groups of classification categories, such as industry groups. Use classification groups to categorize similar classification categories.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Trading Community Classification Lookups

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Manage Trading Community Geography

Allows managing of geographic entities, such as country, state, province, and city. Allows the managing of geography hierarchy structure and validations.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Run Trading Community Classification Hierarchy Generation

Allows the running of the process that generates the classification hierarchy.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Country Defaults and Controls for Transaction Tax

Allows update of information at the country level to appear as defaults on the applicable tax and legal entity setups.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Document Fiscal Classification Code

Allows update of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a document associated with a transaction for a tax and is applicable in the tax determination and tax reporting processes.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Intended Use Fiscal Classification Code

Allows update of tax classifications based on the purpose for which a product is used and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Legal Entity Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal entity's transaction tax activities.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Location of Final Discharge

Allows update of location of final discharge.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Party Fiscal Classification

Allows update of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Product Category Fiscal Classification Code

Allows update of tax classifications defined for a noninventory-based product category that is used for tax determination or tax reporting purposes.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Product Fiscal Classification

Allows update of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a product and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Reporting Unit Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal reporting unit's transaction tax activities.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Condition Set

Allows update of tax condition sets to group together the tax conditions that constitute a tax rule.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Determining Factor Set

Allows update of tax determining factor sets to group together related tax determining factors to use in tax rules determination and tax regime determination.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Geographies

Allows update of TCA geography information for each geographical region where you have tax requirements.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Tax Processing Options

Allows update of configuration owner tax options to differentiate setup from the predefined event class setup.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Transaction Business Category

Allows update of tax classifications to identify and categorize an external transaction into an Oracle Fusion Tax transaction and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update Transaction Fiscal Classification

Allows update of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a transaction for a tax and is applicable in the tax determination and tax reporting processes.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

Update User Defined Fiscal Classification Code

Allows update of tax classifications for any tax requirement that you cannot define using the existing fiscal classification types.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Business Unit Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a business unit's transaction tax activities.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Country Defaults and Controls for Transaction Tax

Allows viewing of information at the country level to appear as defaults on the applicable tax and legal entity setups.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Document Fiscal Classification Code

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a document associated with a transaction for a tax and is applicable in the tax determination and tax reporting processes.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Intended Use Fiscal Classification Code

Allows viewing of tax classifications based on the purpose for which a product is used and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Legal Entity Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal entity's transaction tax activities.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Location of Final Discharge

Allows view of location of final discharge.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Party Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Reporting Unit Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal reporting unit's transaction tax activities.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Condition Set

Allows viewing of tax condition sets to group together the tax conditions that constitute a tax rule.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Determining Factor Set

Allows viewing of tax determining factor sets to group together related tax determining factors to use in tax rules determination and tax regime determination.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Geographies

Allows viewing of TCA geography information for each geographical region where you have tax requirements.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Tax Processing Options

Allows viewing of configuration owner tax options to differentiate setup from the predefined event class setup.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Transaction Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a transaction for a tax and is applicable in the tax determination and tax reporting processes.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View User Defined Fiscal Classification Code

Allows viewing of tax classifications for any tax requirement that you cannot define using the existing fiscal classification types.

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Withholding Tax

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Withholding Tax Exception

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Withholding Tax Jurisdiction

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Withholding Tax Processing Options

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Withholding Tax Rate

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Withholding Tax Regime

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Withholding Tax Rule

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Withholding Tax Status

Not Available

Withholding Tax Administration

Sets up withholding tax content including regime to rate configuration, rules, tax determinants, configuration options and party tax profiles.

View Withholding Taxable Basis Formula

Not Available

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Financial Application Administrator job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Attachment

A Financial Application Administrator can read application attachment for the supplier assessment categories including internal to supplier qualification, miscellaneous

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Financial Application Administrator can read application attachment for the supplier qualification categories including internal to supplier qualification, miscellaneous

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Financial Application Administrator can read application attachment for the supplier qualification question category including to supplier

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Financial Application Administrator can read application attachment for the supplier qualification response categories including from supplier, from internal responder, miscellaneous, to buyer, to supplier

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Financial Application Administrator can view application attachment for the supplier assessment categories including internal to supplier qualification, miscellaneous

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Financial Application Administrator can view application attachment for the supplier categories from supplier, miscellaneous, to buyer, to receiver, and to supplier

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Financial Application Administrator can view application attachment for the supplier qualification categories including internal to supplier qualification, miscellaneous

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Financial Application Administrator can view application attachment for the supplier qualification response categories including from supplier, from internal responder, miscellaneous, to buyer, to supplier

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment Category

A Financial Application Administrator can manage application attachment category for all financials applications data

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Manage Application Attachment Category (Data)

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Attachment Entity

A Financial Application Administrator can manage application attachment entity for all financials applications data

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Manage Application Attachment Entity (Data)

Resource: Application Attachment Entity

Application Objects

A Financial Application Administrator can manage application objects for all financial supply chain manufacturing application objects

Role: Enterprise Structures Administration

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Business Unit

A Financial Application Administrator can choose business unit for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Business Unit

A Financial Application Administrator can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Cash Advance Setup and Policy

A Financial Application Administrator can manage cash advance policy for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expenses Administration

Privilege: Manage Cash Advance Policy (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Classification Code File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view classification code file import activity object type for all classification code file import activities of object type 'classification code'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Classification Code File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Classification Code File Import Activity

Classification Code File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view classification code file import mapping object type for all classification code file import mappings of object type 'classification code'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Classification Code File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Classification Code File Import Mapping

Classification Code File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view classification code file import object type for all classification code file import objects of object type 'classification code'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Classification Code File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Classification Code File Import Object

Collections Aging Bucket

A Financial Application Administrator can maintain collections aging buckets for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Collections Administration

Privilege: Maintain Collections Aging Buckets (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Collections Correspondence

A Financial Application Administrator can maintain collections correspondence for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Collections Administration

Privilege: Maintain Collections Correspondence (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Collections Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can maintain collections application preference for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Collections Administration

Privilege: Maintain Collections Application Preference (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set


A Financial Application Administrator can maintain collector for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Collections Administration

Privilege: Maintain Collector (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Consumer File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object

Corporate Card

A Financial Application Administrator can manage corporate card attribute for any corporate card in the enterprise

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Corporate Card Attribute (Data)

Resource: Corporate Card

Corporate Card Program

A Financial Application Administrator can manage corporate card program for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Corporate Card Program (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Customer File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object


A Financial Application Administrator can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Resource Organization Administration

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department

Employee Resource File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view employee resource file import activity object type for all employee resource file import activities of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Activity

Employee Resource File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view employee resource file import mapping object type for all employee resource file import mappings of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Mapping

Employee Resource File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view employee resource file import object type for all employee resource file import objects of object type 'employee resource'

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Employee Resource File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Employee Resource File Import Object

Expense Policy

A Financial Application Administrator can manage expense policy for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Expense Policy (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Policy

A Financial Application Administrator can manage expense policy for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expenses Administration

Privilege: Manage Expense Policy (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Setup Option

A Financial Application Administrator can manage expenses system option for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Expenses System Option (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Setup Option

A Financial Application Administrator can manage expenses system option for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expenses Administration

Privilege: Manage Expenses System Option (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Type

A Financial Application Administrator can manage expense template for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Expense Template (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Type

A Financial Application Administrator can manage expense template for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expenses Administration

Privilege: Manage Expense Template (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view standard file import activity object type for all standard file import activities that are accessible for trading community batch import management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Activity Object Type

Resource: File Import Activity

File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view standard file import mapping object type for all standard file import maps that are accessible for trading community batch import management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Mapping Object Type

Resource: File Import Mapping

Fixed Asset

A Financial Application Administrator can submit fixed assets reports in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Inquiry

Privilege: Submit Fixed Assets Reports

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset Bonus Rule

A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset bonus rule for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Fixed Asset Administration

Privilege: Manage Fixed Asset Bonus Rule (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Fixed Asset Book

A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset book in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Administration

Privilege: Manage Fixed Asset Book (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset Ceiling

A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset ceiling for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Fixed Asset Administration

Privilege: Manage Fixed Asset Ceiling (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Fixed Asset Depreciation Method

A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset depreciation method for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Fixed Asset Administration

Privilege: Manage Fixed Asset Depreciation Method (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Fixed Asset Prorate Convention

A Financial Application Administrator can manage fixed asset prorate convention for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Fixed Asset Administration

Privilege: Manage Fixed Asset Prorate Convention (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

General Ledger Period Status

A Financial Application Administrator can manage accounting period status for the oracle fusion general ledger application

Role: Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status

Privilege: Manage Accounting Period Status (Data)

Resource: General Ledger Period Status

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

HCM Approval Process Definition

A Financial Application Administrator can review approval transactions for financials transactions

Role: Financial Transaction Approval Reviewing

Privilege: Review Approval Transactions (Data)

Resource: HCM Approval Process Definition

HCM Pending Transaction Header

A Financial Application Administrator can review approval transactions for financials transactions

Role: Financial Transaction Approval Reviewing

Privilege: Review Approval Transactions (Data)

Resource: HCM Pending Transaction Header

HR Job

A Financial Application Administrator can choose hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Financial Application Administrator can choose hr job for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

Help Topic

A Financial Application Administrator can view help topic for all secured help content they are authorized

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: View Secured Help Content

Resource: Help Topic

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view standard file import activity object type for all standard file import activities that are accessible for trading community import batch management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Activity Object Type

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view standard file import mapping object type for all standard file import maps that are accessible for trading community import batch management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Mapping Object Type

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view standard file import activity object type for all standard file import activities that are accessible for trading community import batch management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Activity Object Type

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view standard file import mapping object type for all standard file import maps that are accessible for trading community import batch management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Mapping Object Type

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object

Joint Venture

A Financial Application Administrator can manage joint ventures for the joint venture business units they are authorized to manage

Role: Joint Venture Application Administrator

Privilege: Manage Joint Ventures

Resource: Joint Venture

Joint Venture

A Financial Application Administrator can view joint ventures for the joint venture business units they are authorized to view

Role: Joint Venture Application Administrator

Privilege: View Joint Ventures

Resource: Joint Venture

Lease Configurations

A Financial Application Administrator can maintain lease configurations for the business units in which they work

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Manage Lease Configuration (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Financial Application Administrator can manage ledger for subledger for subledger data in a data access set

Role: Joint Venture Application Administrator

Privilege: Manage Ledger for Subledger (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set


A Financial Application Administrator can manage ledger for the posting ledgers for transactions that they are authorized.

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Manage Ledger for Subledger (Data)

Resource: Ledger


A Financial Application Administrator can report oracle fusion general ledger for the ledgers for which they are authorized

Role: Joint Venture Application Administrator

Privilege: Report Oracle Fusion General Ledger (Data)

Resource: Ledger

Legal Employer

A Financial Application Administrator can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Employer

A Financial Application Administrator can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object

Localization Configuration

A Financial Application Administrator can manage localization configuration for the localization setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Manage Localization Configuration (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Partner File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view partner file import activity object type for all partner file import activities of object type 'partner company'

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Partner File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Activity

Partner File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view partner file import mapping object type for all partner file import mappings of object type 'partner company'

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Partner File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Mapping

Partner File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view partner file import object type for all partner file import objects of object type 'partner company'

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Partner File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner File Import Object

Partner Member File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view partner member file import activity object type for all partner member file import activities of object type 'partner member'

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Activity

Partner Member File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view partner member file import mapping object type for all partner member file import mappings of object type 'partner member'

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Mapping

Partner Member File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view partner member file import object type for all partner member file import objects of object type 'partner member'

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Partner Member File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Partner Member File Import Object

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage business unit party tax profile for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Business Unit Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage party tax profile for any party tax profile defined in the enterprise

Role: Legal Entities Administration

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile

Payables Distribution Set

A Financial Application Administrator can manage payables distribution set for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Payables Administration

Privilege: Manage Payables Distribution Set (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Payables Financials Option

A Financial Application Administrator can manage payables financials option for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Payables Administration

Privilege: Manage Payables Financials Option (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Payables Payment Term

A Financial Application Administrator can manage payables payment terms for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Payables Administration

Privilege: Manage Payables Payment Terms (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Payables System Option

A Financial Application Administrator can manage payables system option for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Payables Administration

Privilege: Manage Payables System Option (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Payables Tax Reporting Entity

A Financial Application Administrator can manage payables tax reporting entity for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Payables Administration

Privilege: Manage Payables Tax Reporting Entity (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Payables Withholding Tax Setup

A Financial Application Administrator can manage payables withholding tax setup for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Payables Administration

Privilege: Manage Payables Withholding Tax Setup (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Financial Application Administrator can choose person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Enterprise Structures Administration

Privilege: Choose Person (Data)

Resource: Person

Person Assignment

A Financial Application Administrator can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Users

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Financial Application Administrator can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Users

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Type

A Financial Application Administrator can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: Manage Users

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type


A Financial Application Administrator can get project list using service for the projects belonging to the bu with project accounting business function that they are authorized to.

Role: Joint Venture Application Administrator

Privilege: Get Project List Using Service (Data)

Resource: Project

Public Assignment

A Financial Application Administrator can search person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only

Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Assignment

Public Assignment

A Financial Application Administrator can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Assignment

Public Person

A Financial Application Administrator can choose public person for all workers in the enterprise

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Financial Application Administrator can choose public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Financial Application Administrator can report public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Fixed Asset Inquiry

Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Financial Application Administrator can search person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only

Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Financial Application Administrator can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use User Details Service

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Financial Application Administrator can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Receivables Accounting Rule

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables accounting rule for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Accounting Rule (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Receivables Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables activity for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Activity (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Application Exception Rule

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables receipt application exception rule for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Receipt Application Exception Rule (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Receivables AutoCash Rule Set

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables autocash rule set for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables AutoCash Rule Set (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Receivables Automatch Rule

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables automatch rule set for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables AutoMatch Rule Set (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Receivables Batch Source

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables batch source for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Batch Source (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Receivables Distribution Set

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables distribution set for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Distribution Set (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Lockbox

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables lockbox for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Lockbox (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Receivables Memo Line Template

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables memo line template for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Memo Line Template (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Receivables Payment Term

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables payment terms for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Payment Terms (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Receivables Receipt Method Account

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables receipt method account for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Receipt Method Account (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Receipt Source

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables receipt source for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Receipt Source (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Remit-to Address

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables remit-to address for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Remit-to Address (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Receivables Revenue Contingency

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables revenue contingency for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Revenue Contingency (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Receivables Revenue Policy

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables revenue policy for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Revenue Policy (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Statement Cycle

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables statement cycle for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Statement Cycle (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables System Option

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables system options for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables System Options (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Transaction Type

A Financial Application Administrator can manage receivables transaction type for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Receivables Administration

Privilege: Manage Receivables Transaction Type (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Sales Objects

A Financial Application Administrator can view standard file import export object type for all standard file import export objects that are accessible for trading community batch import management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Export Object Type

Resource: Sales Objects

Simplified Account File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view simplified account file import activity object type for all simplified account file import activities of object type 'ora_import_account'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Account File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Account File Import Activity

Simplified Account File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view simplified account file import mapping object type for all simplified account file import mappings of object type 'ora_import_account'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Account File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Account File Import Mapping

Simplified Account File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view simplified account file import object type for all simplified account file import objects of object type 'ora_import_account'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Account File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Account File Import Object

Simplified Contact File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view simplified contact file import activity object type for all simplified contact file import activities of object type 'ora_import_contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Contact File Import Activity

Simplified Contact File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view simplified contact file import mapping object type for all simplified contact file import mappings of object type 'ora_import_contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Contact File Import Mapping

Simplified Contact File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view simplified contact file import object type for all simplified contact file import objects of object type 'ora_import_contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Contact File Import Object

Simplified Household File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view simplified household file import activity object type for all simplified household file import activities of object type 'ora_import_household'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Household File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Household File Import Activity

Simplified Household File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view simplified household file import mapping object type for all simplified household file import mappings of object type 'ora_import_household'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Household File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Household File Import Mapping

Simplified Household File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view simplified household file import object type for all simplified household file import objects of object type 'ora_import_household'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Household File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Household File Import Object

Source System Reference File Import Activity

A Financial Application Administrator can view source system reference file import activity object type for all source system reference file import activities of object type 'source system reference'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Source System Reference File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Source System Reference File Import Activity

Source System Reference File Import Mapping

A Financial Application Administrator can view source system reference file import mapping object type for all source system reference file import mapping of object type 'source system reference'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Source System Reference File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Source System Reference File Import Mapping

Source System Reference File Import Object

A Financial Application Administrator can view source system reference file import object type for all source system reference file import objects of object type 'source system reference'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Source System Reference File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Source System Reference File Import Object

Subledger Accounting Balance

A Financial Application Administrator can manage subledger accounting balance for the subsidiaries or management segment values whose account balance they manage

Role: Accounting Hub Administration

Privilege: Manage Subledger Accounting Balance (Data)

Resource: Subledger Accounting Balance

Subledger Application

A Financial Application Administrator can manage subledger application for the owning oracle fusion accounting generating subledger application.

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Manage Subledger Application (Data)

Resource: Subledger Application

Tax Defaults and Controls

A Financial Application Administrator can manage application tax options for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Application Tax Options (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Tax Exception

A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax exception for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Tax Exception (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Tax Exemption

A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax exemption for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Exemption (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Tax Rate

A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax rate for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Tax Rate (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Tax Recovery

A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax recovery for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Tax Recovery (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Tax Rule

A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax rule for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Tax Rule (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Tax Status

A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax status for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Tax Status (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Taxable Transaction

A Financial Application Administrator can manage taxable transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Taxable Transaction (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Taxable Transaction

A Financial Application Administrator can manage taxable transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Withholding Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Taxable Transaction (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Trading Community Address

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person address for all customer addresses in the enterprise

Role: Joint Venture Application Administrator

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Address (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Address

Trading Community Contact Point

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person contact for all customer contacts in the enterprise

Role: Joint Venture Application Administrator

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Contact Point

Trading Community Customer Account

A Financial Application Administrator can update customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: Update Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account

A Financial Application Administrator can update customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Update Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Joint Venture Application Administrator

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account relationship for all customer account relationships in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer account site for all customer account sites in the enterprise

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account site for all customer account sites in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account site for all customer account sites in the enterprise

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account site for all customer account sites in the enterprise

Role: Joint Venture Application Administrator

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Joint Venture Application Administrator

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer account site use for all customer account site uses in the enterprise

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Financial Application Administrator can manage customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account site use for all customer account site uses in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account site use for all customer account site uses in the enterprise

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account site use for all customer account site uses in the enterprise

Role: Joint Venture Application Administrator

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Financial Application Administrator can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Customer Payment Instrument Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Employee Bank Account Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Fixed Asset Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Payables Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Payments Disbursement Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Payments Funds Capture Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community contact for all trading community persons in the enterprise except contacts created by partners.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Customer Payment Instrument Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Employee Bank Account Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Fixed Asset Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Joint Venture Application Administrator

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Payables Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Payments Disbursement Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Payments Funds Capture Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise other than sales accounts and sales prospects.

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise other than sales accounts and sales prospects.

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise other than sales accounts and sales prospects.

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise other than sales accounts and sales prospects.

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise other than sales accounts and sales prospects.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Corporate Card Account Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Bill Management Registration Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Cash Management Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource Note

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community resource notes for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Notes (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Note

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community resource notes for the resource notes for which they are the owner

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Notes (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Note

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community resource notes for all resource notes

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource Notes (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Note

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community resource contact point information for all resource contacts in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Contact Point Information (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community resource skill for all resource skills

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community resource skill for the resource skills of persons who they manage

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community resource skill for their resource skills

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Resource Skill (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can remove trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Remove Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can update trading community resource for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can update trading community resource for their resource record

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community salesperson setup for all the trading community salesperson setup data

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Financial Application Administrator can manage trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community salesperson setup for all salespersons in the enterprise

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: View Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community salesperson setup for all the trading community salesperson setup data

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community salesperson setup for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Resource Administration

Privilege: View Trading Community Salesperson Setup (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Sales Representative Setup

Transaction Tax

A Financial Application Administrator can manage transaction tax for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Transaction Tax (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Financial Application Administrator can change user for persons in their person security profile.

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Link User Account (Data)

Resource: User


A Financial Application Administrator can change user for subordinates in their person security profile.

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Link User Account (Data)

Resource: User


A Financial Application Administrator can edit user name for persons in their person security profile.

Role: Edit User Name

Privilege: Edit User Name (Data)

Resource: User


A Financial Application Administrator can link user account for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage User Account

Privilege: Link User Account (Data)

Resource: User


A Financial Application Administrator can manage user accounts for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage User Account

Privilege: Manage User Accounts (Data)

Resource: User


A Financial Application Administrator can view user accounts for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage User Account

Privilege: View User Accounts (Data)

Resource: User

User Role

A Financial Application Administrator can view user role for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Assign User Roles (Data)

Resource: User Role

User Role

A Financial Application Administrator can view user role for subordinates in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Financial Application Administrator

Privilege: Assign User Roles (Data)

Resource: User Role

Withholding Tax

A Financial Application Administrator can manage transaction tax for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for

Role: Withholding Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Transaction Tax (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Withholding Tax Exception

A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax exception for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for

Role: Withholding Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Tax Exception (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Withholding Tax Rate

A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax rate for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for

Role: Withholding Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Tax Rate (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Withholding Tax Rule

A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax rule for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for

Role: Withholding Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Tax Rule (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Withholding Tax Status

A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax status for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for

Role: Withholding Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Tax Status (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Financial Application Administrator job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage party tax profile for any party tax profile defined in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage party tax profile for any party tax profile defined in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage party tax profile for any party tax profile defined in the enterprise

Role: Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage party tax profile for any party tax profile defined in the enterprise

Role: Withholding Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage party tax profile taxpayer identifier for organizations of type individual party tax profile taxpayer identifier defined in the enterprise.

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile Taxpayer Identifier (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage party tax profile taxpayer identifier for organizations of type individual party tax profile taxpayer identifier defined in the enterprise.

Role: Party Taxpayer Identifier PII

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile Taxpayer Identifier (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile


A Financial Application Administrator can maintain supplier corporate identifiers for all suppliers for nonindividual types in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate Identifiers (Data)

Resource: Supplier

Tax Registration

A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax registration for any tax registration defined in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)

Resource: Tax Registration

Tax Registration

A Financial Application Administrator can manage tax registration for any tax registration defined in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)

Resource: Tax Registration

Taxable Transaction

A Financial Application Administrator can manage taxable transaction for any taxable transaction existing in the enterprise

Role: Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Taxable Transaction (Data)

Resource: Taxable Transaction

Taxable Transaction

A Financial Application Administrator can manage taxable transaction for any taxable transaction existing in the enterprise

Role: Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Taxable Transaction (Data)

Resource: Taxable Transaction

Taxable Transaction

A Financial Application Administrator can manage taxable transaction for any taxable transaction existing in the enterprise

Role: Withholding Tax Administration

Privilege: Manage Taxable Transaction (Data)

Resource: Taxable Transaction

Trading Community Person Phone

A Financial Application Administrator can view trading community person mobile phone number for all trading community person mobile phone numbers

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Mobile Phone Number

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Withholding Party Tax Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage party tax profile taxpayer identifier for organizations of type individual party tax profile taxpayer identifier defined in the enterprise.

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile Taxpayer Identifier (Data)

Resource: Withholding Party Tax Profile

Withholding Party Tax Profile

A Financial Application Administrator can manage party tax profile taxpayer identifier for organizations of type individual party tax profile taxpayer identifier defined in the enterprise.

Role: Party Taxpayer Identifier PII

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile Taxpayer Identifier (Data)

Resource: Withholding Party Tax Profile