Adjustment Approval Action History

The adjustment approval action history view object contains information about an adjustment approval action history, including action date, action, created by, and comments. It stores every step in the adjustment lifecycle. A record is created every time a pending adjustment has a status change. For example, if an adjustment is rejected because more information is needed, the ACTION_NAME column stores Rejected, the ACTION_DATE column stores today's date, and the COMMENTS column stores the comments entered by the approver.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.AdjustmentApprovalActionHistoryExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArApprovalActionHistoryApprovalActionHistoryId

Initial Extract Date : ArApprovalActionHistoryCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArApprovalActionHistoryLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArApprovalActionHistoryActionDate The date the adjustment approval action was taken by the approver.
ArApprovalActionHistoryActionName The name of the adjustment approval action taken by the approver.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAdjustmentId The identifier of the adjustment associated with the adjustment approval action.
ArApprovalActionHistoryApprovalActionHistoryId The identifier of the adjustment approval action.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute1 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 1.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute10 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 10.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute11 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 11.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute12 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 12.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute13 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 13.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute14 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 14.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute15 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 15.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute2 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 2.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute3 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 3.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute4 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 4.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute5 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 5.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute6 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 6.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute7 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 7.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute8 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 8.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttribute9 A segment of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield 9.
ArApprovalActionHistoryAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Adjustment Approval Action History descriptive flexfield.
ArApprovalActionHistoryComments The comments entered by the user about the adjustment approval action.
ArApprovalActionHistoryCreatedBy The user who created the adjustment approval action history.
ArApprovalActionHistoryCreationDate The date and time the adjustment approval action history was created.
ArApprovalActionHistoryLastUpdateDate The date and time the adjustment approval action history was last updated.
ArApprovalActionHistoryLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the adjustment approval action history.
ArApprovalActionHistoryLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the adjustment approval action history.
ArApprovalActionHistoryObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of an adjustment approval action history to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.