Revenue Adjustment

The revenue adjustment view object contains information about revenue adjustments, including business unit, name, revenue adjusted transaction, revenue adjustment date, adjusted amount, adjusted percentage, revenue category adjustment, transaction line, accounting date, revenue adjustment type, revenue adjustment status, revenue adjustment reason, salesperson, and sales credit type.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.RevenueAdjustmentExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArRevenueAdjustmentRevenueAdjustmentId

Initial Extract Date : ArRevenueAdjustmentCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArRevenueAdjustmentLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArRevenueAdjustmentAmount The amount of revenue adjusted in the transaction currency.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAmountMode The revenue amount adjusted on the transaction. Valid values are: T - Total revenue amount, A - Specific revenue amount, and P - Percentage of the total revenue amount.
ArRevenueAdjustmentApplicationDate The revenue adjustment date.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute1 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 1.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute10 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 10.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute11 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 11.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute12 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 12.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute13 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 13.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute14 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 14.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute15 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 15.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute2 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 2.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute3 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 3.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute4 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 4.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute5 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 5.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute6 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 6.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute7 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 7.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute8 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 8.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttribute9 A segment of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield 9.
ArRevenueAdjustmentAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Revenue Adjustment descriptive flexfield.
ArRevenueAdjustmentComments The user-entered comments about the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentCreatedBy The user who created the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentCreationDate The date and time the revenue adjustment was created.
ArRevenueAdjustmentCustomerTrxId The identifier of the transaction that had revenue adjusted.
ArRevenueAdjustmentFromCategoryId The identifier of the transaction line item category, such as Software or Hardware, from which revenue is adjusted. The item is associated to the category when the transaction line is created.
ArRevenueAdjustmentFromCustTrxLineId The identifier of the transaction line that had revenue adjusted.
ArRevenueAdjustmentFromInventoryItemId The identifier of the inventory transaction line that had revenue adjusted.
ArRevenueAdjustmentFromResourceSalesrepId The identifier of an individual salesperson that had sales credits transferred.
ArRevenueAdjustmentFromSalesgroupId The identifier of a group of salespersons that had sales credits transferred.
ArRevenueAdjustmentGlDate The default accounting date for revenue adjustment accounting.
ArRevenueAdjustmentLastUpdateDate The date and time the revenue adjustment was last updated.
ArRevenueAdjustmentLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentLineSelectionMode The value that indicates the part of the transaction has revenue adjusted. Valid values are: A - ALL_LINES, C - SPEC_CAT, I - SPEC_ITEM, and S - SPEC_LINE.
ArRevenueAdjustmentObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a revenue adjustment to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArRevenueAdjustmentOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentPercent The percentage of revenue that is adjusted.
ArRevenueAdjustmentProgramApplicationId The identifier of the application that last updated the revenue adjustment (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
ArRevenueAdjustmentProgramId The identifier of the process that last updated the revenue adjustment (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
ArRevenueAdjustmentProgramUpdateDate The date when a process last updated the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentReasonCode The reason for the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentRequestId The request identifier of the process that created or last updated the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentRevenueAdjustmentId The identifier of the Receivable transaction revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentRevenueAdjustmentNumber The revenue adjustment reference number.
ArRevenueAdjustmentSalesCreditType The type of sales credit applied to the transaction. Valid values are: N - Nonrevenue Sales Credits, R - Revenue Sales Credits, B - Both Revenue and Nonrevenue Sales Credits.
ArRevenueAdjustmentStatus The status of the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentToCategoryId The identifier of the transaction line item category that the revenue adjustment is transferred to.
ArRevenueAdjustmentToCustTrxLineId The identifier of the transaction line that the revenue adjustment is associated with (primary key of RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL).
ArRevenueAdjustmentToInventoryItemId The identifier of the transaction line inventory item that the revenue adjustment is transferred to.
ArRevenueAdjustmentToResourceSalesrepId The identifier of the salesperson to whom sales credits are transferred for the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentToSalesgroupId The identifier of the group of salespersons to whom sales credits are transferred for the revenue adjustment.
ArRevenueAdjustmentType The type of revenue adjustment. Valid types are: EA - Scheduled Revenue, UN - Unscheduled Revenue, SA - Sales Credits Transfer, and NR - Add Nonrevenue Sales Credits.