Lockbox Transmission

The lockbox transmission view object contains information about lockbox transmissions, including business unit, transmission name, creation date, lockbox number, receipt batch number, and process status. Each row includes the original transmission request ID, the transmission date, time, count, and amount. Lockbox transmission statuses are: NEW, OOB - out of balance, and CL - closed.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.TransmissionExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArTransmissionTransmissionId

Initial Extract Date : ArTransmissionCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArTransmissionLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArTransmissionAmount The total amount of all receipts in the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionAttribute1 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 1.
ArTransmissionAttribute10 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 10.
ArTransmissionAttribute11 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 11.
ArTransmissionAttribute12 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 12.
ArTransmissionAttribute13 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 13.
ArTransmissionAttribute14 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 14.
ArTransmissionAttribute15 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 15.
ArTransmissionAttribute2 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 2.
ArTransmissionAttribute3 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 3.
ArTransmissionAttribute4 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 4.
ArTransmissionAttribute5 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 5.
ArTransmissionAttribute6 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 6.
ArTransmissionAttribute7 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 7.
ArTransmissionAttribute8 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 8.
ArTransmissionAttribute9 A segment of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield 9.
ArTransmissionAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Lockbox Transmission descriptive flexfield.
ArTransmissionComments The user-entered comments for the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionCount1 The number of records read in the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionCreatedBy The user who created the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionCreationDate The date and time the lockbox transmission was created.
ArTransmissionDestination The destination bank account for the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionErrorCount The number of error records in the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionLastUpdateDate The date and time the lockbox transmission was last updated.
ArTransmissionLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionLatestRequestId The request identifier of the last lockbox transmission process.
ArTransmissionObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a lockbox transmission to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArTransmissionOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionOrigin The identifier of the originating organization of the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionRequestedGlDate The accounting date of the receipts in the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionRequestedLockboxId The identifier of the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionRequestedTransFormatId The identifier of the lockbox transmission format for the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionScoringModelId The identifier of the lockbox transmission scoring model.
ArTransmissionSourceTypeFlag The lockbox transmission source type.
ArTransmissionStatus The lockbox transmission status.
ArTransmissionTime The deposit time of the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionTransDate The deposit date of the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionTransmissionId The unique identifier of the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionTransmissionName The lockbox transmission name.
ArTransmissionTransmissionRequestId The request identifier of the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionValidatedAmount The total validated payment amount in the lockbox transmission.
ArTransmissionValidatedCount The total number of validated records in the lockbox transmission.