Expense Manager (Job Role)

Manages company's expense policies and processes. Reviews and proposes changes to expense policies.

Role Hierarchy

The Expense Manager job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Expense Manager
    • Expense Audit Rules Management

    • Expense Policies and Rules Administration
      • Functional Setups

    • Expense Transactions Transaction Analysis

    • Expenses Summary Transaction Analysis

    • Financials Folder Reporting


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Expense Manager job role.

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring

An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Expense Audit Rules Management

Manages expense report audit rules.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Expense Transactions Transaction Analysis

Provides access to Expenses subject areas.

Expenses Summary Transaction Analysis

Provides access to Expenses Summary subject areas.

Financials Folder Reporting

Grants access to the Financials web catalog folder.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Expense Manager job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Expense Audit Rules Management

Manages expense report audit rules.

Manage Audit Rule by Expense Templates and Types

Allows creation and maintenance of expense audit rules based on expense templates and expense types.

Expense Audit Rules Management

Manages expense report audit rules.

Manage Expense Audit List Rule

Allows creation and maintenance of rules for including employees in expense audit list.

Expense Audit Rules Management

Manages expense report audit rules.

Manage Expense Audit and Receipt Rule Assignment

Allows activation and inactivation of audit rules, receipt rules, and notification rules by assigning them to business units.

Expense Audit Rules Management

Manages expense report audit rules.

Manage Expense Report Audit Selection Rule

Allows creation and maintenance of expense report audit selection rules and automatic auditor assignment rules.

Expense Audit Rules Management

Manages expense report audit rules.

Manage Expense Report Receipt and Notification Rule

Allows creation and maintenance of receipt requirement rules and rules for notifying users when receipt requirements are not met.

Expense Manager

Manages company's expense policies and processes. Reviews and proposes changes to expense policies.

Manage Expense Audit List Membership

Allows adding employees to expense audit list. Allows removing employees from the audit list and adding additional audit reasons and extending the end dates.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Configure Expense-Specific Field

Allows configuration of the display behavior of expense category fields in expense reports.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Configure Expense-Specific Tax Field

Allows configuration of the display behavior of tax fields in expense reports.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Extend Employee Matching Rule

Allows addition of new rules for matching corporate cards to employees.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Link Corporate Expense Policy to Expenses Work Area

Allows linkage of the corporate expense policies page or web site to the Oracle Fusion Expenses work area.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Allows management of application descriptive flexfields.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage implementation of the Extensible Flexfield feature on a given entity.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Allows management of value sets to validate the content of a flexfield segment. Value sets provide declarative validation for use in applications flexfield attributes and key segments.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Cash Advance Policy

Allows management of cash advance policies and options for the deploying company.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Conversion Rate and Policy

Allows management of conversion rates and tolerances for a specific business unit for use in expense reports.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Corporate Card Expense Types Mapping

Allows management of mapping between corporate card expense types and expense types defined in expense templates.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Corporate Card Transaction Submission Policy

Allows management of corporate card transaction submission age limits for the deploying company.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Cumulative Mileage Determinant

Allows the management of cumulative mileage determinants for employees in a business unit and a legal entity.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Delegations

Allows creation and update of assignments of delegates to other individuals, cost centers, business units, or hierarchies.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Expense Report Terms and Conditions

Allows management of expense report terms and conditions for the deploying company.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Expense Template

Allows management of expense templates and expense types for use in expense reports.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Expenses System Option

Allows management of expense management implementation options for the deploying company.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Extensions for Expenses

Not Available

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Nonemployee Attendee

Allows bulk creation of nonemployee attendees. Allows updating existing nonemployee attendees in bulk.

Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Manages company's expense policies and reimbursement policies.

Manage Policies by Expense Category

Allows the management of expense reimbursement policies by expense category.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Allows setup task execution and searching of tasks and tasks lists.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Applications Offering

Provides access to the Getting Started page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Allows access to the Assigned Implementation Tasks page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Setup and Maintain Applications

Allows access to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Expense Manager job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Applied Cash Advance

A Expense Manager can view applied cash advance for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Manager

Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Cash Advance

A Expense Manager can view cash advance for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Manager

Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Cash Advance Setup and Policy

An Expense Manager can manage cash advance policy for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Privilege: Manage Cash Advance Policy (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Expense Manager can view expense for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Manager

Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Audit List Rule

An Expense Manager can manage expense audit list rule for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Audit Rules Management

Privilege: Manage Expense Audit List Rule (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Notification Rule

An Expense Manager can manage expense report notification rule for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Audit Rules Management

Privilege: Manage Expense Report Notification Rule (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Policy

An Expense Manager can manage expense policy for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Privilege: Manage Expense Policy (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Receipt Management Rule

An Expense Manager can manage expense receipt management rule for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Audit Rules Management

Privilege: Manage Expense Receipt Management Rule (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Report

A Expense Manager can view expense report for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Manager

Privilege: View Employee Expense (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Report Audit Rule

An Expense Manager can manage expense report audit rule for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Audit Rules Management

Privilege: Manage Expense Report Audit Rule (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Report Hold Rule

An Expense Manager can manage expense report hold rule for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Audit Rules Management

Privilege: Manage Expense Report Hold Rule (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Setup Option

An Expense Manager can manage expenses system option for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Privilege: Manage Expenses System Option (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Type

An Expense Manager can manage expense template for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Audit Rules Management

Privilege: Manage Expense Template (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Type

An Expense Manager can manage expense template for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Policies and Rules Administration

Privilege: Manage Expense Template (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Expense Type Audit Rule

An Expense Manager can manage expense report audit rule for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Expense Audit Rules Management

Privilege: Manage Expense Report Audit Rule (Data)

Resource: Business Unit