Financial Integration Specialist (Job Role)

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Role Hierarchy

The Financial Integration Specialist job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Financial Integration Specialist
    • Download data for Assets Export

    • Download data for Cash Management Export

    • Download data for General Ledger Export

    • Download data for Payables Export

    • Download data for Receivables Export

    • Download data for Tax Export

    • Enterprise Structures Administration
      • Accounting Hub Administration
        • Business Intelligence Consumer

      • Application World Reference Administration

      • Business Intelligence Consumer

      • Customer Account Inquiry

      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

      • Fixed Asset Inquiry
        • Customer Account Inquiry

        • Payables Invoice Inquiry

      • Functional Setups

      • Legal Entities Administration
        • Functional Setups

    • FSCM Load Interface Administration

    • Fixed Asset Reporting

    • Fixed Asset Transaction Management
      • Customer Account Inquiry

      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

    • General Accounting Functional Administration
      • Accounting Hub Administration
        • Business Intelligence Consumer

      • Customer Account Inquiry

      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

      • Functional Setups

      • Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status

    • Intercompany Transactions Entry
      • Customer Account Inquiry

      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

      • General Accounting Setup Review
        • Business Intelligence Consumer

        • Functional Setups

        • Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status

      • General Ledger Reporting
        • Business Intelligence Consumer

        • Customer Account Inquiry

        • General Accounting Setup Review
          • Business Intelligence Consumer

          • Functional Setups

          • Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status

        • Payables Invoice Inquiry

        • Subledger Accounting Reporting
          • Business Intelligence Consumer

          • Customer Account Inquiry

      • Import Intercompany Transaction

      • Journal Management
        • FSCM Load Interface Administration

        • General Accounting Setup Review
          • Business Intelligence Consumer

          • Functional Setups

          • Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status

        • General Ledger Reporting
          • Business Intelligence Consumer

          • Customer Account Inquiry

          • General Accounting Setup Review
            • Business Intelligence Consumer

            • Functional Setups

            • Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status

          • Payables Invoice Inquiry

          • Subledger Accounting Reporting
            • Business Intelligence Consumer

            • Customer Account Inquiry

      • Payables Invoice Inquiry

      • Subledger Accounting Reporting
        • Business Intelligence Consumer

        • Customer Account Inquiry

    • Lease Contract Management

    • Lease Revenue Contract Management

    • Payables Invoice Import Submission
      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

    • Payee Bank Account Management
      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

    • Tax Administrator
      • Download data for Tax Export

      • Functional Setups

      • Import Tax Rate

      • Intrastat Processing
        • Item Inquiry

      • Item Inquiry

      • Tax Configuration Inquiry
        • Customer Account Inquiry

        • Supplier Profile Inquiry
          • Supplier Qualification Viewing

      • Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing
        • FSCM Load Interface Administration

        • Subledger Accounting Manager
          • Business Intelligence Consumer

          • Customer Account Inquiry

      • Tax Reporting
        • Business Intelligence Consumer

      • Upload data for Tax Import

    • Trading Community Import Batch Management

    • Trading Community Import Process Management

    • Upload data for Assets Import

    • Upload data for Bank Statement Import

    • Upload data for Budget Balance Import

    • Upload data for Budgetary Control Import

    • Upload data for General Ledger Import

    • Upload data for Intercompany Import

    • Upload data for Lease Accounting Import

    • Upload data for Payables Import

    • Upload data for Receivables Import

    • Upload data for Tax Import


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Financial Integration Specialist job role.

Duty Role Description

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Business Intelligence Consumer

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Download data for Assets Export

Allows to download data exported from assets related data.

Download data for Cash Management Export

Allows to download data exported from cash management related data.

Download data for General Ledger Export

Allows to download data exported from general Ledger related data.

Download data for Payables Export

Allows to download data exported from Payables related data.

Download data for Receivables Export

Allows to download data exported from Receivables related data.

Download data for Tax Export

Allows to download data file to export tax related data.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Import Intercompany Transaction

Allows import of intercompany transactions.

Import Tax Rate

Allows import of tax rate.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Intrastat Processing

Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating, exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Lease Contract Management


Lease Revenue Contract Management


Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Payables Invoice Import Submission

Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.

Payables Invoice Inquiry

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Payee Bank Account Management

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing

Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Transactional Analysis

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users.

Upload data for Assets Import

Allows to upload data file to import fixed assets.

Upload data for Bank Statement Import

Allows to upload data file to import bank statements.

Upload data for Budget Balance Import

Allows to upload data file to import budget balances.

Upload data for Budgetary Control Import

Allows to upload data file to import Budgetary Control related data.

Upload data for General Ledger Import

Allows to upload data file to import chart of account segment values and hierarchies.

Upload data for Intercompany Import

Allows to upload data file to import intercompany transactions.

Upload data for Lease Accounting Import

Allows to upload data file to import lease accounting related data.

Upload data for Payables Import

Allows to upload data file to import payables data.

Upload data for Receivables Import

Allows to upload data file to import customers.

Upload data for Tax Import

Allows to upload data file to import tax related data.

Aggregate Privileges

This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Financial Integration Specialist job role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status

Manages Oracle Fusion General Ledger period status.

Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status

Review Oracle Fusion General Ledger period status.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Financial Integration Specialist job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Activate Subledger Journal Entry Rule Set Assignments

Allows submission of the program to activate subledger journal entry rule set assignments to accounting method.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Create Journal Entries for New Reporting Currency or Secondary Ledger

Create Journal Entries for New Reporting Currency or Secondary Ledger

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Create and Assign Subledger Standard Source

Allows submission of the process to generate sources and source assignments based on the object definitions.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Define Subledger Application

Allows creation or update of the subledger application.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Define Subledger Transaction Account Type

Allows the creation or update of the subledger transaction account type.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Generate Objects for Subledger Transaction Account Type

Generate Objects for Subledger Transaction Account Type.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Import Subledger Balance for Supporting Reference

Allows submission of the program to upload initial subledger balance for supporting reference.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Import Subledger Control Balance

Run program to upload third party initial balances

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Allows management of all application profile option settings and values at various levels to control application behavior.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Application Common Lookup

Not Available

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Application Set-Enabled Lookup

Manage sub-type entities stored in the Application Set-Enabled Lookup entity. Lookup Types are lists of values such as Days of the Week or Yes/No which can be used to validate column values.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Application Standard Lookup

Manage sub-type entities stored in the Application Standard Lookup Values entity. Lookup Types are lists of values such as "Days of the Week" or "Yes/No" which can be used to validate columns values.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Account Rule

Allows creation or update of the subledger account rule.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Accounting Attribute

Allows update of the assignment of sources to accounting attributes.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Accounting Class Usage

Allows creation or update of the accounting class assignments.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Accounting Existing Scope

Allows creation or selection of subledger application context for setup scope.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Accounting Method

Allows creation or update of the subledger accounting method.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Accounting Option

Allows update of the subledger accounting options for a ledger.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Application Transaction Object

Allows creation or update of the subledger application transaction object.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Custom Source

Define custom sources to be used in subledger journal entry rule sets

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Description Rule

Allows creation or update of the subledger description rule.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Formula

Allows creation or update of the subledger formula.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Journal Entry Rule Set

Allows creation or update of the subledger journal entry rule set.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Journal Line Rule

Allows creation or update of the subledger journal line rule.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Mapping Set

Allows creation or update of mapping set.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Mapping Set Value

Allows creation or update of mapping set value.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Standard Source

Allows creation or update of subledger sources.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Supporting Reference

Allows creation or update of the subledger supporting reference.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Manage Subledger Transaction Account Definition

Allows register and maintain of the subledger application and its corresponding event model such as event classes and event types.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Purge Accounting Event Diagnostic Data

Allows submission of programs to generate and purge transaction objects diagnostics data.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Account Rule

Allows review of the subledger account rule.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Accounting Attribute

Allows review of the assignment of sources to accounting attributes.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Accounting Method

Allows review of the subledger accounting method.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Accounting Option

Allows review of the subledger accounting options for a ledger.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Application

Allows review of the subledger application.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Custom Source

Define custom sources to be used in subledger journal entry rule sets

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Description Rule

Allows review of the subledger description rule.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Formula

Allows review of the subledger formula.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Journal Entry Rule Set

Allows review of the subledger journal entry rule set.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Journal Line Rule

Allows review of the subledger journal line rule.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Mapping Set

Allows review of mapping set.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Standard Source

Allows review of subledger sources.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Supporting Reference

Allows review of the subledger supporting reference.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Transaction Account Definition

Allows review of the subledger application and its corresponding event model such as event classes and event types.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Review Subledger Transaction Account Type

Allows review of the subledger transaction account type.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Submit Accounting Event Diagnostic Report

Allows submission of programs to generate and purge transaction objects diagnostics data.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Update Subledger Accounting Balance

Allows submission of the program to update subledger third party account and supporting reference balances.

Accounting Hub Administration

Configures the accounting hub for a source system.

Update Subledger Application

Allow submission of the program to update subledger application options when there is a new subledger application registered or updates are made to event model, event class, or event type - after ledgers are defined.

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Currency

Manage currencies used by applications.

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference ISO Language

Manage ISO Languages used by applications.

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Industry

Manage Industries used by applications

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Language

Manage Languages used by applications

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Natural Language

Manage Natural Languages used by applications

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Territory

Manage Territories used by applications

Application World Reference Administration

Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone, currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.

Manage Application Reference Timezone

Manage Timezones used by applications

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Export Customer Account

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Allows the export of customer account contact relationship information.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Customer Account Relationships

Allows the search of customer account relationships. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account relationship.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Customer Account Site

Allows the search of customer account sites. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization

Allows the search of organizations. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account

Allows the viewing of customer account information.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Information

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Relationship

Allows the viewing of customer account relationship information.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Relationships

Allows the viewing of customer account relationship information.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Site

Allows the viewing of the customer account site information.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Site Use

Allows the viewing of the customer account site use information.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Location of Final Discharge

Allows view of location of final discharge.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Party Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization

Allows exporting, searching, and viewing of organization details such as addresses, classifications, identifiers, and names.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Address

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Address Use

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Source System Mapping

Not Available

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Usage Assignment

Not Available

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Assign Balancing Segment Values to Ledger

Allows assignment of balancing segment values to ledger.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Assign Balancing Segment Values to Legal Entity

Allows assignment of balancing segment values to legal entities.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Assign Business Unit Business Function

Allows the assignment of the business unit business function.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Assign Legal Entity

Allows assignment of legal entities to accounting configuration.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Assign Oracle Fusion General Ledger Data Access Set Definition

Allows assignment of data access sets.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Common Access Apps Stats Provider Service

Allows the submission of Metrics Statistics Service For Enterprise Manager process.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Create Journal Entries for New Reporting Currency or Secondary Ledger

Create Journal Entries for New Reporting Currency or Secondary Ledger

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Accounting Calendar

Allows definition of periods used to record and report accounting transactions.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Chart of Accounts Mapping

Allows definition of chart of accounts mappings.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Commitment Control Calendar

Allows definition of commitment budget calendars.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Conversion Rate Type

Allows creation of rate types.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Ledger Set

Allows definition of ledger sets.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Data Access Set

Allows definition of data access sets.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Statistical Unit Of Measure

Allows definition of statistical units of measure.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Suspense Account

Allows definition of suspense accounts.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Transaction Calendar

Allows creation and maintenance of the transaction calendar.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Define Reporting Currency

Allows definition of reporting currencies.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Extract Ledger Setup Definitions

Extract ledger setup data from Oracle Fusion General Ledger to support export of ledger actual balance type balances data from Enterprise Business Suite General Ledger.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Load and Maintain Account Values and Hierarchies

Allows management of value sets through import of value set values and hierarchies from Data Relationship Management, or also known as DRM. Also allows submission and scheduling of programs to audit and flatten account hierarchies.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Maintain Daily Conversion Rate

Allows maintenance of daily rates using a spreadsheet.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Maintain Segment Value Attributes

Allows propagation of segment value attribute changes to code combinations.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Account Combination Validation Rules

Allows management of account combination validation rules for a chart of accounts.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Account Cross Validation Rules

Allows management of account combinations segment cross validation rules.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Accounting Configuration

Allows management of the accounting configuration.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Accounting Flexfield Aliases

Allows management of the accounting flexfield aliases.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Accounting Flexfields Segment Value Security Rules by Spreadsheet

Allows management of accounting flexfields segment value security rules, including the assignment of such security rules to data roles, using the Rapid Implementation spreadsheet interface.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Allows management of all application profile option settings and values at various levels to control application behavior.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Data Security Policy

Allows management of security policies that restrict access to functions and data, such as preventing particular values from being accessed in a chart of account segment.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Database Resource

Manage application database resources for data security

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Allows management of application descriptive flexfields.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage implementation of the Extensible Flexfield feature on a given entity.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Allows management of value sets to validate the content of a flexfield segment. Value sets provide declarative validation for use in applications flexfield attributes and key segments.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Key Flexfield

Allows management of application key flexfields.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Tree

Manage application trees and tree versions

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Application Tree Structure

Manage application tree structures

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Applications Coexistence Configuration Setup

Allows for the management of the applications co-existence configuration setup.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Business Unit

Allows the definition of the business unit.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Business Unit Service Client Relationships

Allows the review of service clients.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Business Unit Service Provider Relationships

Allows create or update of business unit service provider relationships.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Business Unit Set Assignment

Allows creation or update of the business unit set assignment.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Chart of Accounts and Related Components

Allows create and edit of chart of accounts and related components.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Close Monitor Setup

Allows definition of Close Monitor setup including the ledger or ledger sets, manager, image, and account group assignments.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Enterprise Structures Rapid Implementation

Allows management of the enterprise structures setup objects through the Rapid Implementation path.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Financial Application Lookups

Allows the creation or update of financial application lookups

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany Balancing Rule

Allows creation or update of the intercompany balancing rules.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany Customer Supplier Mapping

Allows the creation or update of the customer supplier associations.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany Organization

Allows the creation or update of the intercompany organizations.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany Period Status

Allows the definition of period statuses to control the timing of intercompany transaction processing.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany Receivables Assignment

Allows the assignment of receivables transaction types and memo lines to intercompany transaction types for particular business units.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany System Option

Allows the definition of intercompany system options.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Intercompany Transaction Type

Allows the creation or update of intercompany transaction types.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Ledger Balancing Rule

Allows the creation or update of intercompany ledger options.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Legal Address

Allows creation and update of the legal address used to register with a legal authority.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Legal Authority

Allows the association of a governing legal body that operates within a jurisdiction to a legal entity for purposes of providing legal reports and financial statements.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Legal Jurisdiction

Allows the definition of the geographic area or areas for which a legal authority is responsible.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Oracle Fusion General Ledger Account Combinations

Allows management of the account combinations.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Secondary Ledger

Allows management of the secondary ledgers.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Manage Subledger Accounting Option

Allows update of the subledger accounting options for a ledger.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Review and Submit Accounting Configuration

Allows review and submission of the accounting configuration process.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Run Balancing Segment Value Assignment Report

Allows submission of the balancing segment assignments to accounting configuration report.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Run Calendar Validation Report

Allows submission of the calendar validation report.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Run Chart of Accounts - Mapping Rules Report

Allows submission of the chart of accounts mapping rules report.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Run Daily Rates Import and Calculation Program

Allows submission of the daily rates import and calculation program.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Run Data Access Set Listing Report

Allows submission of the data access set listing report.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Run Import Chart of Accounts Mapping Segment Rollup Rules

Allows submission of the import program for chart of accounts mapping segment rollup rule.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Select Aggregation Options for Account Hierarchies

Allows selection of account balance aggregation options for the account hierarchies in Essbase.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Specify Ledger Option

Allows definition of the various additional attributes for the ledger.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

Sweep Incomplete Intercompany Transaction

Allows sweep of incomplete intercompany transactions.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Accounting Calendar

Allows view access to existing groupings of accounting periods.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Accounting Configuration

Allows view access to the current status and details of the accounting configuration and running the Rapid Implementation enterprise structure listing report.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Accounting Flexfield Aliases

Allows review of the accounting flexfield aliases.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Commitment Control Calendar

Allows view access of commitment budget calendars.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Daily Conversion Rate

Allows view access to daily conversion information.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Ledger Set

Allows view access to existing collections of ledgers intended for batch processing or financial reports.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Oracle Fusion General Ledger Data Access Set Definition

Allows view access of data access set definitions and makes data access set selection.

Enterprise Structures Administration

Administer all enterprise structure related setup objects including charts of accounts, calendars, currencies, ledgers, legal entities, legal jurisdictions and business units.

View Oracle Fusion General Ledger Transaction Calendar

Allows view access to existing groupings of accounting periods for daily balances.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

Allow financials and supply chain users to access the methods associated with the Integration Rest Service.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load File to Interface

Allows file data load to interface tables

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load Interface File for Import

Allows a user to load interface file for import

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Manage File Import and Export

Privilege to manage import and export of files.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Transfer File

Allows management of file transfer from server

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Assign Business Unit Business Function

Allows the assignment of the business unit business function.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Common Access Apps Stats Provider Service

Allows the submission of Metrics Statistics Service For Enterprise Manager process.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Create Business Unit Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a business unit's transaction tax activities.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Create Legal Entity Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal entity's transaction tax activities.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Create Location of Final Discharge

Allows creation of location of final discharge.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Create Party Fiscal Classification

Allows creation of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Create Receivables Automatic Receipt Batch

Create an automatic receipt batch using the UI and correct funds transfer errors.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Create Receivables Receipt

Create a Receivables receipt manually.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Create Reporting Unit Tax Profile

Allows creation of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal reporting unit's transaction tax activities.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Enter Budget Amounts for Financial Reporting

Enter budget amounts for upload to Essbase cube for financial reporting for Oracle Fusion General Ledger

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Import Bank Statement Reconciliation External Transaction

Not Available

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Import Budget Amounts

Allows the submission of a process to import budget from the open budget interface tables.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Import Receivables Receipt Batch

Import a Receivables receipt batch.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Import Receivables Receipt Remittances

Import remittance advice information for Receivables receipts.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Import Receivables Receipt through Lockbox

Process Receivables receipts through lockbox, manage lockbox transmissions, and review lockbox transmission history.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Maintain Bank Statement

Allows create, review, update, and delete of bank statements.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Maintain Historical Conversion Rate

Allows maintenance of historical rates using a spreadsheet.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Application Data Security Policy

Allows management of security policies that restrict access to functions and data, such as preventing particular values from being accessed in a chart of account segment.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Application Database Resource

Manage application database resources for data security

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Allows management of application descriptive flexfields.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Application Document Sequence

Manage implementation of Application Document Sequences. Document Sequences are identifiers guarenteed to be unique, time-ordered, and gapless. This is in contrast to a database sequence which (for performance purposes) may contain gaps and which might not be ordered by time of document creation. Examples would include ID numbers for traffic tickets or other legal documents where gaps in the record may trigger an investigation.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Manage document sequence categories

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Manage implementation of the Extensible Flexfield feature on a given entity.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Allows management of value sets to validate the content of a flexfield segment. Value sets provide declarative validation for use in applications flexfield attributes and key segments.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Application Key Flexfield

Allows management of application key flexfields.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Application Tree

Manage application trees and tree versions

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Application Tree Structure

Manage application tree structures

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Bank Statement Autoreconciliation Exception

Allows create, review, update, and delete of bank statement autoreconciliation exceptions.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Bank Statement and Reconciliation Activities

Allows access to the bank statements and reconciliation work area.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Business Unit

Allows the definition of the business unit.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Business Unit Service Client Relationships

Allows the review of service clients.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Business Unit Service Provider Relationships

Allows create or update of business unit service provider relationships.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Business Unit Set Assignment

Allows creation or update of the business unit set assignment.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Financial Application Lookups

Allows the creation or update of financial application lookups

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Intercompany Balancing Rule

Allows creation or update of the intercompany balancing rules.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Intercompany Customer Supplier Mapping

Allows the creation or update of the customer supplier associations.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Intercompany Organization

Allows the creation or update of the intercompany organizations.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Intercompany Period Status

Allows the definition of period statuses to control the timing of intercompany transaction processing.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Intercompany Receivables Assignment

Allows the assignment of receivables transaction types and memo lines to intercompany transaction types for particular business units.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Intercompany Rule

Allows configuration of relationships between two or more business units for the purpose of initiating financial transactions between those business units.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Intercompany System Option

Allows the definition of intercompany system options.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Intercompany Transaction Type

Allows the creation or update of intercompany transaction types.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Ledger Balancing Rule

Allows the creation or update of intercompany ledger options.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Receivables Automatic Receipt Batch

Manage an automatic receipt batch, including the update, deletion, formatting, approval, and confirmation of the automatic receipt batch.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Receivables Balances Activities

Manage Receivables balances activities.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Receivables Receipt Batch

Manage a manual or lockbox receipt batch, including the update, deletion, and posting of the receipt batch.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Manage Tax Reporting Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax reporting configuration data.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Mark Bank Statement Reconciliation Reviewed

Allows marking the bank statement reconciliation reviewed.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Mass Create Legal Entity HCM Information

Allows mass creation of legal entity HCM information.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Process Electronic Bank Statement

Allows processing of electronic bank statements.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Reconcile Bank Statement

Allows reconciliation of bank statements.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Run Actual Receipts Report

Generate detailed receipt activity by bank account to help reconcile receipts.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Run Automatic Receipts Awaiting Confirmation Report

Generate all automatic receipts awaiting confirmation.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Run Encumbrance Year End Carry Forward Program in Preview Mode

Allows submission of encumbrance year end carry forward in preview mode only.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Submit Autoreconciliation

Not Available

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Submit Bank Statement Report

Not Available

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Submit Bank Statement Transaction Creation Program

Not Available

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Submit Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report

Not Available

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Submit Receivables Automatic Receipt Creation Process

Submit the Create Automatic Receipt Batch to create an automatic receipt batch.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Submit Receivables Specialist Assignment Batch Process

Automatically assign unapplied receipts to the appropriate Receivables specialist based on the established assignment rules.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Sweep Incomplete Intercompany Transaction

Allows sweep of incomplete intercompany transactions.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Update Business Unit Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a business unit's transaction tax activities.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Update Legal Classification Association

Allows update of classifications associated with a legal entity that represents its legal status within a country and which also guide the tax determination process.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Update Legal Entity Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal entity's transaction tax activities.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Update Location of Final Discharge

Allows update of location of final discharge.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Update Party Fiscal Classification

Allows update of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Update Reporting Unit Tax Profile

Allows update of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal reporting unit's transaction tax activities.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

Update Subledger Accounting Balance

Allows submission of the program to update subledger third party account and supporting reference balances.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

View Bank Statement

Allows review of bank statements.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

View Business Unit Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a business unit's transaction tax activities.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

View Legal Classification Association

Allows viewing of classifications associated with a legal entity that represents its legal status within a country and which also guide the tax determination process.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

View Legal Entity Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal entity's transaction tax activities.

Financial Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of financial information systems.

View Reporting Unit Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal reporting unit's transaction tax activities.

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Inquire Fixed Asset

Allows viewing of all asset information and depreciation accounting entries.

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Inquire Fixed Asset Transaction

Allows viewing of asset transaction details and accounting entries.

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Manage Fixed Asset Tracking

Allows access to the tracking transactions work area.

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Submit Fixed Asset Trace Report

Allows submission of the Asset Trace report, which displays the transaction and setup information stored in different fixed assets tables for the specified asset.

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

View Fixed Asset Books

Allows asset book information to be viewed in Oracle Fusion Assets.

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

View Project Asset Details

Allows viewing of details related to Project Assets from the Fixed Asset .

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Prepare Asset Register

Allows review of asset detail information

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Delete Mass Additions Report

Allows submission of the Delete Mass Additions report, which displays all the mass addition lines in the Delete queue that are ready to be deleted.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Additions Report

Allows submission of the Asset Additions report, which displays all the assets added or capitalized during the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Additions by Source Report

Allows submission of the Asset Additions by Source report, which displays source line information for all the assets added or capitalized during the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset CIP Capitalization Report

Allows submission of the CIP Capitalization report, which displays all the CIP assets capitalized during the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset CIP Detail Report

Allows submission of the CIP Detail report, which displays asset level CIP cost account balances for the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset CIP Summary Report

Allows submission of the CIP Summary report, which displays CIP cost account summary balances for the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Change Category Report

Allows submission of the Asset Category Change report, which displays all the assets for which the asset category changed during the specified period.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Cost Adjustment Report

Allows submission of the Cost Adjustment report, which displays all the asset cost adjustments made during the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Cost Adjustments by Source Report

Allows submission of the Cost Adjustment report, which displays source line information for all the asset cost adjustments made during the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Cost Clearing Reconciliation Report

Allows submission of the Cost Clearing Reconciliation report, which displays all asset additions and cost adjustments performed during the specified period for which accounting entries are created for cost clearing accounts.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Cost Detail Report

Allows submission of the Cost Detail report, which displays asset level asset cost account balances for the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Cost Summary Report

Allows submission of the Cost Summary report, which displays asset cost account summary balances for the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Hypothetical What If Depreciation Analysis Report

Allows submission of the Hypothetical Depreciation Analysis report, which displays depreciation projections for hypothetical assets based on the specified depreciation parameters.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Impairment Report

Allows submission of the Asset Impairment report, which displays impairment transaction details for assets.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Journal Entry Reserve Ledger

Allows submission of the Journal Entry Reserve Ledger, which displays asset depreciation amounts for the specified period.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Lease Reports

Allows submission of all asset lease Reports.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Mass Additions Create Report

Allows submission of the Create Mass Additions report, which displays all invoice and discount lines interfaced during the last run of the Create Mass Additions program.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Property Tax Report

Allows submission of the Property Tax report, which displays the assets at a particular location as of the specified cut-off date.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Reserve Detail Report

Allows submission of the Reserve Detail report, which displays asset level asset reserve account balances for the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Reserve Summary Report

Allows submission of the Reserve Summary report, which displays reserve account summary balances for the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Retirements Report

Allows submission of the Asset Retirements report, which displays all the asset retirements performed during the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Revaluation Reserve Detail Report

Allows submission of the Revaluation Reserve Detail report, which displays asset level asset revaluation reserve account balances for the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Revaluation Reserve Summary Report

Allows submission of the Revaluation Reserve Summary report, which displays revaluation reserve account summary balances for the specified periods.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Tax Reports for Japan

Allows submission of Japanese Depreciable Assets Tax Reports, Japanese Depreciable Assets Tax Summary Report, and Japanese Detail by Asset Type Assets Reports.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Tax Reports for United States

Allows submission of Form 4562, Form 4626, Form 4626, Form 4797, Form 4797, Form 4797, Form 4797, Form 4684 and ACE Depreciation Comparison Report for United States.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Transaction History Report

Allows submission of the Asset Transaction History report, which displays all transactions performed on selected assets.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Transfers Report

Allows submission of the Asset Transfers report, which displays all asset transfers performed during the specified period.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset What If Depreciation Analysis Report

Allows submission of the What if Depreciation Analysis report, which displays depreciation projections for the selected assets based on the specified depreciation parameters.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Assets by Cash Generating Unit Report

Allows submission of the Assets by Cash Generating Unit report, which displays the assets assigned to cash generating units.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Group Fixed Asset Detail Report

Allows submission of the Group Asset Detail report, which displays the group and its member asset balances for the specified fiscal year.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Group Fixed Asset Listing

Allows submission of the Group Asset listing.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Group Fixed Asset Summary Report

Allows submission of the Group Asset Summary report, which displays the group asset balances for the specified fiscal year.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Mass Additions Posting Report

Allows submission of the Post Mass Additions report, which displays the assets created and cost adjustments from mass addition lines for the specified book.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Add Cost Source Line to Fixed Asset

Allows addition of source lines to existing assets.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Add Fixed Asset

Allows addition of assets using the standard user interface and spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Adjust Fixed Asset Retirement

Allows retirement adjustments to be entered for group assets.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Adjust Fixed Asset Unit

Allows adjustments to asset units.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Calculate Fixed Asset Deferred Depreciation

Allows submission of the Calculate Deferred Depreciation program to calculate deferred depreciation expense and reserve.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Calculate Fixed Asset Depreciation

Allows submission of the Process Depreciation program to calculate depreciation for assets and close the open period.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Capitalize CIP Fixed Asset

Allows capitalization of construction-in-progress assets and reverse capitalization.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Change Fixed Asset Category

Allows changing of asset categories.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Change Fixed Asset Descriptive Detail

Allows management of descriptive information for assets.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Change Fixed Asset Financial Information

Allows management of financial and depreciation information for assets.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Change Group Fixed Asset Association

Allows changing of group asset number for member assets.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Compare Fixed Asset Physical Inventory

Allows to compare the physical inventory data with asset book data and record the necessary corrective transactions.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Fixed Asset Mass Source Line Transfer

Allows to prepare mass source line transactions in spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Fixed Asset Mass Unplanned Depreciation

Allows to prepare mass unplanned transactions in spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Fixed Asset Revaluation

Allows to create revaluation transaction.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Fixed Asset Unplanned Depreciation

Allows to prepare mass unplanned transactions in spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Change Fixed Asset Depreciation Rules

Allows mass change depreciation rules transaction.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Fixed Asset Category Change

Allows mass asset category change transaction.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Fixed Asset Resume Depreciation

Allows mass resume depreciation transaction.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Fixed Asset Retirement

Allows mass asset retirements.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Fixed Asset Suspend Depreciation

Allows mass suspend depreciation transaction.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Fixed Asset Transfer

Allows mass asset transfer transaction.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Group Fixed Asset Change

Allows mass group asset change transaction.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create and Update Fixed Asset Impairment

Allows asset impairment transactions.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Delete Fixed Asset

Allows deletion of assets.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Delete Mass Additions

Allows submission of the Delete Mass Additions program to delete unwanted source lines.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Import Fixed Asset Leases

Allows submission of the Import Asset Leases process to import assets leases.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Additions

Allows access to the additions work area.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Assignments

Allows management of asset assignments.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Cost and Depreciation

Allows management and review of asset financial transactions.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Financial Transactions

Allows access to the financial transactions work area.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Leases

Allows to create asset leases, add leased asset, generate periodic lease payment invoices and account interest accrued on lease liability.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Maintenance Order Data

Allows to manage financial information for fixed asset maintenance activities.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Retirements

Allows access to the retirements work area.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Tracking

Allows access to the tracking transactions work area.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Transactions Activities

Allows access to the asset accounting manager dashboard.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Merge Fixed Asset Cost Source Line

Allows the merging of many source lines into one so it can be added as a single asset.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Modify Fixed Asset Cost Source Line

Allows management of source line information for assets.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Populate Fixed Asset ACE Information

Allows submission of the Populate ACE Interface program to load asset data into the Adjusted Current Earning conversion table according to the ACE rules.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Post Fixed Asset Online Transactions

Allows submission of the Post Asset Online Transactions program to post all asset transactions pending in the interface table.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Post Mass Additions

Allows submission of the Post Mass Additions program to create assets and cost adjustments from source lines.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Post Mass Fixed Asset Assignment

Allows submission of the Post Mass Transfers program to post all mass transfer transactions in a status of Post to the interface table.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Post Mass Fixed Asset Financial Transactions

Allows submission of the Post Mass Fixed Asset Financial Transaction program to post all mass financial transactions in a status of Post to the interface table.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Post Mass Fixed Asset Retirement

Allows submission of the Post Mass Fixed Asset Retirement program to post all mass retirement transactions in a status of Post in the interface table.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Category Change in Spreadsheet

Allows to prepare mass change category transactions in spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Change Depreciation Rules in Spreadsheet

Allows to prepare mass change depreciation rules transactions in spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Cost Source Lines

Allows management and review of source line preparation.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Depreciation Override

Allows to override the depreciation amount calculated for the assets by Assets.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Group Asset Change in Spreadsheet

Allows to prepare mass group asset change transactions in spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Physical Inventory in Spreadsheet

Allows to prepare the physical inventory data.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Reinstatement

Allows to prepare mass reinstatement of retirement transactions in spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Resume Depreciation in Spreadsheet

Allows to prepare mass resume transactions in spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Retirement in Spreadsheet

Allows to prepare mass retirement transactions in spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Revaluation in Spreadsheet

Allows to prepare revaluation transactions in spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Suspend Depreciation in Spreadsheet

Allows to prepare mass suspend transactions in spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Units of Production

Allows management of production data for assets depreciation under units of production depreciation method.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Mass Additions Automatically

Allows submission of the Prepare Mass Additions Automatically program.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Mass Fixed Asset Assignment in Spreadsheet

Allows to prepare mass transfer transactions in spreadsheet.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Process Fixed Asset Impairment

Allows submission of the Process Impairment program to preview and post impairment transactions in the interface table.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Process Fixed Asset Revaluation

Allows submission of the Process Revaluation program to preview and post revaluation transactions in the interface table.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Reinstate Fixed Asset Retirement

Allows reinstatement of assets retired earlier.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Reinstate Mass Fixed Asset Retirement

Allows mass reinstatement of asset retirements.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Retire Fixed Asset

Allows retirement of assets by cost, unit, and source line.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Search Fixed Asset Impairment

Allows management of asset impairment transactions.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Search Fixed Asset Revaluation

Allows management of asset revaluation transactions.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Search Mass Fixed Asset Financial Transactions

Search Mass Fixed Asset Financial Transactions

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Search Mass Fixed Asset Retirement

Allows management of mass asset retirements

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Search Mass Fixed Asset Transfer

Allows management of mass asset transfer transactions.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Select Assets for Fixed Asset Mass Transactions

Allows submission of the Select Assets for Mass Transaction program to production data to the interface table.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Split Fixed Asset Cost Source Line

Allows the splitting of a source line into many lines so each unit can be added as a separate asset.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Fixed Asset Accounting

Allows submission of the Create Accounting program to create journal entries for all asset transaction events, then transfer them to and post them in General Ledger.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Fixed Asset Initial Mass Copy to Tax Book

Allows submission of the Initial Mass Copy program to copy assets from the corporate book to the new tax book.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Fixed Asset Journal Entry Reserve Ledger

Allows submission of the Journal Entry Reserve Ledger, which displays asset depreciation amounts for the specified period.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Fixed Asset Periodic Mass Copy to Tax Book

Allows submission of the Periodic Mass Copy program to copy asset transactions from the corporate book to the tax book.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Fixed Asset Tax Reports for Japan

Allows submission of Japanese Depreciable Assets Tax Reports, Japanese Depreciable Assets Tax Summary Report, and Japanese Detail by Asset Type Assets Reports.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Fixed Asset What if Depreciation Analysis

Allows submission of the what if depreciation analysis reports.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Mass Additions Creation Program

Allows creation of assets in Oracle Fusion Assets from Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Suspend Fixed Asset Depreciation

Allows suspension or resumption of depreciation for assets.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Transfer Fixed Asset

Allows the transfer of assets between expense accounts, employees, and locations.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Transfer Fixed Asset Reserve

Allows transfer of depreciation reserve from one group asset to another.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Transfer Fixed Asset to Another Asset Book

Allows transferring of fixed assets from one asset book to another asset book.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Update Fixed Asset ACE Book

Allows submission of the Update ACE Book program to update the adjusted current earnings book with the information stored in the ACE conversion table.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Update Fixed Asset Cost Source Line

Allows source line information to be edited using the standard user interface and spreadsheets.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Upload Fixed Asset Units of Production

Allows submission of the Upload Units of Production program to production data to the interface table.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Validate Fixed Asset Depreciation Override

Allows to validate the entered depreciation override amount for the assets.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Validate Fixed Asset Units of Production

Allows submission of the Validate Units of Production program to validate production data in periodic production table.

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

View Project Asset Details

Allows viewing of details related to Project Assets from the Fixed Asset .

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Allows setup task execution and searching of tasks and tasks lists.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Applications Offering

Provides access to the Getting Started page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Allows access to the Assigned Implementation Tasks page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Setup and Maintain Applications

Allows access to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Administer Financial Statement Report

Allows administration of financial statements.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Administer Oracle Fusion General Ledger Allocation Formula

Allows administration of allocation rules or rule sets using the allocation functionality with ability to update all aspect of allocation rules or rule sets including the ownership attribute, regardless of the original definition's ownership.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Create Financial Statement Report

Allows creation of financial statements.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Define Journal Reversal Criteria Set

Allows definition of the journal reversal criteria set.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Allocation Formula

Allows management of allocation rules or rule sets using the allocation functionality with the ability to update allocation rules or rule sets owned by the user himself with view access to all allocation rules or rule sets regardless of their ownership.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Automatic Posting Criteria Set

Allows definition of the automatic post ing criteria set.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Revaluation

Allows creation of revaluation definitions.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Define Oracle Fusion General Ledger Suspense Account

Allows definition of suspense accounts.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Delete Translated Balances Program

Allows submission of the delete translated balances program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Export and Import Financial Report Definitions

Allows export and import financial report definitions from one Essbase cube or instance to another.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Maintain Aggregated Balances

Allows maintenance of aggregated balances with Oracle Fusion General Ledger to Essbase balances transfer program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Accounting Automation Setup

Allows management of the accounting automation setup.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Accounting and Reporting Sequencing

Allows definition and assignment of accounting and reporting sequences.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Allows management of all application profile option settings and values at various levels to control application behavior.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Application Document Sequence

Manage implementation of Application Document Sequences. Document Sequences are identifiers guarenteed to be unique, time-ordered, and gapless. This is in contrast to a database sequence which (for performance purposes) may contain gaps and which might not be ordered by time of document creation. Examples would include ID numbers for traffic tickets or other legal documents where gaps in the record may trigger an investigation.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Application Document Sequence Category

Manage document sequence categories

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Clearing Accounts Reconciliation Setup

Allows definition of clearing accounts reconciliation types and the associated rules for performing GL Clearing Accounts Reconciliation.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Encumbrance Type

Allows management of encumbrance types.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage General Ledger Encumbrance Carry Forward Rules

Create and maintain General Ledger encumbrance balances carry forward rules.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany Balancing Rule

Allows creation or update of the intercompany balancing rules.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany Customer Supplier Mapping

Allows the creation or update of the customer supplier associations.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany Organization

Allows the creation or update of the intercompany organizations.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany Period Status

Allows the definition of period statuses to control the timing of intercompany transaction processing.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany Receivables Assignment

Allows the assignment of receivables transaction types and memo lines to intercompany transaction types for particular business units.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany System Option

Allows the definition of intercompany system options.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Intercompany Transaction Type

Allows the creation or update of intercompany transaction types.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Journal Approval Rules

Allows definition of employee journal authorization limits and other journal approval options.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Journal Categories

Allows definition of journal categories.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Journal Sources

Allows definition of journal sources.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Manage Ledger Balancing Rule

Allows the creation or update of intercompany ledger options.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Migrate Allocations and Periodic Entries Formulas

Allows export and import allocation rules and periodic entry formula definitions from one Essbase cube or instance to another.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Run Accounting Automation Program

Allows submission of the accounting automation program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Run Close Period Program

Allows submission of the close period program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Run Gapless Close Program

Allows submission of the gapless close period program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Run Open Period Program

Allows submission of the open period program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Run Permanently Close Program

Allows submission of the permanently close period program.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Run Unprocessed Transactions Report

Run Unprocessed Transactions Report to support accounting automation process.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Sweep Incomplete Intercompany Transaction

Allows sweep of incomplete intercompany transactions.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

Transfer E-Business Suite Balances to Financial Reporting Cloud Service

Allows balance transfer from E-Business Suite General Ledger to Oracle Fusion General Ledger to support the co-existence solution with E-Business Suite for Oracle Fusion Cloud reporting.

General Accounting Functional Administration

Administers setup objects related to General Ledger journals and other accounting setup components such as intercompany setups and historical translation rates.

View Fixed Asset Books

Allows asset book information to be viewed in Oracle Fusion Assets.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

Review Historical Conversion Rate

Allows review of historical rates using a spreadsheet.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

Run Balancing Segment Value Assignment Report

Allows submission of the balancing segment assignments to accounting configuration report.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

Run Chart of Accounts - Mapping Rules Report

Allows submission of the chart of accounts mapping rules report.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

Run Data Access Set Listing Report

Allows submission of the data access set listing report.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

View Accounting Calendar

Allows view access to existing groupings of accounting periods.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

View Accounting Configuration

Allows view access to the current status and details of the accounting configuration and running the Rapid Implementation enterprise structure listing report.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

View Accounting Flexfield Aliases

Allows review of the accounting flexfield aliases.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

View Applications Coexistence Configuration Setup

Allows for the viewing of the applications co-existence configuration setup.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

View Commitment Control Calendar

Allows view access of commitment budget calendars.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

View Daily Conversion Rate

Allows view access to daily conversion information.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

View Fixed Asset Books

Allows asset book information to be viewed in Oracle Fusion Assets.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

View Ledger Set

Allows view access to existing collections of ledgers intended for batch processing or financial reports.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

View Oracle Fusion General Ledger Data Access Set Definition

Allows view access of data access set definitions and makes data access set selection.

General Accounting Setup Review

Views set up for accounting and transaction calendars, Oracle Fusion General Ledger accounting period status, conversion rates and chart of accounts mapping rules.

View Oracle Fusion General Ledger Transaction Calendar

Allows view access to existing groupings of accounting periods for daily balances.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Access Financial Reporting Center

Allows access to run and view reports from Financial Reporting Center

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Create General Ledger and Subledger Accounting Account Analysis Report

Allows submission of General Ledger and Subledger Accounting Account Analysis Report

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Create General Ledger and Subledger Accounting by Journal Lines Report

Allows submission of General Ledger and Subledger Accounting by Journal Lines Report

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Inquire Fixed Asset Transaction

Allows viewing of asset transaction details and accounting entries.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Inquire and Analyze Oracle Fusion General Ledger Account Balance

Allows inquiries on actual, budget and encumbrance balances.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Manage Project Expenditure Item

Allows searching and managing of project expenditure items.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Preview Receivables Invoice

Print Preview a Receivables invoice.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Review Cost Distribution

Allows review of cost distributions.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Review Encumbrance Journal

Reviews encumbrance journals.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Review Journal

Allows review of the journals.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Review Receipt Accounting Distributions

Allows review of receipt accounting distributions.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Account Analysis - Average Balance Audit Report

Allows submission of the account analysis for average balance audit report.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Account Analysis - Contra Account Report

Allows submission of the account analysis with contra accounts report.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Account Analysis Report

Allows submission of the account analysis report.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Financial Statements Program

Allows submission of the financial statements program.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run General Ledger Journal Entry Report

Allows review of the general ledger journal entries.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run General Ledger Journal and Balance Report

Allows review of the general ledger journals and balances.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run General Ledger Journal and Balance Report by Balancing Segment Report

Allows review of the general ledger journals and balances by balancing segment.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run General Ledger Report

Allows submission of the general ledger report.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run General Ledger Trial Balance Report

Allows review of the general ledger trial balance.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Global Account Analysis Report

Allows analysis of the account balances.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Global Daily Journals Report

Allows review of the daily journals.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Global Journal Ledger Report

Allows review of the journal ledger.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Global Journals and Third Party Report

Allows review of the journals and related third party information.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Global Subledger Detail Journal Report

Allows review of the journals and related subledger details.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Global Third Party Account Balance Report

Allows review of the third party account balances.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Global Third Party Balances Summary Report

Allows review of the third party account balances summary.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Global Third Party Detail and Balances Report

Allows review of the third party details and account balances summary.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Journals - Batch Summary Report

Allows submission of the journals batch summary report.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Journals - Check Report

Allows submission of the check journals report.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Journals - Day Book Report

Allows submission of the journals report by day book.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Journals - Extended Report

Allows submission of the extended journal report.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Journals - Tax Report

Allows submission of the journal tax report.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Trial Balance - Average Report

Allows submission of the trial balance report for average balances.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Trial Balance - Expanded Report

Allows submission of the expanded trial balance report.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Trial Balance - Translation Report

Allows submission of the trial balance report for translation.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

Run Trial Balance Report

Allows submission of the trial balance report.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

View External Cash Transaction

Allows review of external cash transactions.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

View Payables Payment

Allows viewing of Oracle Fusion Payables payments.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

View Payroll Costing Results from Subledger Accounting

Allows drill down from subledger accounting to view the payroll process costing results for a specific transaction.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

View Project Commitment Transactions

Not Available

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

View Project Contract Revenue Distribution Lines

Allows viewing of distribution lines for project contract revenue.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

View Project Expenditure Item

Allows viewing of project expenditure item.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

View Project Expenditure Item Cost Distribution Lines

Allows viewing of cost distribution lines for a project expenditure item.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

View Receivables Credit Memo

View a Receivables credit memo.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

View Receivables Invoice

View a Receivables invoice.

General Ledger Reporting

Provides access to all balances and transaction inquiry and reporting privileges for General Ledger.

View Receivables Receipt

View a Receivables receipt.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Correct Intercompany Import Errors

Allows user to perform corrections to the intercompany transactions that are in error

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Enter Customer Account

Allows the update of customer account information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Export Customer Account

Not Available

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Import Intercompany Transaction

Allows submission of Import Intercompany Transactions process.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Import Payables Invoice

Allows importing of invoices into Oracle Fusion Payables invoice interface.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Inquire Fixed Asset Transaction

Allows viewing of asset transaction details and accounting entries.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Manage Intercompany Transaction (Inbound)

Allows update of intercompany inbound transactions.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Manage Intercompany Transaction (Outbound)

Allows update of intercompany outbound transactions.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Manage Project Expenditure Item

Allows searching and managing of project expenditure items.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Preview Receivables Invoice

Print Preview a Receivables invoice.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Reconcile Intercompany Transaction

Allows the reconciliation of intercompany transactions.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Remove Customer Account

Allows the removal of customer accounts. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Restore Customer Account

Not Available

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Review Cost Distribution

Allows review of cost distributions.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Review Encumbrance Journal

Reviews encumbrance journals.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Review Intercompany Transaction

Allows review of intercompany transactions.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Review Journal

Allows review of the journals.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Review Receipt Accounting Distributions

Allows review of receipt accounting distributions.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Run Intercompany Transaction Report

Allows the submission of the Intercompany Transaction report.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Search Customer Account Site

Allows the search of customer account sites. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Search Trading Community Organization

Allows the search of organizations. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Submit AutoInvoice Import Process

Transfer transactions from other systems into Receivables.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Submit Intercompany Transaction Reconciliation

Allows the submission of the intercompany reconciliation extract.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Transfer Intercompany Transaction

Allows the transfer of intercompany transactions.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

Update Customer Account

Allows the update of customer account information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

View Customer Account

Allows the viewing of customer account information.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

View Customer Account Information

Not Available

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

View Customer Account Site

Allows the viewing of the customer account site information.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

View Customer Account Site Use

Allows the viewing of the customer account site use information.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

View External Cash Transaction

Allows review of external cash transactions.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

View Payables Payment

Allows viewing of Oracle Fusion Payables payments.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

View Project Commitment Transactions

Not Available

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

View Project Contract Revenue Distribution Lines

Allows viewing of distribution lines for project contract revenue.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

View Project Expenditure Item Cost Distribution Lines

Allows viewing of cost distribution lines for a project expenditure item.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

View Receivables Credit Memo

View a Receivables credit memo.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

View Receivables Invoice

View a Receivables invoice.

Intercompany Transactions Entry

Create, update, approve, reject intercompany transactions and batches.

View Receivables Receipt

View a Receivables receipt.

Intrastat Processing

Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating, exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.

Collect Intrastat Transactions

Allows collection of intrastat transactions.

Intrastat Processing

Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating, exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.

Define Intrastat Country Characteristics

Allows creation of intrastat country characteristics.

Intrastat Processing

Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating, exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.

Define Intrastat Parameters

Not Available

Intrastat Processing

Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating, exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.

Define Intrastat Rules

Not Available

Intrastat Processing

Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating, exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.

Export Intrastat Transactions

Allows export of intrastat transactions.

Intrastat Processing

Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating, exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.

Manage Intrastat Transactions

Allows management of intrastat transactions.

Intrastat Processing

Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating, exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.

Monitor Intrastat Work Area

Allows access to monitor intrastat work area.

Intrastat Processing

Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating, exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.

Print Intrastat Transactions

Allows printing of intrastat transactions.

Intrastat Processing

Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating, exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.

Purge Intrastat Transactions

Allows submission of intrastat transactions purge process.

Intrastat Processing

Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating, exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.

Submit Reset Intrastat Transaction status

Allows access to submit reset intrastat transaction status process.

Intrastat Processing

Manages intrastat transactions including collecting, validating, exporting, printing, and purging intrastat transactions. Defines intrastat country characteristics, parameters, and rules.

Validate Intrastat Transactions

Allows submission of validate intrastat transactions process.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

GET Product Management Index REST

Allows access to view indexed attributes.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Get Search View REST

Allows query of search views.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Allows access to view and manage item attachments.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Catalog

Allows access to view and manage item catalogs including categories and category hierarchies.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Global Search

Allows access to search for items using secure enterprise search.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Product Management Search

Allows access to view and edit Product Management Search.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Allows access to manage trading partner item references for items.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Unit of Measure

Allows configuration of UOMs, UOM classes, and definition of standard, interclass, and intraclass UOM conversions.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item

Allows access to product dashboard.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Organization Association

Allows access to view item organization assignments.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Relationship

Allows access to view item relationships.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Product Management Search

Allows access to view Product Management Search.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Correct Journal Import Errors

Allows correction of journal import errors.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Define Self Managed Oracle Fusion General Ledger Allocation Formula

Allows management of allocation rules or rule sets using the allocation functionality with ability to update allocation rules or rule sets, but limited to the ones owned by the user.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Delete Journal

Allows deletion of journals.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Enter Journal

Allows creation of journals.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Enter Journal By Spreadsheet

Allows creation of journals using a spreadsheet.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Enter Journal for Non-Business Day Transactions

Allows entry of journals for non-business day transactions.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Generate Oracle Fusion General Ledger Allocation Formula

Allows generation of allocation rules or rule sets.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Generate Recurring Journal Entries

Allows creation of recurring journal entries.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Mark Journal Entry as Recurring

Allows marking of journals as recurring entries.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Override Journal Accounted Amount

Allows overrides of the accounted amount when entering journals.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Override Journal Reversal Method

Allows overrides of the journals reversal method.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Post Journal

Allows journals to be posted.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Reverse Journal

Allows reversal of journals.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Run Automatic Posting Program

Allows submission of the automatic posting program.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Run Automatic Reversal Program

Allows submission of the automatic reversal program.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Run Delete Journal Import Data Program

Allows submission of the imported journal data deletion program.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Run Import Journals By Program Call

Allows submission of the journal import program by a program call.

Journal Management

Creates journal entries and allocations.

Run Import Journals Program

Allows submission of the journal import program using the Oracle Fusion Enterprise Scheduler Services.

Lease Contract Management


Approve Lease Contract

Approve Lease Contract

Lease Contract Management


Authorize Lease Payments

Authorize Lease Payments

Lease Contract Management


Generate Amortization Schedule

Generate Amortization Schedule

Lease Contract Management


Manage Lease Accruals

Manage Lease Accruals

Lease Contract Management


Manage Lease Contract

Manage Lease Contract

Lease Contract Management


Manage Lease Payments

Manage Lease Payments

Lease Contract Management


Manage Lease Transactions

Manage Lease Transactions

Lease Contract Management


Manage Variable Rent Agreement

Manage Variable Rent Agreement

Lease Contract Management


View Lease Contract

View Lease Contract

Lease Contract Management


View Variable Rent Agreement

View Variable Rent Agreement

Lease Revenue Contract Management


Authorize Revenue Lease Invoices

Authorize Revenue Lease Invoices

Lease Revenue Contract Management


Generate Revenue Lease Amortization Schedule

Generate Revenue Lease Amortization Schedule

Lease Revenue Contract Management


Manage Lease Revenue Accruals

Manage Lease Revenue Accruals

Lease Revenue Contract Management


Manage Revenue Lease Contract

Manage Revenue Lease Contract

Lease Revenue Contract Management


Manage Revenue Lease Invoices

Manage Revenue Lease Invoices

Lease Revenue Contract Management


View Revenue Lease Contract

View Revenue Lease Contract

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Address

Allows creation and update of the legal address used to register with a legal authority.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Authority

Allows the association of a governing legal body that operates within a jurisdiction to a legal entity for purposes of providing legal reports and financial statements.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity

Allows creation and update of the legal entity.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity Contact Information

Allows creation and update of the legal entity contact information.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity Deduction Records

Manage Legal Entity Deduction Records

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity Financial Information

Allows creation and update of legal entity financial information.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity HCM Information

Allows creation and update of the legal entity HCM information.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity Intercompany Exception

Allows the creation or update of legal entity intercompany exceptions.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity Primary Ledger

Manage Legal Entity Primary Ledger

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity Registration

Allows creation and update of the legal entity registration.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Entity for Associated Business Entity

Allows the definition of associations between business entities and legal entities or legal reporting units for tax calculation purposes.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Jurisdiction

Allows the definition of the geographic area or areas for which a legal authority is responsible.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit

Allows the definition of the legal reporting unit.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit Contact Information

Allows creation and update of the legal reporting unit contact information.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit Deduction Records

Manage Legal Reporting Unit Deduction Records

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit Financial Information

Allows creation and update of the legal reporting unit financial information.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit Registration

Allows creation and update of the legal reporting unit registration.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit Workforce Information

Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Manage Legal Reporting Unit for Associated Balancing Segment

Allows the association of one or multiple balancing segments value to a legal report unit to meet the legal reporting requirement of specific countries.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Mass Create Legal Entity HCM Information

Allows mass creation of legal entity HCM information.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Search Legal Entity

Allows the search for existing legal entities to update or delete them.

Legal Entities Administration

Manages legal entities, legal reporting units and registrations.

Search Legal Reporting Unit

Allows the search for the legal reporting unit.

Payables Invoice Import Submission

Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.

Create Payables Invoice by Web Service

Allows creation of Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Payables Invoice Import Submission

Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.

Import Payables Invoice

Allows importing of invoices into Oracle Fusion Payables invoice interface.

Payables Invoice Import Submission

Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.

View Payables Invoice

Allows viewing of Oracle Fusion Payables invoices without performing a search.

Payables Invoice Inquiry

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Manage Payables Invoices

Allows searching and viewing of Oracle Fusion Payables documents.

Payables Invoice Inquiry

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

View Payables Invoice

Allows viewing of Oracle Fusion Payables invoices without performing a search.

Payee Bank Account Management

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Import Supplier Bank Accounts

Allows import of external payee information and bank accounts belonging to suppliers, supplier sites, and supplier addresses.

Payee Bank Account Management

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Manage External Payee Payment Details

Allows management of external payee payment details.

Payee Bank Account Management

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Manage Payment Instrument Assignment

Allows creation of payment instrument assignment

Payee Bank Account Management

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

Manage Third Party Bank Account

Allows update of external bank accounts.

Payee Bank Account Management

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account

Allows viewing of external bank accounts.

Payee Bank Account Management

Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account Assignment

Allows viewing of payment instrument assignments.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Create Subledger Journal Entry Batch

Allows creation of journal entries for a batch of transactions.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Create Subledger Journal Entry Online

Allows creation of journal entries online for a transaction.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Create Subledger Journal Entry for Third Party Merge

Allows submission of the Create Accounting for Third Party Merge program to process third party merge events.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Create Subledger Multiperiod and Accrual Reversal Entry

Allows submission of the Create Subledger Accrual Reversal Entry program.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Manage Subledger Journal Entry Manually

Allows recording of manual journal entries.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Override Subledger Journal Entry

Allows override of subledger journal entries.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Post Journal

Allows journals to be posted.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Post Subledger Journal Entry to General Ledger

Allows submission of the program to transfer to and post journal entries in General Ledger.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Purge Accounting Event Diagnostic Data

Allows submission of programs to generate and purge transaction objects diagnostics data.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Review Subledger Journal Entry

Allows inquiries on subledger journal entries and entry lines.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Run Global Journals and Third Party Report

Allows review of the journals and related third party information.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Run Global Subledger Detail Journal Report

Allows review of the journals and related subledger details.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Run Global Third Party Account Balance Report

Allows review of the third party account balances.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Run Global Third Party Balances Summary Report

Allows review of the third party account balances summary.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Run Global Third Party Detail and Balances Report

Allows review of the third party details and account balances summary.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Run Import Journals By Program Call

Allows submission of the journal import program by a program call.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Submit Account Analysis Report

Allows submission of the Account Analysis report.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Submit Accounting Event Diagnostic Report

Allows submission of programs to generate and purge transaction objects diagnostics data.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Submit Journal Entries Report

Allows submission of the Journal Entries report.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Submit Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report

Allows submission of the Period Close Exceptions report.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Submit Third Party Balances Report

Allows submission of the Third Party Balances report.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Submit Trading Partner Summary Report

Run Trading Partner Summary Report

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Transfer Online Journal Entry to General Ledger

Allows submission of the program to transfer journal entries to General Ledger for online accounting.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Update Subledger Accounting Balance

Allows submission of the program to update subledger third party account and supporting reference balances.

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Create Journal Entries Reporting Sequence Number

Allows generation of the General Ledger journal entries reporting sequence number at period close.

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Review Subledger Journal Entry

Allows inquiries on subledger journal entries and entry lines.

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Submit Account Analysis Report

Allows submission of the Account Analysis report.

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Submit Journal Entries Report

Allows submission of the Journal Entries report.

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Submit Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report

Allows submission of the Period Close Exceptions report.

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Submit Third Party Balances Report

Allows submission of the Third Party Balances report.

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Submit Trading Partner Summary Report

Run Trading Partner Summary Report

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Manage External Payee Payment Details

Allows management of external payee payment details.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Manage Payment Instrument Assignment

Allows creation of payment instrument assignment

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Manage Third Party Bank Account

Allows update of external bank accounts.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Run Supplier Background Scheduler

Allows internal users to automatically start scheduled ESS jobs, such as calculating supply base data, sync keyword search and update keyword search based on the frequency setting.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Search Supplier

Allows searching of suppliers.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Location of Final Discharge

Allows view of location of final discharge.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Party Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier

Allows access to the supplier profile.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Address

Allows access to supplier addresses.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Attachment

Allows access to supplier attachments.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Business Classification

Allows access to supplier business classifications.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Contact

Allows access to supplier contacts.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Contact Change Request

Allows access to supplier contact change request details.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Contact User Account

Allows access to the user account for supplier contacts.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Income Tax

Allows access to supplier income tax reporting information.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Payment

Allows access to supplier site payment terms and controls.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Products and Services Categories

Allows access to supplier products and services categories.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Profile Change Request

Allows access to supplier profile change request details.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Registration Bank Account

Allows access to bank account information on supplier registration requests.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Registration Request

Allows access to supplier registration request details.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site

Allows access to supplier sites information.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site Assignment

Allows access to supplier site assignment information.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site Invoicing Information

Allows access to supplier site invoicing terms and controls.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site Purchasing Information

Allows access to supplier site purchasing terms and controls.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site Receiving Information

Allows access to supplier site receiving terms and controls.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Transaction Tax

Allows access to supplier transaction tax information.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Third Party Bank Account

Allows viewing of external bank accounts.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

Search Supplier Assessment

Allows users to search for a supplier assessment.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

Search Supplier Qualification

Allows users to search for a supplier qualification.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

View Supplier Assessment

Allows users to view a supplier assessment.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

View Supplier Qualification

Allows users to view a supplier qualification.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

View Supplier Qualification Initiative

Allows users to view a supplier qualification initiative.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

View Supplier Qualification Question

Allows users to view a supplier qualification question.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Create Country Defaults and Controls for Transaction Tax

Allows creation of information at the country level to appear as defaults on the applicable tax and legal entity setups.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Create Tax Processing Options

Allows creation of configuration owner tax options to differentiate setup from the predefined event class setup.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Create Withholding Tax Processing Options

Not Available

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Allows management of all application profile option settings and values at various levels to control application behavior.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Application Tax Options

Allows the creation and maintenance of application tax options for migrated data by combinations of business unit and application.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Financial Application Lookups

Allows the creation or update of financial application lookups

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Tax Defaults and Controls Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax defaults and controls configuration data.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Tax Exception Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax exception configuration data.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Tax Fiscal Classification Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax fiscal classification configuration data.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Tax Foundation Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax foundation configuration data.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Tax Jurisdiction and Rate Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax jurisdiction and rate configuration data.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Tax Partner Configuration

Allows management of tax partner onboarding activities.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Tax Party Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax party configuration data.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Tax Regime Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax regime configuration data.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Tax Rules Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax rules configuration data.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Tax Third-Party Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax third-party configuration data.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Tax Zone Types

Allows the creation and maintenance of tax zone types to reference a specific part of a master reference geography hierarchy.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Manage Trading Community Geography

Allows managing of geographic entities, such as country, state, province, and city. Allows the managing of geography hierarchy structure and validations.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Run Tax Configuration Content Upload Program

Allows the running of the Upload Tax Configuration Content request set to upload U.S. sales and use tax updates from the tax service provider.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Update Country Defaults and Controls for Transaction Tax

Allows update of information at the country level to appear as defaults on the applicable tax and legal entity setups.

Tax Administrator

Sets up technical areas and the integration with tax service providers.

Update Tax Processing Options

Allows update of configuration owner tax options to differentiate setup from the predefined event class setup.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

Run Tax Simulator Purge Program

Allows purging of simulated transaction data. This process impacts only the transactions created using Tax Simulator and has no impact on the transactions or related tax data that resides in the subledgers.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

Verify Tax Configuration

Allows verification of tax configuration for taxes that are enabled for transactions or for simulation by simulating real-time transactions.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Account Based Direct Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows viewing of account based tax rules to directly determine tax applicability, status, and rate for taxes that are otherwise not applicable.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Application Tax Options

Allows viewing of application tax options for migrated data by combinations of business unit and application.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Business Unit Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a business unit's transaction tax activities.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Country Defaults and Controls for Transaction Tax

Allows viewing of information at the country level to appear as defaults on the applicable tax and legal entity setups.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Direct Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows viewing of direct tax rules to specify the results of tax applicability, tax status, and tax rate for a given tax.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Document Fiscal Classification Code

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a document associated with a transaction for a tax and is applicable in the tax determination and tax reporting processes.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Intended Use Fiscal Classification Code

Allows viewing of tax classifications based on the purpose for which a product is used and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Legal Classification Association

Allows viewing of classifications associated with a legal entity that represents its legal status within a country and which also guide the tax determination process.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Legal Entity Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal entity's transaction tax activities.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Location of Final Discharge

Allows view of location of final discharge.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Party Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Place of Supply Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the location where a transaction is considered to have taken place for tax determination.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Product Category Fiscal Classification Code

Allows viewing of tax classifications defined for a noninventory-based product category that is used for tax determination or tax reporting purposes.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Product Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a product and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Reporting Unit Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a legal reporting unit's transaction tax activities.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax

Allows viewing of details for the taxes of tax regimes.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Applicability Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the taxes that apply to a given transaction.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Calculation Formula

Allows viewing of tax formulas where the tax amount is other than the taxable basis multiplied by the tax rate.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Calculation Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to calculate the tax amount for each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Classification Based Direct Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows viewing of direct rate rules to determine the tax applicability, status, and rate for a tax when the regime determination set is Standard Tax Classification Code for the configuration owner and event class.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Condition Set

Allows viewing of tax condition sets to group together the tax conditions that constitute a tax rule.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Determining Factor Set

Allows viewing of tax determining factor sets to group together related tax determining factors to use in tax rules determination and tax regime determination.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Exception

Allows viewing of tax exceptions to modify or override a tax rate by item or product fiscal classification association.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Geographies

Allows viewing of TCA geography information for each geographical region where you have tax requirements.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Jurisdiction

Allows viewing of tax jurisdictions for geographic regions or tax zones where a specific tax authority levies a tax.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Processing Options

Allows viewing of configuration owner tax options to differentiate setup from the predefined event class setup.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Rate

Allows viewing of tax rates needed for tax statuses and tax jurisdictions.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Rate Determination Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the tax rate for each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Recovery Rate

Allows viewing of tax recovery rates for full or partial recovery of taxes paid on purchases.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Recovery Rate Determination Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the recovery rate to apply to each recovery type for each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Regime

Allows viewing of tax regimes for the taxes in each country and geographic region where a separate tax applies.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Registration Determination Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the party whose tax registration status is considered for an applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Status

Allows viewing of tax statuses that you need for each tax that you create for a combination of tax regime, tax, and configuration owner.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Tax Status Determination Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the tax status of each applicable tax on the transaction.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Taxable Basis Determination Rule

Allows viewing of tax rules to determine the amount upon which to apply to tax rate.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Taxable Basis Formula

Allows viewing of tax formulas where the taxable basis is other than the line amount.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Transaction Business Category

Allows viewing of tax classifications to identify and categorize an external transaction into an Oracle Fusion Tax transaction and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Transaction Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a transaction for a tax and is applicable in the tax determination and tax reporting processes.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View User Defined Fiscal Classification Code

Allows viewing of tax classifications for any tax requirement that you cannot define using the existing fiscal classification types.

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Withholding Tax

Not Available

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Withholding Tax Exception

Not Available

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Withholding Tax Jurisdiction

Not Available

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Withholding Tax Processing Options

Not Available

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Withholding Tax Rate

Not Available

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Withholding Tax Regime

Not Available

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Withholding Tax Rule

Not Available

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Withholding Tax Status

Not Available

Tax Configuration Inquiry

Views main tax entities, such as tax regimes and taxes.

View Withholding Taxable Basis Formula

Not Available

Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing

Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.

Account External Taxable Transaction

Submit Transactions for Accounting

Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing

Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.

Correct External Transaction

Correct Taxable Journal Transaction in a Spreadsheet

Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing

Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.

Create External Taxable Journal

Create Taxable Journal Transaction in a Spreadsheet

Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing

Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.

Create External Taxable Transaction

Create Taxable Transaction in a Spreadsheet

Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing

Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.

Import External Taxable Transaction

Submit Taxable Transaction for Import

Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing

Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.

Manage Journal Activities

Allows access of journals work area.

Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing

Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.

Manage Orchestration Generic Web Service

Allows access to orchestration generic web services.

Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing

Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.

Manage Orchestration Order Billing Interface Web Service

Allows access to orchestration order billing interface Web services.

Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing

Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.

Manage Orchestration Order Modification

Allows management of change orders.

Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing

Duty Role to manage import of transactions from external sources.

Process Fulfillment Response

Allows processing of the fulfillment system response staged in the fulfillment response interface tables.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Access Financial Reporting Center

Allows access to run and view reports from Financial Reporting Center

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Create Tax Reporting Type

Allows creation of tax reporting types to capture additional tax information on transactions for tax reporting.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Create Yearly Tax Report

Allows creation of Yearly Tax Report

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Manage Inquiry and Reporting Activities

Allows access of inquiry and reporting work area.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Manage Tax Reporting Import and Export Services

Allows access to import and export tax reporting configuration data.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Prepare EU Sales Listing

Allows review of the EU sales of services data in a format of listing.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Prepare Tax Allocation Listing

Allows review of the setup of EMEA VAT allocations in a format of listing.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Prepare Tax Allocations

Allows review of the setup errors of the EMEA VAT allocation in the format of listing.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Prepare Tax Box Allocation Rules

Allows access to tax box allocation rules.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Prepare Tax Final Reporting

Allows final reporting of the tax data.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Prepare Tax Selection Processing

Allows selection of tax data as a preparation for EMEA tax reporting.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Run Payables Tax Reconciliation with General Ledger Report

Allows the submission of Payables Tax Reconciliation with General Ledger Report

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Run Payables Tax Report by Ledger/Business Unit

Allows the submission of the payables tax by ledger report.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Run Receivables Tax Report by Ledger/Business Unit

Allows the submission of the receivables tax by ledger report.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Run Tax Audit Trail Report

Allows the submission of the tax audit trail report.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Run Tax Reconciliation Report

Allows the submission of the tax reconciliation report.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Run Tax Reconciliation by Taxable Account Report

Allows the submission of the tax reconciliation by taxable account report.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Run Tax Register

Allows the submission of the tax register.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Run Tax Reporting

Allows the submission of the financial tax register.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Run Turnover Declaration Closure Process

Allows submission of turnover declaration closure process.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Run Turnover Reporting Selection Process

Allows submission of turnover reporting selection process.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Run U.S. Sales Tax Report

Allows the submission of the U.S. sales tax report.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Run Use Tax Liability Report

Allows the submission of the use tax liability report.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

Update Tax Reporting Type

Allows update of tax reporting types to capture additional tax information on transactions for tax reporting.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

View Finalized Report History of Transaction Taxes

Allows reprint of finalized reports of transaction taxes.

Tax Reporting

Sets up tax reporting types and creates tax reports.

View Tax Reporting Type

Allows viewing of tax reporting types to capture additional tax information on transactions for tax reporting.

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Allows the creation of a trading community data import batch by entering batch definition parameters through user interface. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community import batch information.

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Allows the specification of trading community import batch process information, such as the import process mode, the batch and registry deduplication parameters, address cleansing parameters, and acceptable error limit.

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Not Available

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Not Available

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

Not Available

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

Not Available

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

Not Available

Trading Community Import Batch Management

Manages trading community data import batches.

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Not Available

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Information

Allows the creation of a trading community data import batch by entering batch definition parameters through user interface. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community import batch information.

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Enter Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Allows the specification of trading community import batch process information, such as the import process mode, the batch and registry deduplication parameters, address cleansing parameters, and acceptable error limit.

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Modify Trading Community Import Batch Process Information

Allows editing of trading community import batch process information, such as the import process mode, the batch deduplication and registry deduplication parameters, and the address cleansing error limit, especially to perform the What-if Analysis to get the most acceptable import results.

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Purge Trading Community Import Batch

Not Available

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Run Trading Community Import Batch Error Report

Not Available

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

Run Trading Community Import Batch Process

Not Available

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

View Trading Community Import Batch Details and Statistics

Not Available

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

View Trading Community Import Batch Errors and Details

Not Available

Trading Community Import Process Management

Manages trading community data import batch processes.

View Trading Community Import Batch Information

Not Available

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Financial Integration Specialist job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Attachment

A Financial Integration Specialist can read application attachment for the supplier assessment categories including internal to supplier qualification, miscellaneous

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Financial Integration Specialist can read application attachment for the supplier assessment categories including internal to supplier qualification, miscellaneous

Role: Tax Administrator

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Financial Integration Specialist can read application attachment for the supplier qualification categories including internal to supplier qualification, miscellaneous

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Financial Integration Specialist can read application attachment for the supplier qualification categories including internal to supplier qualification, miscellaneous

Role: Tax Administrator

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Financial Integration Specialist can read application attachment for the supplier qualification question category including to supplier

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Financial Integration Specialist can read application attachment for the supplier qualification response categories including from supplier, from internal responder, miscellaneous, to buyer, to supplier

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Financial Integration Specialist can read application attachment for the supplier qualification response categories including from supplier, from internal responder, miscellaneous, to buyer, to supplier

Role: Tax Administrator

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Objects

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage application objects for all financial supply chain manufacturing application objects

Role: Enterprise Structures Administration

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Bank Statement

A Financial Integration Specialist can maintain bank statement for the bank accounts they are provisioned access

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Maintain Bank Statement (Data)

Resource: Bank Statement

Bank Statement

A Financial Integration Specialist can view bank statement for the bank accounts they are provisioned access

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: View Bank Statement (Data)

Resource: Bank Statement

Bank Statement Reconciliation Source Transaction

A Financial Integration Specialist can reconcile bank statement reconciliation source transaction for the bank accounts they are provisioned access

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Reconcile Bank Statement Reconciliation Source Transaction (Data)

Resource: Bank Statement Reconciliation Source Transaction

Classification Code File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view classification code file import activity object type for all classification code file import activities of object type 'classification code'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Classification Code File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Classification Code File Import Activity

Classification Code File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view classification code file import mapping object type for all classification code file import mappings of object type 'classification code'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Classification Code File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Classification Code File Import Mapping

Classification Code File Import Object

A Financial Integration Specialist can view classification code file import object type for all classification code file import objects of object type 'classification code'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Classification Code File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Classification Code File Import Object

Consumer File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view consumer file import activity object type for all consumer file import activities of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Activity

Consumer File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view consumer file import mapping object type for all consumer file import mappings of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Mapping

Consumer File Import Object

A Financial Integration Specialist can view consumer file import object type for all consumer file import objects of object type 'consumer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Consumer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Consumer File Import Object

Contact File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view contact file import activity object type for all contact file import activities of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Activity

Contact File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view contact file import mapping object type for all contact file import mappings of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Mapping

Contact File Import Object

A Financial Integration Specialist can view contact file import object type for all contact file import objects of object type 'contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Contact File Import Object

Cost Distribution

A Financial Integration Specialist can view cost distribution for the cost organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: View Cost Transaction (Data)

Resource: Cost Distribution

Cost Distribution

A Financial Integration Specialist can view cost transaction for the cost organizations associated to the ledgers for which the user is authorized

Role: General Ledger Reporting

Privilege: View Cost Transaction (Data)

Resource: Cost Distribution

Customer File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view customer file import activity object type for all customer file import activities of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Activity

Customer File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view customer file import mapping object type for all customer file import mappings of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Mapping

Customer File Import Object

A Financial Integration Specialist can view customer file import object type for all customer file import objects of object type 'customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Customer File Import Object

External Cash Transaction

A Financial Integration Specialist can view external cash transaction for the bank accounts they are provisioned access

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: View External Cash Transaction (Data)

Resource: External Cash Transaction

File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view standard file import activity object type for all standard file import activities that are accessible for trading community batch import management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Activity Object Type

Resource: File Import Activity

File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view standard file import mapping object type for all standard file import maps that are accessible for trading community batch import management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Mapping Object Type

Resource: File Import Mapping

Fixed Asset

A Financial Integration Specialist can add fixed asset in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Add Fixed Asset (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

A Financial Integration Specialist can add fixed asset in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: Add Fixed Asset (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

A Financial Integration Specialist can change fixed asset in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Change Fixed Asset (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

A Financial Integration Specialist can change fixed asset in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: Change Fixed Asset (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

A Financial Integration Specialist can retire fixed asset in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Retire Fixed Asset (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

A Financial Integration Specialist can retire fixed asset in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: Retire Fixed Asset (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

A Financial Integration Specialist can submit fixed asset in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Submit Fixed Assets Reports

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

A Financial Integration Specialist can submit fixed assets reports in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Inquiry

Privilege: Submit Fixed Assets Reports

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

A Financial Integration Specialist can submit fixed assets reports in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Reporting

Privilege: Submit Fixed Assets Reports

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

A Financial Integration Specialist can submit fixed assets reports in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: Submit Fixed Assets Reports

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

A Financial Integration Specialist can track fixed asset in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: Track Fixed Asset (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

A Financial Integration Specialist can transfer fixed asset in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Track Fixed Asset (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

A Financial Integration Specialist can transfer fixed asset to another book to the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: Transfer Fixed Asset to Another Book (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

General Ledger Period Status

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage accounting period status for the oracle fusion general ledger application

Role: Manage General Ledger Accounting Period Status

Privilege: Manage Accounting Period Status (Data)

Resource: General Ledger Period Status

General Ledger Period Status

A Financial Integration Specialist can view accounting period status for the oracle fusion general ledger application

Role: Review General Ledger Accounting Period Status

Privilege: View Accounting Period Status (Data)

Resource: General Ledger Period Status

Group Customer File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view group customer file import activity object type for all group customer file import activities of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Activity

Group Customer File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view group customer file import mapping object type for all group customer file import mappings of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Mapping

Group Customer File Import Object

A Financial Integration Specialist can view group customer file import object type for all group customer file import objects of object type 'group customer'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Group Customer File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Group Customer File Import Object

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view hierarchy file import activity object type for all hierarchy file import activities of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view standard file import activity object type for all standard file import activities that are accessible for trading community import batch management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Activity Object Type

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Activity

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view hierarchy file import mapping object type for all hierarchy file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view standard file import mapping object type for all standard file import maps that are accessible for trading community import batch management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Mapping Object Type

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Mapping

Hierarchy File Import Object

A Financial Integration Specialist can view hierarchy file import object type for all hierarchy file import objects of object type 'hierarchy'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Hierarchy File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy File Import Object

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view hierarchy node file import activity object type for all hierarchy node file import activities of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view standard file import activity object type for all standard file import activities that are accessible for trading community import batch management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Activity Object Type

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Activity

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view hierarchy node file import mapping object type for all hierarchy node file import mappings of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view standard file import mapping object type for all standard file import maps that are accessible for trading community import batch management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Mapping Object Type

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Mapping

Hierarchy Node File Import Object

A Financial Integration Specialist can view hierarchy node file import object type for all hierarchy node file import objects of object type 'hierarchy node'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Hierarchy Node File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Hierarchy Node File Import Object


A Financial Integration Specialist can manage journals tax for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Tax External Taxable Transaction Processing

Privilege: Manage Journals Tax (Data)

Resource: Journal


A Financial Integration Specialist can manage ledger for subledger for the posting ledgers for transactions that they are authorized.

Role: Subledger Accounting Manager

Privilege: Manage Ledger for Subledger (Data)

Resource: Ledger


A Financial Integration Specialist can manage ledger for subledger for the posting ledgers for transactions that they are authorized.

Role: Subledger Accounting Reporting

Privilege: Manage Ledger for Subledger (Data)

Resource: Ledger

Legal Entity File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view legal entity file import activity object type for all legal entity file import activities of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Activity

Legal Entity File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view legal entity file import mapping object type for all legal entity file import mappings of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Mapping

Legal Entity File Import Object

A Financial Integration Specialist can view legal entity file import object type for all legal entity file import objects of object type 'legal entity'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Legal Entity File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Legal Entity File Import Object

Lockbox Transmission File

A Financial Integration Specialist can maintain lockbox transmission file for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Manage Receivables Receipts (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage business unit party tax profile for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Business Unit Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage business unit party tax profile for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Tax Administrator

Privilege: Manage Business Unit Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage party tax profile for any party tax profile defined in the enterprise

Role: Legal Entities Administration

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile

Payables Payment

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage payables payment for the business units that interact with the bank accounts for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Manage Payables Invoice (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Payables Standard Invoice

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage payables invoice for all business units in the enterprise

Role: Payables Invoice Import Submission

Privilege: Manage Payables Invoice (Data)

Resource: Payables Standard Invoice

Payment Card

A Financial Integration Specialist can view employee credit card for any employee corporate cards in the enterprise

Role: Payee Bank Account Management

Privilege: View Employee Credit Card (Data)

Resource: Payment Card


A Financial Integration Specialist can choose person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Enterprise Structures Administration

Privilege: Choose Person (Data)

Resource: Person

Public Person

A Financial Integration Specialist can choose public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Financial Integration Specialist can report public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Fixed Asset Inquiry

Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Receivables Automatic Receipt Batch

A Financial Integration Specialist can maintain receivables automatic receipt batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Manage Receivables Receipts (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Credit Memo

A Financial Integration Specialist can maintain receivables credit memo for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Manage Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Credit Memo

A Financial Integration Specialist can view receivables activities for the business units associated to the ledgers for which user is authorized

Role: General Ledger Reporting

Privilege: View Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Receivables Credit Memo

Receivables Credit Memo

A Financial Integration Specialist can view receivables credit memo for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: View Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Receivables Credit Memo

Receivables Debit Memo

A Financial Integration Specialist can maintain receivables debit memo for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Manage Receivables Transactions (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Invoice

A Financial Integration Specialist can maintain receivables invoice for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Manage Receivables Transactions (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Invoice

A Financial Integration Specialist can view receivables activities for the business units associated to the ledgers for which user is authorized

Role: General Ledger Reporting

Privilege: View Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Receivables Invoice

Receivables Invoice

A Financial Integration Specialist can view receivables invoice for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: View Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Receivables Invoice

Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt

A Financial Integration Specialist can maintain receivables miscellaneous receipt for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Manage Receivables Receipts (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt

A Financial Integration Specialist can view receivables activities for the business units associated to the ledgers for which user is authorized

Role: General Ledger Reporting

Privilege: View Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt

Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt

A Financial Integration Specialist can view receivables miscellaneous receipt for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: View Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt

Receivables Receipt Batch

A Financial Integration Specialist can maintain receivables receipt batch for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Manage Receivables Receipts (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Standard Receipt

A Financial Integration Specialist can maintain receivables standard receipt for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Manage Receivables Receipts (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Standard Receipt

A Financial Integration Specialist can view receivables activities for the business units associated to the ledgers for which user is authorized

Role: General Ledger Reporting

Privilege: View Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Receivables Standard Receipt

Receivables Standard Receipt

A Financial Integration Specialist can view receivables standard receipt for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: View Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receivables Standard Receipt

A Financial Integration Specialist can view receivables standard receipt for the business units that interact with the bank accounts for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: View Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Receiving Distribution

A Financial Integration Specialist can review receipt accounting for the business units associated to the ledgers for which user is authorized

Role: General Ledger Reporting

Privilege: Review Receipt Accounting (Data)

Resource: Receiving Distribution

Receiving Distribution

A Financial Integration Specialist can view receiving distribution for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: Review Receipt Accounting (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Sales Objects

A Financial Integration Specialist can view standard file import export object type for all standard file import export objects that are accessible for trading community batch import management duty

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Standard File Import Export Object Type

Resource: Sales Objects

Simplified Account File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view simplified account file import activity object type for all simplified account file import activities of object type 'ora_import_account'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Account File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Account File Import Activity

Simplified Account File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view simplified account file import mapping object type for all simplified account file import mappings of object type 'ora_import_account'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Account File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Account File Import Mapping

Simplified Account File Import Object

A Financial Integration Specialist can view simplified account file import object type for all simplified account file import objects of object type 'ora_import_account'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Account File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Account File Import Object

Simplified Contact File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view simplified contact file import activity object type for all simplified contact file import activities of object type 'ora_import_contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Contact File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Contact File Import Activity

Simplified Contact File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view simplified contact file import mapping object type for all simplified contact file import mappings of object type 'ora_import_contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Contact File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Contact File Import Mapping

Simplified Contact File Import Object

A Financial Integration Specialist can view simplified contact file import object type for all simplified contact file import objects of object type 'ora_import_contact'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Contact File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Contact File Import Object

Simplified Household File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view simplified household file import activity object type for all simplified household file import activities of object type 'ora_import_household'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Household File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Household File Import Activity

Simplified Household File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view simplified household file import mapping object type for all simplified household file import mappings of object type 'ora_import_household'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Household File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Household File Import Mapping

Simplified Household File Import Object

A Financial Integration Specialist can view simplified household file import object type for all simplified household file import objects of object type 'ora_import_household'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Simplified Household File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Simplified Household File Import Object

Source System Reference File Import Activity

A Financial Integration Specialist can view source system reference file import activity object type for all source system reference file import activities of object type 'source system reference'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Source System Reference File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Source System Reference File Import Activity

Source System Reference File Import Mapping

A Financial Integration Specialist can view source system reference file import mapping object type for all source system reference file import mapping of object type 'source system reference'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Source System Reference File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Source System Reference File Import Mapping

Source System Reference File Import Object

A Financial Integration Specialist can view source system reference file import object type for all source system reference file import objects of object type 'source system reference'

Role: Trading Community Import Batch Management

Privilege: View Source System Reference File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Source System Reference File Import Object

Subledger Accounting Balance

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage subledger accounting balance for the subsidiaries or management segment values whose account balance they manage

Role: Accounting Hub Administration

Privilege: Manage Subledger Accounting Balance (Data)

Resource: Subledger Accounting Balance

Subledger Accounting Balance

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage subledger accounting balance for the subsidiaries or management segment values whose account balance they manage

Role: Subledger Accounting Manager

Privilege: Manage Subledger Accounting Balance (Data)

Resource: Subledger Accounting Balance

Subledger Accounting Balance

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage subledger accounting balance for the subsidiaries or management segment values whose account balance they manage

Role: Subledger Accounting Reporting

Privilege: Manage Subledger Accounting Balance (Data)

Resource: Subledger Accounting Balance

Subledger Application

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage subledger application for the owning oracle fusion accounting generating subledger application.

Role: Subledger Accounting Manager

Privilege: Manage Subledger Application (Data)

Resource: Subledger Application

Subledger Application

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage subledger application for the owning oracle fusion accounting generating subledger application.

Role: Subledger Accounting Reporting

Privilege: Manage Subledger Application (Data)

Resource: Subledger Application

Subledger Journal Entry

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage subledger source transaction for the business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative data groups, and the subledger applications for which they are authorized

Role: Subledger Accounting Manager

Privilege: Manage Subledger Source Transaction (Data)

Resource: Subledger Journal Entry

Subledger Journal Entry

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage subledger source transaction for the business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative data groups, and the subledger applications for which they are authorized

Role: Subledger Accounting Reporting

Privilege: Manage Subledger Source Transaction (Data)

Resource: Subledger Journal Entry

Subledger Source Transaction

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage subledger source transaction for the business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative data groups, and the subledger applications for which they are authorized

Role: Subledger Accounting Manager

Privilege: Manage Subledger Source Transaction (Data)

Resource: Subledger Source Transaction

Subledger Source Transaction

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage subledger source transaction for the business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative data groups, and the subledger applications for which they are authorized

Role: Subledger Accounting Reporting

Privilege: Manage Subledger Source Transaction (Data)

Resource: Subledger Source Transaction

Tax Defaults and Controls

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage application tax options for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Application Tax Options (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Tax Exception

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax exception for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Exception (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Tax Exemption

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax exemption for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Exemption (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Tax Exemption

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax exemption for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Tax Administrator

Privilege: Manage Tax Exemption (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Tax Rate

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax rate for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Rate (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Tax Recovery

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax recovery for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Recovery (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Tax Rule

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax rule for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Rule (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Tax Status

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax status for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Status (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Taxable Transaction

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage taxable transaction for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Taxable Transaction (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Trading Community Customer Account

A Financial Integration Specialist can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Financial Integration Specialist can view customer account relationship for all customer account relationships in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Financial Integration Specialist can view customer account site for all customer account sites in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Financial Integration Specialist can view customer account site use for all customer account site uses in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Fixed Asset Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Payables Invoice Import Submission

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Payee Bank Account Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community contact for all trading community persons in the enterprise except contacts created by partners.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Fixed Asset Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Payables Invoice Import Submission

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Payee Bank Account Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise other than sales accounts and sales prospects.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community person for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Financial Integration Specialist

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Transaction Tax

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage transaction tax for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Transaction Tax (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Withholding Tax

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage transaction tax for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Transaction Tax (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Withholding Tax Exception

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax exception for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Exception (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Withholding Tax Rate

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax rate for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Rate (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Withholding Tax Rule

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax rule for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Rule (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Withholding Tax Status

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax status for the withholding tax setup applicable to the business unit(s) they are responsible for

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Status (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Financial Integration Specialist job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage party tax profile for any party tax profile defined in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage party tax profile for any party tax profile defined in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage party tax profile for any party tax profile defined in the enterprise

Role: Tax Administrator

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile

Party Tax Profile

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage party tax profile taxpayer identifier for organizations of type individual party tax profile taxpayer identifier defined in the enterprise.

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile Taxpayer Identifier (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile


A Financial Integration Specialist can maintain supplier corporate identifiers for all suppliers for nonindividual types in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate Identifiers (Data)

Resource: Supplier


A Financial Integration Specialist can maintain supplier individual identifiers pii for all supplier sites in the enterprise

Role: Tax Administrator

Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual Identifiers PII (Data)

Resource: Supplier


A Financial Integration Specialist can maintain supplier individual identifiers pii for all suppliers in the enterprise

Role: Tax Administrator

Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual Identifiers PII (Data)

Resource: Supplier


A Financial Integration Specialist can maintain supplier individual identifiers pii for all suppliers of type individual in the enterprise

Role: Tax Administrator

Privilege: Maintain Supplier Individual Identifiers PII (Data)

Resource: Supplier

Tax Registration

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax registration for any tax registration defined in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)

Resource: Tax Registration

Tax Registration

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax registration for any tax registration defined in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)

Resource: Tax Registration

Tax Registration

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage tax registration for any tax registration defined in the enterprise

Role: Tax Administrator

Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)

Resource: Tax Registration

Taxable Transaction

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage taxable transaction for any taxable transaction existing in the enterprise

Role: Tax Configuration Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Taxable Transaction (Data)

Resource: Taxable Transaction

Trading Community Person Phone

A Financial Integration Specialist can view trading community person mobile phone number for all trading community person mobile phone numbers

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Mobile Phone Number

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Withholding Party Tax Profile

A Financial Integration Specialist can manage party tax profile taxpayer identifier for organizations of type individual party tax profile taxpayer identifier defined in the enterprise.

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile Taxpayer Identifier (Data)

Resource: Withholding Party Tax Profile