Copy the Payables Invoice Audit Listing Dashboard

This example shows how to copy a predefined dashboard so that you can edit the copy and not the original. If you have appropriate roles, then you can (only if necessary) create dashboards or edit predefined ones directly. If not, then you must

The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider

In This Example

Which predefined dashboard are you copying?

Payables Invoice Audit Listing

Is the copied version for yourself only or for multiple users?

Multiple users

To copy the dashboard and get it working:

  • Make a copy of the Payables Invoice Audit Listing dashboard.

  • Copy the components of the dashboard, the analysis and prompt.

  • Edit the copied dashboard so that it contains the copied analysis and prompt instead of the predefined ones.

Save your copies under Shared Folders > Custom in the business intelligence (BI) catalog. You must create folders within Custom so that the copies have a folder path similar to the originals.

Copying the Dashboard

  1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area.

  2. In the Contents pane, select Shared Folders > Financials > Payables > Invoices > Payables Invoice Audit Listing > Invoice Audit Listing, and click the More link.

  3. With the Payables Invoice Audit Listing dashboard selected in the Folders pane, click the Copy button on the toolbar.

  4. In the Folders pane, select Shared Folders > Custom > Financials.

  5. On the toolbar, click the New button and select Folder.

  6. Enter Payables in the Name field and click OK.

  7. Create an Invoices subfolder within the new Payables folder.

  8. Click Paste on the toolbar to copy the dashboard into the Invoices folder.

Copying the Prompt and Analysis

  1. With the Invoices folder still open, click New on the toolbar and select Folder.

  2. Enter Prompts in the Name field and click OK.

  3. Create another folder with the name Report Components. (In this context, report refers to the dashboard.)

  4. In the Folders pane, select Shared Folders > Financials > Payables > Invoices > Prompts.

  5. For the Payables Invoice Audit Listing dashboard prompt, click the More link and select Copy.

  6. In the Folders pane, select Shared Folders > Custom > Financials > Payables > Invoices > Prompts, and click Paste on the toolbar.

  7. In the Folders pane, select Shared Folders > Financials > Payables > Invoices > Report Components.

  8. For the Payables Invoice Audit Listing analysis, click the More link and select Copy.

  9. In the Folders pane, select Shared Folders > Custom > Financials > Payables > Invoices > Report Components, and click Paste on the toolbar.

Editing the Copied Dashboard

  1. In the Folders pane, select Shared Folders > Custom > Financials > Payables > Invoices > Payables Invoice Audit Listing.

  2. Click the Edit link for the Invoice Audit Listing dashboard.

  3. Click the Delete button for the Payables Invoice Audit Listing dashboard prompt within the Search region.

  4. In the Catalog pane, select Shared Folders > Custom > Financials > Payables > Invoices > Prompts > Payables Invoice Audit Listing and move it into the Search region.

  5. Delete the Payables Invoice Audit Listing compound view within the Section 1 region.

  6. In the Catalog pane, select Shared Folders > Custom > Financials > Payables > Invoices > Report Components > Payables Invoice Audit Listing and move it into the Section 1 region.

  7. Click Save.