This is a temporary table which is used internally by Oracle. The AR_DOC_TRANSFER_HEADER_EXT table stores the extended attributes used for the xml invoicing service and data will be purged periodically.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: AR

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
DOC_TRANSFER_HEADER_EXT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Unique identifier of document transfer header.
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Identifier of the Customer Transaction.
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
BANK_ACCT_NUM_HASH1 VARCHAR2 64 Hash of the bank account number.
BU_MANAGER_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Indicates the business unit manager name.
CREDIT_MEMO_ISSUE_DATE DATE Indicates the date of the creditmemo creation.
DEBIT_AUTHORIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the debit authorization.
DOC_FISC_CLASSIF_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Document iscal classification code.
DOC_FISC_CLASSIF_ID NUMBER 18 Document fiscal classification code identifier.
DOC_FISC_CLASSIF_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Document fiscal classification name.
ETB_REGISTRATION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Registration code used for establishment.
JURISDICTION_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Indicates the jurisdiction name.
LE_ACTIVITY_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 60 Legal enity developer key associated to the transaction.
LE_ALTERNATE_REGISTERED_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Legal entity alternate registration name.
LE_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESS VARCHAR2 320 Legal entity contact email address.
LE_CONTACT_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Name of the Legal entity contact.
LE_CONTACT_PHONE_AREA_CODE VARCHAR2 20 Legal entity contact phone area code.
LE_CONTACT_PHONE_COUNTRY_CODE VARCHAR2 10 Legal entity contact phone country code.
LE_CONTACT_PHONE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 40 Legal entity contact phone number.
LE_REGISTERED_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Name of the registered legal entity.
LE_REGISTRATION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Registration code of the legal entity.
LE_REGISTRATION_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 Registration number of the legal entity that's associated with the transaction.
LEGISLATIVE_CAT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Indicates the code of the Legislative category.
SALESREP_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Name of the salesrep associated to the transaction.
SALESREP_EMAIL VARCHAR2 360 Email Address of the salesrep associated to the transaction.
TAXREP_ADDRESS1 VARCHAR2 240 First line for tax representative address.
TAXREP_ADDRESS2 VARCHAR2 240 Second line for tax representative address.
TAXREP_ADDRESS3 VARCHAR2 240 Third line for tax representative address.
TAXREP_ADDRESS4 VARCHAR2 240 Fourth line for tax representative address.
TAXREP_BUILDING VARCHAR2 240 Specific building name or number at a given address for tax representative.
TAXREP_CITY VARCHAR2 60 Indicates the tax representative city.
TAXREP_COUNTRY VARCHAR2 20 Indicates the code of the tax representative country.
TAXREP_COUNTY VARCHAR2 60 Indicates the tax representative county.
TAXREP_FLOOR_NUMBER VARCHAR2 40 Specific floor number at a given address or in a particular building when building number is provided for tax representative.
TAXREP_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the tax representative.
TAXREP_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Indicates the tax representative name.
TAXREP_POSTAL_CODE VARCHAR2 60 Tax representative postal code.
TAXREP_PROVINCE VARCHAR2 60 Indicates the tax representative province.
TAXREP_REGISTRATION_NUM VARCHAR2 50 Tax registration number for the invoice party tax profile.
TAXREP_STATE VARCHAR2 60 State of the tax representative region
TRX_AMOUNT NUMBER Indicates the total transaction amount.
TRX_TAX_AMOUNT NUMBER Total tax amount of the transaction.
SUPPLIER_PRIMARY_ADDRESS VARCHAR2 2048 Primary address of the supplier.
LEGAL_ENTITY_PRIMARY_ADDRESS VARCHAR2 2048 Primary address of the legal entity.
LEGAL_ENTITY_PROVINCE VARCHAR2 60 Name of the Legal entity province
TRX_LINE_COUNT NUMBER Number of the transactions lines.
ROUNDED_TAX_AMOUNT NUMBER Total rounded tax amount of the transaction.
LINE_EXTENSION_AMOUNT NUMBER Total line amount of a transaction.
TAX_EXCLUSIVE_AMOUNT NUMBER Total invoice amount excluding tax.
CONTRACT_DOC_REF_ID NUMBER Derived Reference Field is derived from Interface Header attribute based on the batch source.
EXEMPT_REASON_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Lookup code that indicates the reason for exemption.
PAYEE_IBAN_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Payee international bank account number.
PAYEE_BANK_ACCOUNT_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Name of the payee bank account.
PAYEE_BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE VARCHAR2 25 Bank account type code (subaccount type).
PAYEE_BANK_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Currency code used for the bank account.
PAYEE_BANK_BRANCH_ID NUMBER 18 Uniquely identifies the bank branch.
PAYEE_BANK_COUNTRY VARCHAR2 20 The country listed in the TERRITORY_CODE column of the FND_TERRITORY table. for the Identifying address.
BATCH_SOURCE_NAME VARCHAR2 50 Batch source name of the transaction
CONS_BILLING_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 Consolidated billing invoice number
GL_DATE DATE Accounting date of the transaction
LE_PLACE_OF_REGISTRATION VARCHAR2 30 Place of registration for the Legal Entity
THIRD_PARTY_REG_STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Third party registration status
THIRD_PARTY_REG_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Third party registration number
BANK_ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 240 Detailed description for the bank account
DEFAULT_TAX_EXEMPT_HANDLING VARCHAR2 80 Default tax exemption handling selected for the transaction
LRU_REGISTERED_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Registration name of the legal reporting unit.
LRU_ALTERNATE_REGISTERED_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Registration alternate name for the legal reporting unit.
LRU_REGISTRATION_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 Registration number against a tax regime.
BANK_LE_ADDRESS1 VARCHAR2 240 Address line 1 for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_ADDRESS4 VARCHAR2 240 Address line 4 for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_BUILDING VARCHAR2 240 Building name or number for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_FLOOR_NUMBER VARCHAR2 40 Floor number for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_ADDRESS2 VARCHAR2 240 Address line 2 for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_ADDRESS3 VARCHAR2 240 Address line 3 for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_CITY VARCHAR2 60 City for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_POSTAL_CODE VARCHAR2 60 Postal code for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_COUNTY VARCHAR2 60 County for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_STATE VARCHAR2 60 State for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_PROVINCE VARCHAR2 60 Province for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_COUNTRY VARCHAR2 2 Country Code for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_REGISTRATION_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 Registration number for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_REGISTRATION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Registration code used for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_CONTACT_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Contact name for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_CP_PHONE_AREA_CODE VARCHAR2 20 Area code within a country code for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_CP_PHONE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 40 A telephone number in local format for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method. The number should not include country code, area code, or extension.
BANK_LE_CP_PHONE_COUNTRY_CODE VARCHAR2 10 International country code for a telephone number for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_CP_EMAIL_ADDRESS VARCHAR2 320 E-mail address for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LE_IDENTIFIER VARCHAR2 30 Unique number used to identify a legal entity for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method; either manually set by the user or composed of the country of registration, and the registration number of the identifying jurisdiction if automatically generated. This is only relevant for third party legal entity.
BANK_LRU_REGISTRATION_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 Registration number for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
BANK_LRU_REGISTRATION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Registration code used for the legal entity assigned to the bank account from the receipt method.
PRODUCT_TYPE VARCHAR2 2000 Product type tax determinant for all lines.
PAYMENT_STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Payment status of the transaction.
FINAL_INVOICE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Prepayment invoice application flag.
ORIGINAL_TRX_CLASS VARCHAR2 20 Transaction class of the original transaction.
ORIGINAL_TRX_TYPE VARCHAR2 20 Transaction type name of the original transaction.
MASKED_CC_NUMBER VARCHAR2 100 Masked credit card number that's used for display purposes.
CC_HOLDER_NAME VARCHAR2 80 Holder name for the masked credit card number.
PREPAYMENT_AMOUNT NUMBER Prepayment amount for the transaction.
ORDER_ROUNDING_AMOUNT NUMBER Order rounding amount for the transaction.
PAYING_CUST_TAX_REG_NUMBER VARCHAR2 50 Paying customer site tax registration number.
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier for the bill to customer.
BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 Bill to customer site use identifier.
BILL_TO_CONTACT_ID NUMBER 18 Bill to customer contact identifier.
SHIP_TO_PARTY_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier for the ship to customer.
SHIP_TO_PARTY_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 Ship to customer site use identifier.
SHIP_TO_PARTY_CONTACT_ID NUMBER 18 Ship to customer contact identifier.
PAYING_CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier for the paying customer.
PAYING_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 Paying customer site use identifier.
PAYING_PRIMARY_ACCT_CONTACT_ID NUMBER 18 Paying customer contact identifier.
BILL_TO_REGN_TAX_REGIME_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Tax regime code for the bill-to customer?s Tax Registration.
EFT_SWIFT_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Bank Identifier Code (BIC) used by SWIFT to identify a bank or a bank branch.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns