AR_XLA_LINES_EXTRACT is a temporary table that contains the extracted accounting lines belonging to the specific Create Accounting session. The lines are deleted when the session expires.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: AR

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
EVENT_ID NUMBER 18 Event identifier.
BATCH_SOURCE_SEQ_ID NUMBER 18 Batch source sequence identifier.
LEGAL_ENTITY_ID NUMBER 18 Legal entity identifier.
RESOURCE_SALESREP_ID NUMBER 18 Sales person identifier.
REMIT_TO_ADDRESS_SEQ_ID NUMBER 18 Remit to address sequence identifier.
LINE_NUMBER NUMBER 18 Unique identifier for Extract Accounting.
LANGUAGE VARCHAR2 20 Indicates the code of the language into which the contents of the translatable columns are translated.
LEDGER_ID NUMBER 18 Ledger identifier.
SOURCE_ID NUMBER 18 Used to identify the source table from which a record originated. Identifier can come from ADJUSTMENT_ID, RECEIVABLE_APPLICATION_ID, TRANSACTION_HISTORY_ID, and CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ID.
SOURCE_TABLE VARCHAR2 10 Source table to identify the parent table from which the current record is associated.
LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Extracted line identifier.
TAX_CODE_ID NUMBER 18 Tax code identifier.
LOCATION_SEGMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Tax location segment identifier.
BASE_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Accounting currency code.
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Conversion rate type.
EXCHANGE_DATE DATE Conversion date.
ACCTD_AMOUNT NUMBER Accounted amount.
TAXABLE_ACCTD_AMOUNT NUMBER Taxable accounted amount.
ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Indicates the identifier of the business unit associated to the row.
HEADER_TABLE_ID NUMBER 18 Header record Identifier which can be cash receipt identifier or receivable application identifier.
POSTING_ENTITY VARCHAR2 20 Posting entity.
CASH_RECEIPT_ID NUMBER 18 Cash receipt identifier.
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID NUMBER 18 Transaction identifier.
CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Transaction line identifier.
CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ID NUMBER 18 Transaction accounting distribution identifier.
CUST_TRX_LINE_SALESREP_ID NUMBER 18 Transaction line sales person identifier.
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory item identifier.
SALES_TAX_ID NUMBER 18 Sales tax identifier.
SO_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Inventory organization identifier.
TAX_EXEMPTION_ID NUMBER 18 Tax exemption identifier.
UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Unit of measure code.
WAREHOUSE_ID NUMBER 18 Shipping and validation warehouse Identifier.
AGREEMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Not currently used.
CUSTOMER_BANK_ACCT_ID NUMBER 18 Customer bank account identifier.
DRAWEE_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID NUMBER 18 Bill receivable drawee bank account identifier.
REMITTANCE_BANK_ACCT_ID NUMBER 18 Remittance bank account identifier.
DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the distribution set associated with this payment or adjustment entry.
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID NUMBER 18 Payment schedule identifier.
RECEIPT_METHOD_ID NUMBER 18 Receipt method identifier.
RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID NUMBER 18 Receivables transaction identifier.
ED_ADJ_RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID NUMBER 18 Earned discount adjustment receivables activity identifier.
UNED_RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID NUMBER 18 Unearned discount receivables activity identifier.
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID NUMBER 18 Identifies the ledger associated with the extracted line.
SALESREP_ID NUMBER 18 Sales person identifier.
BILL_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 Bill to customer site use identifier.
DRAWEE_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 Bill receivable drawee site use identifier.
PAYING_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 Paying customer site use identifier.
SOLD_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 Sold to customer site use identifier.
SHIP_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 Ship to customer site use identifier.
RECEIPT_CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID NUMBER 18 An identifier used for receipt or payment customer site.
BILL_CUST_ROLE_ID NUMBER 18 Bill to customer role identifier.
DRAWEE_CUST_ROLE_ID NUMBER 18 Drawee customer role identifier.
SHIP_CUST_ROLE_ID NUMBER 18 Ship to customer role identifier.
SOLD_CUST_ROLE_ID NUMBER 18 Sold to customer role identifier.
BILL_CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER 18 Bill to customer identifier.
DRAWEE_CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER 18 Bill receivable drawee identifier.
PAYING_CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER 18 Paying customer identifier.
SOLD_CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER 18 Sold to customer identifier.
SHIP_CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER 18 Ship to customer identifier.
REMIT_ADDRESS_ID NUMBER 18 Remit to address identifier.
RECEIPT_BATCH_ID NUMBER 18 Receipt batch identifier.
RECEIVABLE_APPLICATION_ID NUMBER 18 Cash receipt application identifier.
CUSTOMER_BANK_BRANCH_ID NUMBER 18 Customer bank branch identifier.
ISSUER_BANK_BRANCH_ID NUMBER 18 Issuer bank branch identifier.
BATCH_SOURCE_ID NUMBER 18 Transaction batch source identifier.
BATCH_ID NUMBER 18 Batch identifier.
TERM_ID NUMBER 18 Payment term identifier.
SELECT_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Internal flag to mark record as selected for processing.
LEVEL_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to indicate if record is header or line level data.
FROM_TO_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag to indicate if the record is for a Invoice, credit memo or payment (receipt) used for internal program processing.
CRH_STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Cash receipt history status.
CRH_PRV_STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Previous cash receipt history status.
AMOUNT NUMBER Amount applied to the invoice during receipt application.
FROM_AMOUNT NUMBER Accounted amount applied from the receipt to the invoice during receipt application.
FROM_ACCTD_AMOUNT NUMBER Amount applied from the receipt to the invoice during receipt application.
PREV_FUND_SEG_REPLACE VARCHAR2 1 Oracle internal use only.
APP_CRH_STATUS VARCHAR2 30 Not currently used.
PAIRED_CCID NUMBER Paired account code combination identifier for internal processing.
PAIRE_DIST_ID NUMBER Paired distribution identifier.
REF_DIST_CCID NUMBER Reference code combination identifier references a related distribution in table AR_DISTRIBUTIONS. Used for internal program processing only.
REF_MF_DIST_FLAG VARCHAR2 15 Not currently used.
ORIGIN_EXTRACT_TABLE VARCHAR2 30 Table name from where data was originally extracted.
EVENT_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Event type code.
EVENT_CLASS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Event class code.
ENTITY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Entity code.
REVERSAL_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Reversal at header should return value Y for RECP_REVERSAL for internal processing.
BUSINESS_FLOW_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Subledger accounting business flow code.
TAX_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Identifies the detail tax line in ZX_LINES table that corresponds to this tax line.
ADDITIONAL_CHAR1 VARCHAR2 30 Column used to store character string from associated AR tables for the current activity (adjustment, payment, cash receipt history, transaction history for bills receivable).
ADDITIONAL_CHAR2 VARCHAR2 30 Column used to store character string from associated AR tables for the current activity (adjustment, payment, cash receipt history, transaction history for bills receivable).
ADDITIONAL_CHAR3 VARCHAR2 30 Column used to store character string from associated AR tables for the current activity (adjustment, payment, cash receipt history, transaction history for bills receivable).
ADDITIONAL_CHAR4 VARCHAR2 30 Column used to store character string from associated AR tables for the current activity (adjustment, payment, cash receipt history, transaction history for bills receivable).
ADDITIONAL_CHAR5 VARCHAR2 30 Column used to store character string from associated AR tables for the current activity (adjustment, payment, cash receipt history, transaction history for bills receivable).
ADDITIONAL_ID1 NUMBER Column used to store identifiers from associated AR tables for the current activity (adjustment, payment, cash receipt history, transaction history for bills receivable).
ADDITIONAL_ID2 NUMBER Column used to store identifiers from associated AR tables for the current activity (adjustment, payment, cash receipt history, transaction history for bills receivable).
ADDITIONAL_ID3 NUMBER Column used to store identifiers from associated AR tables for the current activity (adjustment, payment, cash receipt history, transaction history for bills receivable).
ADDITIONAL_ID4 NUMBER Column used to store identifiers from associated AR tables for the current activity (adjustment, payment, cash receipt history, transaction history for bills receivable).
ADDITIONAL_ID5 NUMBER Column used to store identifiers from associated AR tables for the current activity (adjustment, payment, cash receipt history, transaction history for bills receivable).
XLA_ENTITY_ID NUMBER 18 Identifies the record that references the parent entity in XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES tables.
REF_CTLGD_CCID NUMBER 18 Reference code combination identifier normally references the invoice line distribution code combination for the payment record.
DIST_CCID NUMBER 18 Oracle internal use only.
FROM_EXCHANGE_RATE NUMBER Oracle internal use only.
FROM_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Oracle internal use only.
FROM_EXCHANGE_DATE DATE Oracle internal use only.
FROM_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Oracle internal use only.
TO_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Oracle internal use only.
THIRD_PARTY_ID NUMBER 18 Third party identifier.
THIRD_PARTY_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 Third party site identifier.
THIRD_PARTY_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Third party type identifier.
SOURCE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Source type to identify the account type of the distribution.
CM_APP_TO_TRX_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Line identifier of a regular credit memo application and unapplication. For transaction REC line, this column contains the cust_trx_line_id of the credit memo applied to this transaction line. For credit memo REC line, this column contains the cust_trx_line_id of the transaction to which it is applied.
BAL_SEG_VALUE VARCHAR2 25 Primary balancing segment value of the general ledger account.
SUBLEDGER_BC_COMPLETE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Option that indicates whether to interface standard receipt accounting information from General Ledger to Budgetary Control. This value is passed by Budgetary Control to General Ledger through the accounting information from Receivables.
DATA_SET_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of the batch that groups receipt data for interface to Budgetary Control.
REF_TRX_DIST_ACCOUNTED_CCID NUMBER 18 Code combination ID of the reference transaction distribution posted to General Ledger.


Index Uniqueness Columns