The table stores expense data from various vendor integration points.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: EXM

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
VENDOR_EXPENSE_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Unique identifier of an expense from a vendor.
PERSON_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 Alphanumeric identifier that uniquely identifies an employee within a company.
PERSON_ID NUMBER 18 Person identifier of the individual on the corporate card.
PREPARER_ID NUMBER 18 Identifier of the person who created the expense.
BUSINESS_UNIT_ID NUMBER 18 Indicates the identifier of the business unit associated to the row.
ASSIGNMENT_ID NUMBER 18 Assignment identifier of the individual on the corporate card.
VENDOR_EXPENSE_REFERENCE_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of an expense that identifies and groups similar expenses.
STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Processing status of a record.
SOURCE_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Identifier of the integration source providing expense data.
PROVIDER_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Identifier of the vendor providing expense data.
RAW_EXPENSE_DATA BLOB Raw incoming JSON payload from vendor integration points.
TRANSACTION_TIME TIMESTAMP TImeStamp in UTC. This timestamp would be coming from the vendor for example authorization Timestamp.
RECEIPT_AMOUNT NUMBER Amount of the receipt in the receipt currency.
TIP_AMOUNT NUMBER Amount of tip given in the transaction. This helps to manage cases where receipts have different amount because of the tips involved.
PERSONAL_AMOUNT NUMBER Amount of the expense that is marked as personal.
MERCHANT_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Name of the merchant where the expense was incurred.
MERCHANT_ADDRESS VARCHAR2 2000 Address of the merchant present in the incurred expense.
MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER VARCHAR2 30 Identifier of the merchant where the authorization originated.
MERCHANT_COUNTRY VARCHAR2 80 Country where the merchant is located.
MERCHANT_CITY_NAME VARCHAR2 80 City where the merchant is located.
MERCHANT_STATE_PROVINCE_CODE VARCHAR2 80 State or province code where the merchant is located.
MERCHANT_POSTAL_CODE VARCHAR2 80 Zip or postal code where the merchant is located.
CONVERSION_RATE NUMBER Rate that represents the amount one currency can be exchanged for another at a specific point in time.
START_DATE DATE Date when the expense occurred or the first day of an expense that spans multiple days.
END_DATE DATE Last day of an expense that spans multiple days.
CHECKOUT_DATE DATE Date when a person departs a place associated with an accommodation expense category.
CHECKIN_DATE DATE Checkin date at the hotel or the scheduled arrival date in case of a no show.
AUTO_PERSONAL_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 An indicator of whether an expense is automatically categorized as personal based on the derived expense type.
EXPENSE_SOURCE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Source of an expense item, such as cash or corporate card.
EXPENSE_CATEGORY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Classification of an expense item such as business or personal.
EXPENSE_TEMPLATE_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of a specific expense template.
EXPENSE_TYPE_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier for a specific expense type.
EXPENSE_TYPE_CATEGORY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Grouping of expense types and additional data fields that are relevant for a particular grouping of expenses. An example is airfare. This grouping allows expense types to include information such as class of fare, merchant, ticket number, location from, and location to.
LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of a specific location.
LOCATION VARCHAR2 240 Location where the expense was incurred.
RECEIPT_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Receipt currency of an expense item.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 240 Description of an expense item.
MERCHANT_CATEGORY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Code assigned to the merchant by the corporte card provider to classify the type of business.
NOTIFICATION_TIME TIMESTAMP Timestamp in UTC when the notification to the user was sent.
FILE_HASH VARCHAR2 2000 Unique identifier to prevent duplicates by ensuring each file is processed only once.
VENDOR_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER1 VARCHAR2 150 Unique identifier sent by the vendor.
VENDOR_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER2 VARCHAR2 150 Additional Unique identifier sent by the vendor.
VENDOR_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER3 VARCHAR2 150 Additional Unique identifier sent by the vendor.
VENDOR_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER4 VARCHAR2 150 Additional Unique identifier sent by the vendor.
VENDOR_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER5 VARCHAR2 150 Additional Unique identifier sent by the vendor.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE16 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE17 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE18 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE19 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE20 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE21 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE22 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE23 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE24 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE25 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE26 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE27 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE28 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE29 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE30 VARCHAR2 600 Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE1 NUMBER Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE2 NUMBER Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE3 NUMBER Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE4 NUMBER Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE5 NUMBER Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE6 NUMBER Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE7 NUMBER Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE8 NUMBER Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE9 NUMBER Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE10 NUMBER Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_DATE_ATTRIBUTE1 DATE Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_DATE_ATTRIBUTE2 DATE Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_DATE_ATTRIBUTE3 DATE Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_DATE_ATTRIBUTE4 DATE Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_DATE_ATTRIBUTE5 DATE Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_DATE_ATTRIBUTE6 DATE Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_DATE_ATTRIBUTE7 DATE Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_DATE_ATTRIBUTE8 DATE Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_DATE_ATTRIBUTE9 DATE Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
VENDOR_DATE_ATTRIBUTE10 DATE Additional attribute holders needed to store vendor data.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns