This table stores errors that have occurred during ERP inbound flows.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: FUN

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
ERROR_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Code of the error that was encountered.
ERROR_MESSAGE_TEXT VARCHAR2 1000 Error message corresponding to the error code.
APPLICATION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Unique identifier of the application that owns the inbound flow. It refers to a seeded subledger or Accounting Hub subledger defined by the user.
PROGRAM_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes The process name in which this error is encountered. This will come from a lookup.
ERROR_CATEGORY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Error category associated with the error code.
ERROR_NUM NUMBER 18 Yes Number of occurrences of the error code for a particular run identifier.
JOB_RUN_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Internal identifier of inbound process that created or last updated the row.
JOB_NAME VARCHAR2 100 Yes Indicates the name of the job that created or last updated the row.
JOB_PACKAGE VARCHAR2 900 Yes Indicates the package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
ERROR_DETAIL_CHAR1 VARCHAR2 100 Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_CHAR2 VARCHAR2 100 Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_CHAR3 VARCHAR2 100 Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_CHAR4 VARCHAR2 100 Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_CHAR5 VARCHAR2 100 Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_CHAR6 VARCHAR2 100 Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_CHAR7 VARCHAR2 100 Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_CHAR8 VARCHAR2 100 Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_CHAR9 VARCHAR2 100 Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_CHAR10 VARCHAR2 100 Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_NUMBER1 NUMBER Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_NUMBER2 NUMBER Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_NUMBER3 NUMBER Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_NUMBER4 NUMBER Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_NUMBER5 NUMBER Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_NUMBER6 NUMBER Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_NUMBER7 NUMBER Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_NUMBER8 NUMBER Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_NUMBER9 NUMBER Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_NUMBER10 NUMBER Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_DATE1 DATE Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_DATE2 DATE Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_DATE3 DATE Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_DATE4 DATE Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.
ERROR_DETAIL_DATE5 DATE Additional supporting information that can be used for reporting and error correction. Contents of this column will vary depending upon the error code.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns