GL_DAILY_BALANCES stores daily aggregate balances for detail and summary balance sheet accounts in sets of books with average balances enabled. This table stores functional currency, foreign entered, statistical, and translated daily aggregate balances for each non-adjusting period that has ever been opened. When journal entries are posted, Oracle General Ledger's Posting program populates this table with aggregate amounts calculated from your journal line amounts. Journal entries posted to adjusting periods will be treated as if they are posted to the corresponding non-adjusting periods which the accounting dates fall into. Since Oracle General Ledger currently only maintains actual daily aggregate balances, the ACTUAL_FLAG column is always 'A'. The CURRENCY_TYPE, CURRENCY_CODE, and CONVERTED_FROM_CURRENCY columns serve to identify functional, foreign entered, statistical, and translated balances rows in GL_DAILY_BALANCES. The CURRENCY_TYPE column is 'U' for cumulative functional currency balances or statistical balances; 'E' for foreign entered balances; 'C' for functional currency equivalents of foreign entered balances; 'T' for up to date translated rows; and 'O' for out of date translated rows. The CURRENCY_CODE column contains the currency of the amounts in the row. The CONVERTED_FROM_CURRENCY column contains the functional currency code in the case of functional currency equivalents of foreign entered balances, and null otherwise. Through the aggregate columns, you can derive the four supported average amount types for non-translated balances, period average to date (PATD), quarter average to date (QATD), year average to date (YATD), and end of date (EOD), using the following formulas: For a particular accounting date i, PATD(i) = Period_Aggregate(k) / ( i - Period_Start_Date + 1) QATD(i) = ( Opening_Quarter_Aggregate + Period_Aggregate(k) ) / ( i - Quarter_Start_Date + 1) YATD(i) = ( Opening_Year_Aggregate + Period_Aggregate(k) ) / ( i - Year_Start_Date + 1) EOD(i) = Period_Aggregate(1), for k=1, OR EOD(i) = Period_Aggregate(k) - Period_Aggregate(k-1), for k>1 where k is the aggregate column index. k is 1 + the offset from the start date of the period that date i is in. For translated average balances, the aggregates are stored in separate physical columns. The following formulas derive the four average amount types for translated balances: For a particular accounting date i, PATD(i) = Period_Aggregate(k) / ( i - Period_Start_Date + 1) QATD(i) = Quarter_Aggregate(k) / ( i - Quarter_Start_Date + 1) YATD(i) = Year_Aggregate(k) / ( i - Year_Start_Date + 1) EOD(i) = End_Of_Day(k) where k is the aggregate column index. k is 1 + the offset from the start date of the period that date i is in. For non-translated balances, END_OF_DAY, QUARTER_AGGREGATE, and YEAR_AGGREGATE are always NULL. For translated balances, QUARTER_AGGREGATE or YEAR_AGGREGATE columns are NULL if you choose not to maintain translated QATD or YATD. OPENING_QUARTER_AGGREGATE and OPENING_YEAR_AGGREGATE columns are always NULL for translated balances. GL_DAILY_BALANCES maintains at the account level each balance sheet account posted to an average balance ledger. For income statement accounts, Oracle General Ledger's Posting program summarizes balances posted into net income account rows on a per balancing segment value basis. For detail account rows, TEMPLATE_ID is always NULL. For summary account rows, TEMPLATE_ID has ids of the corresponding summary templates.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: GL

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments Status
LEDGER_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Ledger identifier of daily balance. Active
CODE_COMBINATION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Key Flexfield combination defining column. Active
CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Yes Currency code of daily balance. Active
CURRENCY_TYPE VARCHAR2 1 Yes Currency type code of daily balance. Active
ACTUAL_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Actual flag of daily balance. Valid value is 'A'. Active
PERIOD_NAME VARCHAR2 15 Yes Accounting period name code of daily balance. Active
PERIOD_START_DATE DATE Yes Start date of the accounting period. Active
PERIOD_END_DATE DATE Yes End date of the accounting period. Active
QUARTER_START_DATE DATE Yes Start date of the quarter containing the accounting period. Active
YEAR_START_DATE DATE Yes Start date of the fiscal year containing the accounting period. Active
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row. Active
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row. Active
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. Active
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row. Active
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row. Active
CONVERTED_FROM_CURRENCY VARCHAR2 15 Currency the balance was converted from. Active
PERIOD_TYPE VARCHAR2 15 Accounting period type code of daily balance. Active
PERIOD_YEAR NUMBER 18 Accounting period year code of daily balance. Active
PERIOD_NUM NUMBER 18 Accounting period number code of daily balance. Active
TEMPLATE_ID NUMBER 18 Summary template defining column. Active
OPENING_PERIOD_AGGREGATE NUMBER End of day balance of the last day of the previous period. Active
OPENING_QUARTER_AGGREGATE NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter before the 1st day of this accounting period. This column is not used for translated balances. Active
OPENING_YEAR_AGGREGATE NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year before the 1st day of this accounting period. This column is not used for translated balances. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE1 NUMBER End balance of the 1st day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE2 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 2nd day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE3 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 3rd day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE4 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 4th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE5 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 5th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE6 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 6th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE7 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 7th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE8 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 8th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE9 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 9th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE10 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 10th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE11 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 11th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE12 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 12th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE13 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 13th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE14 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 14th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE15 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 15th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE16 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 16th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE17 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 17th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE18 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 18th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE19 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 19th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE20 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 20th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE21 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 21st day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE22 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 22nd day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE23 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 23rd day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE24 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 24th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE25 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 25th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE26 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 26th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE27 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 27th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE28 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 28th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE29 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 29th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE30 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 30th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE31 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 31st day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE32 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 32nd day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE33 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 33rd day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE34 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 34th day of this accounting period. Active
PERIOD_AGGREGATE35 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this period, up to and including the 35th day of this accounting period. Active
END_OF_DAY1 NUMBER End of day balance for the 1st day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY2 NUMBER End of day balance for the 2nd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY3 NUMBER End of day balance for the 3rd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY4 NUMBER End of day balance for the 3rd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY5 NUMBER End of day balance for the 5th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY6 NUMBER End of day balance for the 6th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY7 NUMBER End of day balance for the 7th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY8 NUMBER End of day balance for the 8th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY9 NUMBER End of day balance for the 9th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY10 NUMBER End of day balance for the 10th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY11 NUMBER End of day balance for the 11th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY12 NUMBER End of day balance for the 12th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY13 NUMBER End of day balance for the 13th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY14 NUMBER End of day balance for the 14th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY15 NUMBER End of day balance for the 15th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY16 NUMBER End of day balance for the 16th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY17 NUMBER End of day balance for the 17th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY18 NUMBER End of day balance for the 18th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY19 NUMBER End of day balance for the 19th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY20 NUMBER End of day balance for the 20th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY21 NUMBER End of day balance for the 21st day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY22 NUMBER End of day balance for the 22nd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY23 NUMBER End of day balance for the 23rd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY24 NUMBER End of day balance for the 24th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY25 NUMBER End of day balance for the 25th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY26 NUMBER End of day balance for the 26th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY27 NUMBER End of day balance for the 27th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY28 NUMBER End of day balance for the 28th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY29 NUMBER End of day balance for the 29th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY30 NUMBER End of day balance for the 30th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY31 NUMBER End of day balance for the 31st day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY32 NUMBER End of day balance for the 32nd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY33 NUMBER End of day balance for the 33rd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY34 NUMBER End of day balance for the 34th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
END_OF_DAY35 NUMBER End of day balance for the 35th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE1 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 1st day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE2 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 2nd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE3 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 3rd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE4 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 4th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE5 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 5th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE6 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 6th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE7 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 7th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE8 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 8th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE9 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 9th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE10 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 10th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE11 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 11th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE12 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 12th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE13 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 13th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE14 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 14th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE15 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 15th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE16 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 16th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE17 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 17th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE18 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 18th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE19 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 19th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE20 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 20th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE21 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 21st day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE22 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 22nd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE23 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 23rd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE24 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 24th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE25 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 25th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE26 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 26th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE27 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 27th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE28 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 28th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE29 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 29th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE30 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 30th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE31 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 31st day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE32 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 32nd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE33 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 33rd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE34 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 34th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
QUARTER_AGGREGATE35 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this quarter, up to and including the 35th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE1 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 1st day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE2 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 2nd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE3 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 3rd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE4 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 4th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE5 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 5th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE6 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 6th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE7 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 7th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE8 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 8th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE9 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 9th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE10 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 10th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE11 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 11th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE12 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 12th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE13 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 13th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE14 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 14th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE15 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 15th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE16 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 16th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE17 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 17th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE18 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 18th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE19 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 19th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE20 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 20th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE21 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 21st day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE22 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 22nd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE23 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 23rd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE24 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 24th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE25 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 25th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE26 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 26th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE27 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 27th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE28 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 28th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE29 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 29th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE30 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 30th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE31 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 31st day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE32 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 32nd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE33 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 33rd day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE34 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 34th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
YEAR_AGGREGATE35 NUMBER Aggregate of the end balances of all days in this year, up to and including the 35th day of this accounting period. This column is only used for translated balances. Active
REQUEST_ID NUMBER Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row. Active
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID NUMBER This column is used in internal processing only Active
PROGRAM_ID NUMBER This column is used in internal processing only Active
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE DATE Last program update date of daily balance. Active
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. Active
PARTITION_GROUP_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Partition grouping information which when combined with the period, determines the database partition in which this daily balance will be stored.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns Status