GL_REVALUATIONS contains the Revaluation definitions. Each row includes a revaluation's identifier, name, description, the corresponding ledger, the currency or currencies to be revalued, and other revaluation options. They include the currency conversion options, the unrealized gain account, the unrealized loss account, and the automatic post flag. There is a one-to-many relationship from each revaluation stored in this table to the revaluation account ranges stored in GL_REVAL_ACCOUNT_RANGES.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: GL

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: APPS_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments Flexfield-mapping
REVALUATION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Revaluation definition identifier.
CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Key flexfield structure defining column.
NAME VARCHAR2 35 Yes User entered revaluation definition name.
SECURITY_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Enable definition access set security flag.
FROM_CURRENCY_OPTION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Determines the currency or currencies to be revalued.
CONVERSION_RATE_OPTION_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Determines the type of currency conversion rates to be used to revalue balances (Period, Daily, or One-time).
RANGE_MODE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Method by which ranges are obtained.
AUTOMATIC_POST_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Yes Indicates if revaluation journal batches should automatically be posted.
UNREALIZED_GAIN_CCID NUMBER 18 Yes Unrealized gain account key flexfield combination defining column.
UNREALIZED_LOSS_CCID NUMBER 18 Yes Unrealized loss account key flexfield combination defining column.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
FROM_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Currency to be revalued when only a single currency is to be revalued.
CONVERSION_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Currency conversion type to be used to revalue balances when daily rates are used.
REVALUATION_RATE NUMBER User defined revaluation rate to be used to revalue balances when one-time rate is used.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 240 Revaluation definition description.
FROM_PRIMARY_CURRENCY_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Oracle internal use - reporting currency revaluation from source ledger currency flag.
INCOME_STMT_ACCOUNTS_RULE VARCHAR2 3 Whether PTD or YTD method is to be used for Income Statement Accounts Revaluation process.
DAYS_TO_ROLL_FORWARD NUMBER 9 Number of days the revaluation definition to roll daily rates forward.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)
ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Revaluations (GL_REVALUATIONS)

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
gl_reval_account_ranges gl_revaluations REVALUATION_ID
gl_code_combinations gl_revaluations REVALUATION_ID


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns