Customer profile class amount limits for each currency


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: AR

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: APPS_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
PROFILE_CLASS_AMOUNT_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Identifier for the customer profile class amount
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
PROFILE_CLASS_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Customer profile class identifier
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID NUMBER 18 Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID NUMBER 18 Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Yes Code defined for a currency
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
WH_UPDATE_DATE DATE Date when the record was entered or changed in a data warehouse
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
TRX_CREDIT_LIMIT NUMBER Credit limit for an order
OVERALL_CREDIT_LIMIT NUMBER Overall credit limit established for a customer account.
MIN_DUNNING_AMOUNT NUMBER Dunning letter is not printed if account balance is less than this amount
MAX_INTEREST_CHARGE NUMBER Threshold amount above which late charge must not be charged.
MIN_STATEMENT_AMOUNT NUMBER A statement is not printed if the total amount of the statement is below this amount.
AUTO_REC_MIN_RECEIPT_AMOUNT NUMBER Limits the minimum receipt amount for a currency
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 30 Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
INTEREST_RATE NUMBER The same percentage interest will be charged consistently on overdue invoices. Used when interest type is percentage
MIN_FC_BALANCE_AMOUNT NUMBER Late charges should not be calculated if customer balance is below this threshold
MIN_FC_INVOICE_AMOUNT NUMBER Late charges should not be calculated if individual transaction balance is below this threshold
MIN_DUNNING_INVOICE_AMOUNT NUMBER If an invoice is below this amount, a dunning letter is not sent.
EXPIRATION_DATE DATE Date on when these credit limits expire
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 30 Country specific descriptive flexfield definition.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 150 Country specific descriptive flexfield segment.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 30 Global Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the global descriptive flexfield.
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Exchange rate type for late charges.Validated against the table GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES. The type USER is excluded.
MIN_FC_INVOICE_OVERDUE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Indicates whether the minimum invoice balance overdue is expressed as a fixed amount or a percentage
MIN_FC_INVOICE_PERCENT NUMBER Invoice balance threshold percentage below which late charges can not be charged
MIN_FC_BALANCE_OVERDUE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Indicates whether the minimum customer balance amount overdue is expressed as a fixed amount or a percentage
MIN_FC_BALANCE_PERCENT NUMBER Customer balance percentage threshold below which the late charge cannot be charged
INTEREST_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Refers to the interest portion of the charge to be calculated on late invoices. Can be a fixed amount, a percentage or based on a charges schedule. Validated against lookup type AR_INTEREST_PENALTY_TYPE.
INTEREST_FIXED_AMOUNT NUMBER The flat amount to be charged on all overdue invoices. Used when interest type is fixed amount
INTEREST_SCHEDULE_ID NUMBER 18 Charge based on a tiered schedule. Used when interest type is charges schedule. Foreign key to AR_CHARGES_SCHEDULES.SCHEDULE_ID
PENALTY_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Refers to any additional penalties to be added to late charges. Can be a fixed amount, a percentage or based on a charges schedule. Validated against lookup type AR_INTEREST_PENALTY_TYPE.
PENALTY_RATE NUMBER The penalty will be calculated as a fixed percentage of the late charge. Used when penalty type is percentage.
MIN_INTEREST_CHARGE NUMBER Threshold amount below which late charge must not be charged.
PENALTY_FIXED_AMOUNT NUMBER The penalty will be a flat fee applied to the late charge. Used when penalty type is fixed amount.
PENALTY_SCHEDULE_ID NUMBER 18 Charge based on a tiered schedule. Used when penalty type is charges schedule. Foreign key to AR_CHARGES_SCHEDULES.SCHEDULE_I
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns