This table stores information about reported transactions which are submitted to the Tax Authorities. This table is cleared and populated in each data extraction run when extract is submitted in draft mode. When the extract is


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: JG

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
DECL_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Yes A unique system generated identifier for the detail record that is associated with the turnover declaration.
DECL_HEADER_ID NUMBER 18 Yes A unique system generated identifier for the header record that is associated with the turnover declaration. Foreign key identifier to JG_ZZ_AR_AP_TRNOVR_DECL_HDRS table.
INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Internal organization identifier of the transaction.
LEDGER_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Internal identifier that identifies the ledger associated with the tax transaction.
APPLICATION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Application identifier of the transaction.
EVENT_CLASS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Event class short name of the transaction.
ENTITY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Entity short name of the transaction.
TRX_ID NUMBER 18 Yes A unique identifier that identifies a transaction.
TRX_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Yes A unique identifier that identifies a transaction line.
TRX_LINE_DIST_ID NUMBER 18 A unique identifies that identifies an item distribution.
TAX_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Yes A unique identifier that identifies a tax line.
REC_NREC_TAX_DIST_ID NUMBER 18 An internal identifier that identifies a tax distribtion. Foreign key identifier to the ZX_REC_NREC_DIST table.
TAX_DIST_ID NUMBER 18 An internal identifier that identifies the tax distribtion that is created directly in the tax repository. Foreign key identifier to the ZX_TRX_TAX_DISTRIBUTIONS table.
TRX_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Transaction number.
TRX_LINE_NUMBER NUMBER Trasnaction line number.
TAX_LINE_NUMBER NUMBER Line number generated for the tax line.
REC_NREC_TAX_DIST_NUMBER NUMBER Line number generated for the tax distribution.
TRX_DATE DATE Date when the transaction occurred.
GL_DATE DATE Default accounting date for transactions.
TRX_BUSINESS_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 240 Transaction business category code of the transaction line.
HQ_ESTB_REG_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 Main Legal Reporting Unit Tax Registration Number.
SERVICE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Service code on the declaration line that is used by the European sales listing and European purchase listing reports.
SERVICE_MODE VARCHAR2 30 Service mode on the declaration line that is used by the European sales listing and European purchase listing reports.
PAY_RECEIPT_METHOD VARCHAR2 30 Payment or receipt method on the declaration line that is used by the European sales listing and European purchase listing reports.
PAY_RECEIPT_COUNTRY VARCHAR2 30 Country of payment or receipt on the declaration line that is used by the European sales listing and European purchase listing reports.
DECL_AUTHORITY VARCHAR2 30 The official authority to whom the European sales listing and European purchase listing reports declaration is made to.
DECL_YEAR NUMBER 18 Indicates the year of declaration.
DECL_PERIOD VARCHAR2 15 Indicates the period of declaration.
DECL_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 External declaration number. For example, the protocol number for Italy. Number can be received after the actual declaration is submitted to the Tax Authority.
DECL_LINE NUMBER 18 External declaration line number. For example, the progressive number for Italy.
ESL_EPL_RECORD_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Record type code that indicates if the invoice line is processed by intrastat reports. Possible values are Pending , Submitted, and Closed.
ORIG_SERVICE_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Original service code on the declaration line that is used by the European sales listing and European purchase listing reports before rectification.
ORIG_SERVICE_MODE VARCHAR2 30 Original service mode on the declaration line that is used by the European sales listing and European purchase listing reports.
ORIG_PAY_RECEIPT_METHOD VARCHAR2 30 Original payment or receipt method on the declaration line that is used by the European sales listing and European purchase listing reports.
ORIG_PAY_RECEIPT_COUNTRY VARCHAR2 30 Original country of payment or receipt on the declaration line that is used by the European sales listing and European purchase listing reports.
ORIG_DECL_AUTHORITY VARCHAR2 30 Original official authority to whom the European sales listing and European purchase listing reports declaration is made before rectification.
ORIG_DECL_YEAR NUMBER 18 Original year of declaration.
ORIG_DECL_PERIOD VARCHAR2 15 Original period of declaration.
ORIG_DECL_NUMBER VARCHAR2 30 Original external declaration number. For example, the protocol number for Italy.
ORIG_DECL_LINE NUMBER 18 Original external declaration line number. For example, the progressive number for Italy.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
JOB_DEFINITION_NAME VARCHAR2 100 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the name of the job that created or last updated the row.
JOB_DEFINITION_PACKAGE VARCHAR2 900 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the package name of the job that created or last updated the row.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns