This table contains the electronic invoice line attributes at the receivables interface line level. It is a 1:1 extension to the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: JL

  • Object type: TABLE



Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments Status
JL_BR_INTERFACE_LINK_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Links to row identifier of specific records in the receivables interface lines table. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE21 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE22 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE23 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE24 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE25 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE26 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE27 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE28 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE29 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE30 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE31 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE32 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE33 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE34 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE35 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE36 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE37 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE38 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE39 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE40 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE41 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE42 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE43 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE44 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE45 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE46 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE47 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE48 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE49 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE50 VARCHAR2 150 Reserved for country specific localizations. Active
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. Active
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row. Active
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row. Active
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row. Active
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Who column: indicates the user who created the row. Active
HEADER_GDF_ATTRIBUTE31 VARCHAR2 150 Header global descriptive flexfield attribute 31 in interface table. Active
HEADER_GDF_ATTRIBUTE32 VARCHAR2 150 Header global descriptive flexfield attribute 32 in interface table. Active
HEADER_GDF_ATTRIBUTE33 VARCHAR2 150 Header global descriptive flexfield attribute 33 in interface table. Active
HEADER_GDF_ATTRIBUTE34 VARCHAR2 150 Header global descriptive flexfield attribute 34 in interface table. Active
HEADER_GDF_ATTRIBUTE35 VARCHAR2 150 Header global descriptive flexfield attribute 35 in interface table. Active
HEADER_GDF_ATTRIBUTE36 VARCHAR2 150 Header global descriptive flexfield attribute 36 in interface table. Active
HEADER_GDF_ATTRIBUTE37 VARCHAR2 150 Header global descriptive flexfield attribute 37 in interface table. Active
HEADER_GDF_ATTRIBUTE38 VARCHAR2 150 Header global descriptive flexfield attribute 38 in interface table. Active
HEADER_GDF_ATTRIBUTE39 VARCHAR2 150 Header global descriptive flexfield attribute 39 in interface table. Active
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.