This temporary table is used to store the budget distribution accounts during processing.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: XCC

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default


Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
SOURCE_APPLICATION VARCHAR2 30 Yes The source budget application for which this interface row is budgeted.
SOURCE_BUDGET VARCHAR2 100 Yes The source budget name to which this interface row is budgeted.
PERIOD_NAME VARCHAR2 15 Yes The period name for which the budget amount is loaded
SUMMARY_PERIOD_NAME VARCHAR2 15 Period name of the summary control budget.
AMOUNT NUMBER Yes Budget amount for specific control budget, account and period
CONTROL_BUDGET_ID NUMBER 18 Yes The control budget that is impacted by this distribution
BUDGET_CCID NUMBER 18 Yes The budget account that is impacted by this distribution
BUDGET_ACTION VARCHAR2 30 Yes Indicates whether the distribution is for budget initialization (INIT) or budget adjustment (ADJUST)
PERIOD_START_DATE DATE Yes The start date of the period. Denormalized from gl_periods
DATA_SET_ID NUMBER 18 The data_set_id to be used by the Budgetary Control Engine for budget adjustments
CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes The currency of the budget amount
UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 The unit of measure used by this statistical budget amount when the currency code is set as STAT.
DATA_SET VARCHAR2 500 Yes Set of records to be imported by the budget import process.
CONTROL_BUDGET_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Indicates whether the budget distribution is for a summary control budget or a master control budget. Valid values are MASTER and SUMMARY.
STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Indicates whether the budget distribution is valid for further processing.
SEGMENT1 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT2 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT3 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT4 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT5 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT6 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT7 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT8 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT9 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT10 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT11 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT12 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT13 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT14 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT15 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT16 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT17 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT18 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT19 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT20 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT21 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT22 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT23 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT24 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT25 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT26 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT27 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT28 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT29 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
SEGMENT30 VARCHAR2 50 Key Flexfield: segment of the key flexfield.
PJC_PROJECT_ID NUMBER 18 Project Management project identifier used to load the budget amounts.
PJC_TOP_TASK_ID NUMBER 18 Project Management top task identifier used to load the budget amounts.
PJC_TASK_ID NUMBER 18 Project Management lowest task identifier used to load the budget amounts.
PJC_TOP_RESOURCE_ID NUMBER 18 Project Management top resource identifier used to load the budget amounts.
PJC_RESOURCE_ID NUMBER 18 Project Management lowest resource identifier used to load the budget amounts.
PJC_CONTRACT_ID NUMBER 18 Project Management contract identifier used to load the budget amounts.
PJC_CONTRACT_LINE_ID NUMBER 18 Project Management contract line identifier used to load the budget amounts.
PJC_FUNDING_ALLOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 Project Management funding allocation identifier used to load the budget amounts.
PJC_FUNDING_SOURCE_ID NUMBER 18 Project Management funding source identifier used to load the budget amounts.
BUDGET_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID NUMBER 18 The budget chart of accounts of the control budget
EFF_PERIOD_NUM NUMBER 18 The effective period number of the period being budgeted to. Denormalized from gl_periods
DELTA_AMOUNT NUMBER Stores the difference between the desired amount and the amount currently in the balances table for the overwrite case.
ORIGINAL_AMOUNT NUMBER Yes The original amount that the user entered in the interface.


Index Uniqueness Columns