This table contains the control bubdget key segments in a flat format for easier control and processing.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: XCC

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
CONTROL_BUDGET_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Unique identifier for this transaction
FUNDS_RELEASE_TIMEFRAME VARCHAR2 30 Yes Determines when the funds are made available for a particular period. Valid values are: RELEASE_IMMEDIATELY and RELEASE_UPON_OPEN.
SOURCE_BUDGET_SYSTEM_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes The source budget type code where budgets were created
SOURCE_BUDGET VARCHAR2 100 XCC lookup code or control budget name value. Dependant on the source budget type code value
CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Yes Currency assigned to the control budget
STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Staus code of the control budget
UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 UOM assigned to the control budget
START_EFF_PERIOD_NUM NUMBER 18 Yes Effective period number of the start period of the contro budget
END_EFF_PERIOD_NUM NUMBER 18 Yes Effective period number of the end period of the contro budget
GL_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID NUMBER 18 Key flexfield structure defining general ledger chart of accounts
PROJECT_ID NUMBER 18 Project Management project identifier of the control budget.
BUDGET_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID NUMBER 18 Key flexfield structure defining budget accounts
GL_SEGMENT1_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the first GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT2_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the second GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT3_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the third GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT4_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the fourth GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT5_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the fifth GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT6_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the sixth GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT7_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the seventh GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT8_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 8th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT9_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 9th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT10_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 10th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT11_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 11th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT12_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 12th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT13_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 13th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT14_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 14th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT15_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 15th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT16_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 16th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT17_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 17th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT18_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 18th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT19_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 19th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT20_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 20th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT21_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 21st GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT22_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 22nd GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT23_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 23rd GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT24_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 24th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT25_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 25th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT26_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 26th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT27_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 27th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT28_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 28th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT29_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 29th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
GL_SEGMENT30_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value Y indicates that the 30th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts. This indicates it is part of the budget chart of accounts and has a tree level assigned.
PJC_PROJECT_ID_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains Y if the project segment is part of the budget chart of accounts. Null otherwise.
PJC_TASK_ID_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains Y if the top task segment is part of the budget chart of accounts. Null otherwise.
PJC_LOWEST_TASK_ID_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains Y if the lowest task segment is part of the budget chart of accounts. Null otherwise.
PJC_RESOURCE_ID_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains Y if the top resource segment is part of the budget chart of accounts. Null otherwise.
PJC_LOWEST_RESOURCE_ID_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains Y if the lowest resource segment is part of the budget chart of accounts. Null otherwise.
PJC_CONTRACT_ID_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains Y if contract segment is part of the budget chart of accounts. Null otherwise.
PJC_CONTRACT_LINE_ID_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains Y if contract line segment is part of the budget chart of accounts. Null otherwise.
PJC_FUNDING_ALLOCATION_ID_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains Y if funding allocation segment is part of the budget chart of accounts. Null otherwise.
KEY_SEGMENT1_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the first GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT2_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 2nd GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT3_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 3rd GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT4_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 4th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT5_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 5th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT6_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 6th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT7_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 7th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT8_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 8th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT9_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 9th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT10_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 10th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT11_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 11th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT12_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 12th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT13_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 13th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT14_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 14th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT15_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 15th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT16_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 16th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT17_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 17th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT18_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 18th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT19_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 19th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT20_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 20th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT21_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 21st GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT22_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 22nd GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT23_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 23rd GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT24_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 24th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT25_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 25th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT26_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 26th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT27_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 27th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT28_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 28th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT29_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 29th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
KEY_SEGMENT30_ID NUMBER 18 The foreign key to the key_segment_id in XCC_CB_KEY_SEGMENTS if the 30th GL segment of the control budget's ledger chart of accounts is part of the budget chart of accounts
SEQUENCE1_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=1
SEQUENCE2_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=2
SEQUENCE3_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=3
SEQUENCE4_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=4
SEQUENCE5_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=5
SEQUENCE6_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=6
SEQUENCE7_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=7
SEQUENCE8_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=8
SEQUENCE9_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=9
SEQUENCE10_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=10
SEQUENCE11_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=11
SEQUENCE12_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=12
SEQUENCE13_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=13
SEQUENCE14_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=14
SEQUENCE15_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=15
SEQUENCE16_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=16
SEQUENCE17_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=17
SEQUENCE18_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=18
SEQUENCE19_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=19
SEQUENCE20_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=20
SEQUENCE21_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=21
SEQUENCE22_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=22
SEQUENCE23_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=23
SEQUENCE24_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=24
SEQUENCE25_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=25
SEQUENCE26_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=26
SEQUENCE27_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=27
SEQUENCE28_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=28
SEQUENCE29_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=29
SEQUENCE30_SEGMENT VARCHAR2 30 Stores the value in the source_segment_column_name from xcc_cb_key_segments for the record that has display_sequence_number=30
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
PARENT_SOURCE_SYSTEM VARCHAR2 30 Yes Source budget type code of the master control budget
PARENT_SOURCE_BUDGET VARCHAR2 100 Source budget of the master control budget
PJC_FUNDING_SOURCE_ID_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Contains Y if funding source segment is part of the budget chart of accounts. Null otherwise.
CUBE_TRANSFER_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Status of the balance transfer such as SUCCESS, ERROR.
CUBE_TRANSFER_ERROR_DETAIL VARCHAR2 2000 Technical error detail when transfer balances fail.
CUBE_TRANSFER_SUCCESS_DATE TIMESTAMP Date and time of successful transfer of balances to the cube.
CUBE_TRANSFER_ATTEMPTED_DATE TIMESTAMP Date and time of attempted transfer of balances. The result can succeed or fail.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns