This is a temporary table which is used internally by Oracle.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: ZX

  • Object type: TABLE



Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER Yes Internal organization identifier for the reversing document
REVERSING_APPLN_ID NUMBER Yes Reversing document application identifier
REVERSING_ENTITY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Reversing document entity code
REVERSING_EVNT_CLS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Reversing document event class code
REVERSING_TRX_ID NUMBER Reversing document transaction identifier
REVERSING_HDR_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document
REVERSING_HDR_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document
REVERSING_HDR_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document
REVERSING_HDR_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document
REVERSING_HDR_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document
REVERSING_HDR_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document
REVERSING_TRX_LEVEL_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Column to record the level at which the reversing document line identifier is stored. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT and FREIGHT.
REVERSING_TRX_LINE_ID NUMBER Reversing document transaction line identifier
REVERSING_LINE_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document line
REVERSING_LINE_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document line
REVERSING_LINE_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document line
REVERSING_LINE_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fouth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document line
REVERSING_LINE_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document line
REVERSING_LINE_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document line
REVERSING_TRX_LINE_DIST_ID NUMBER Reversing document dsitribution identifier
REVERSING_DIST_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document distribution
REVERSING_DIST_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document distribution
REVERSING_DIST_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document distribution
REVERSING_DIST_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document distribution
REVERSING_DIST_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document distribution
REVERSING_DIST_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversing document distribution
REVERSING_TAX_LINE_ID NUMBER Reversing document tax line identifier
REVERSED_APPLN_ID NUMBER Yes Reversed document application identifier
REVERSED_ENTITY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Reversed document entity code
REVERSED_EVNT_CLS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Reversed document event class code
REVERSED_TRX_ID NUMBER Reversed document transaction identifier
REVERSED_HDR_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document
REVERSED_HDR_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document
REVERSED_HDR_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document
REVERSED_HDR_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document
REVERSED_HDR_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document
REVERSED_HDR_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document
REVERSED_TRX_LEVEL_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Column to record the level at which the reversed document line identifier is stored. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT and FREIGHT.
REVERSED_TRX_LINE_ID NUMBER Reversed document transaction line identifier
REVERSED_LINE_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document line
REVERSED_LINE_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document line
REVERSED_LINE_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document line
REVERSED_LINE_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fouth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document line
REVERSED_LINE_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document line
REVERSED_LINE_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document line
REVERSED_TRX_LINE_DIST_ID NUMBER Reversed document distribution identifier
REVERSED_DIST_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document distribution
REVERSED_DIST_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document distribution
REVERSED_DIST_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document distribution
REVERSED_DIST_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document distribution
REVERSED_DIST_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document distribution
REVERSED_DIST_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reversed document distribution
FIRST_PTY_ORG_ID NUMBER 18 Party tax profile identifier for the first party organization of the reversing document
REVERSED_TAX_LINE_ID NUMBER Reversed document tax line identifier


Index Uniqueness Columns