This table stores Transaction Distribution info


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: ZX

  • Object type: TABLE


Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments Status
APPLICATION_ID NUMBER Yes Application identifier of the item distribution Active
ENTITY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Entity code of this item distribution Active
EVENT_CLASS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Event class code of this item distribution Active
TRX_ID NUMBER Yes Transaction identifier of this item distribution Active
HDR_TRX_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the user composite key to uniquely identify the transaction of this item distribution Active
HDR_TRX_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the user composite key to uniquely identify the transaction of this item distribution Active
HDR_TRX_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the user composite key to uniquely identify the transaction of this item distribution Active
HDR_TRX_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the user composite key to uniquely identify the transaction of this item distribution Active
HDR_TRX_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the user composite key to uniquely identify the transaction of this item distribution Active
HDR_TRX_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the user composite key to uniquely identify the transaction of this item distribution Active
TRX_LINE_ID NUMBER Yes Transaction line identifier Active
LINE_TRX_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the line user composite key for uniquely identifying the transaction line of this item distribution Active
LINE_TRX_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the line user composite key for uniquely identifying the transaction line of this item distribution Active
LINE_TRX_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the line user composite key for uniquely identifying the transaction line of this item distribution Active
LINE_TRX_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the line user composite key for uniquely identifying the transaction line of this item distribution Active
LINE_TRX_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the line user composite key for uniquely identifying the transaction line of this item distribution Active
LINE_TRX_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the line user composite key for uniquely identifying the transaction line of this item distribution Active
TRX_LEVEL_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Column to record the level at which the transaction line identifier is stored for this item distribution. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT and FREIGHT. Active
TRX_LINE_DIST_ID NUMBER Yes Item distribution identifier Active
DIST_TRX_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying this item distribution Active
DIST_TRX_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying this item distribution Active
DIST_TRX_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying this item distribution Active
DIST_TRX_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying this item distribution Active
DIST_TRX_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying this item distribution Active
DIST_TRX_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying this item distribution Active
DIST_LEVEL_ACTION VARCHAR2 30 Yes Column to store action at the item distribution level Active
TRX_LINE_DIST_DATE DATE Yes Item distribution date Active
ITEM_DIST_NUMBER NUMBER Item distribution number Active
DIST_INTENDED_USE VARCHAR2 240 Intended use code of the item distribution. This identifies the purpose for which the product is used. Active
TAX_INCLUSION_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Y or N indicates if all taxes are included in the distribution amount Active
TAX_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Tax classification code Active
APPLIED_FROM_TAX_DIST_ID NUMBER Applied from document tax distribution identifier Active
ADJUSTED_DOC_TAX_DIST_ID NUMBER Adjusted document tax distribution identifier Active
TASK_ID NUMBER Identifier for the project task used to build accounting flexfield for project-related distribution line Active
AWARD_ID NUMBER Reserved for use by Oracle Grants Management Active
PROJECT_ID NUMBER Identifier for project used to build accounting flexfield for project-related distribution line Active
EXPENDITURE_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Project expenditure type used to build accounting flexfield for project-related distribution line Active
EXPENDITURE_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER Identifier for project organization used to build accounting flexfield for project-related distribution line Active
EXPENDITURE_ITEM_DATE DATE Date for project expenditure item used to build accounting flexfield for project-related distribution line Active
TRX_LINE_DIST_AMT NUMBER Yes Item distribution amount Active
TRX_LINE_DIST_QTY NUMBER Quantity that pertains to this item distribution Active
TRX_LINE_QUANTITY NUMBER Yes Transaction line quantity Active
ACCOUNT_CCID NUMBER Account identifier associated with the item distribution line Active
ACCOUNT_STRING VARCHAR2 2000 Account string associated with the item distribution line Active
REF_DOC_APPLICATION_ID NUMBER Reference document application identifier Active
REF_DOC_ENTITY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Reference document entity code Active
REF_DOC_EVENT_CLASS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Reference document event class code Active
REF_DOC_TRX_ID NUMBER Reference document transaction identifier Active
REF_DOC_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document Active
REF_DOC_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document Active
REF_DOC_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document Active
REF_DOC_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document Active
REF_DOC_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document Active
REF_DOC_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document Active
REF_DOC_LINE_ID NUMBER Transaction line identifier for the reference document Active
REF_DOC_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document line Active
REF_DOC_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document line Active
REF_DOC_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document line Active
REF_DOC_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document line Active
REF_DOC_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document line Active
REF_DOC_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document line Active
REF_DOC_DIST_ID NUMBER Item distribution identifier for the reference document Active
REF_DOC_DIST_TRX_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document distribution Active
REF_DOC_DIST_TRX_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document distribution Active
REF_DOC_DIST_TRX_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document distribution Active
REF_DOC_DIST_TRX_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document distribution Active
REF_DOC_DIST_TRX_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document distribution Active
REF_DOC_DIST_TRX_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the reference document distribution Active
REF_DOC_CURR_CONV_RATE NUMBER Reference document exchange rate Active
NUMERIC1 NUMBER Not currently used Active
NUMERIC2 NUMBER Not currently used Active
NUMERIC3 NUMBER Not currently used Active
NUMERIC4 NUMBER Not currently used Active
NUMERIC5 NUMBER Not currently used Active
CHAR1 VARCHAR2 150 Not currently used Active
CHAR2 VARCHAR2 150 Not currently used Active
CHAR3 VARCHAR2 150 Not currently used Active
CHAR4 VARCHAR2 150 Not currently used Active
CHAR5 VARCHAR2 150 Not currently used Active
DATE1 DATE Not currently used Active
DATE2 DATE Not currently used Active
DATE3 DATE Not currently used Active
DATE4 DATE Not currently used Active
DATE5 DATE Not currently used Active
TRX_LINE_DIST_TAX_AMT NUMBER Transaction line distribution tax amount Active
HISTORICAL_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Y or N indicates whether this distribution line is for a transaction migrated from prior releases Active
APPLIED_FROM_APPLICATION_ID NUMBER Applied from document application identifier Active
APPLIED_FROM_EVENT_CLASS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Applied from document event clas code Active
APPLIED_FROM_ENTITY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Applied from document entity code Active
APPLIED_FROM_TRX_ID NUMBER Applied from document transaction identifier Active
APP_FROM_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document Active
APP_FROM_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document Active
APP_FROM_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document Active
APP_FROM_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document Active
APP_FROM_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document Active
APP_FROM_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document Active
APPLIED_FROM_LINE_ID NUMBER Transaction line identifier for the applied from document Active
APP_FROM_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document line Active
APP_FROM_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document line Active
APP_FROM_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document line Active
APP_FROM_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document line Active
APP_FROM_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document line Active
APP_FROM_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document line Active
APPLIED_FROM_DIST_ID NUMBER Item distribution identifier for the applied from document Active
APP_FROM_DST_TRX_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document distribution Active
APP_FROM_DST_TRX_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document distribution Active
APP_FROM_DST_TRX_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document distribution Active
APP_FROM_DST_TRX_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document distribution Active
APP_FROM_DST_TRX_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document distribution Active
APP_FROM_DST_TRX_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the applied from document distribution Active
ADJUSTED_DOC_APPLICATION_ID NUMBER Adjusted document application identifier Active
ADJUSTED_DOC_EVENT_CLASS_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Adjusted document event clas code Active
ADJUSTED_DOC_ENTITY_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Adjusted document entity code Active
ADJUSTED_DOC_TRX_ID NUMBER Adjusted document transaction identifier Active
ADJ_DOC_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document Active
ADJ_DOC_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document Active
ADJ_DOC_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document Active
ADJ_DOC_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document Active
ADJ_DOC_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document Active
ADJ_DOC_HDR_TRX_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the header level user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document Active
ADJUSTED_DOC_LINE_ID NUMBER Transaction line identifier for the adjusted document Active
ADJ_DOC_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document line Active
ADJ_DOC_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document line Active
ADJ_DOC_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document line Active
ADJ_DOC_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document line Active
ADJ_DOC_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document line Active
ADJ_DOC_LIN_TRX_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the line level user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document line Active
ADJUSTED_DOC_DIST_ID NUMBER Item distribution identifier for the adjusted document Active
ADJ_DOC_DST_TRX_USER_KEY1 VARCHAR2 150 First component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document distribution Active
ADJ_DOC_DST_TRX_USER_KEY2 VARCHAR2 150 Second component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document distribution Active
ADJ_DOC_DST_TRX_USER_KEY3 VARCHAR2 150 Third component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document distribution Active
ADJ_DOC_DST_TRX_USER_KEY4 VARCHAR2 150 Fourth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document distribution Active
ADJ_DOC_DST_TRX_USER_KEY5 VARCHAR2 150 Fifth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document distribution Active
ADJ_DOC_DST_TRX_USER_KEY6 VARCHAR2 150 Sixth component of the user composite key for uniquely identifying the adjusted document distribution Active
APPLIED_TO_DOC_CURR_CONV_RATE NUMBER Applied to document exchange rate Active
TAX_VARIANCE_CALC_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Y or N indicates whether tax variance needs to be calculated Active
REF_DOC_TRX_LINE_DIST_QTY NUMBER Reference document transaction line distribution quantity Active
PRICE_DIFF NUMBER Price variance. This is applicable only for price correction invoices of Oracle Payables. Active
UNIT_PRICE NUMBER Unit price Active
REF_DOC_TRX_LEVEL_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Column to record the level at which the reference document line identifier is stored. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT and FREIGHT. Active
APPLIED_FROM_TRX_LEVEL_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Column to record the level at which the applied from document line identifier is stored. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT and FREIGHT. Active
ADJUSTED_DOC_TRX_LEVEL_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Column to record the level at which the adjusted document line identifier is stored. Possible values are LINE, SHIPMENT and FREIGHT. Active
OVERRIDING_RECOVERY_RATE NUMBER User defined recovery rate that will override the system determined recovery rate Active
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. Active
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row. Active
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row. Active
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row. Active
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. Active
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row. Active
INTENDED_USE_CLASSIF_ID NUMBER Default intended use code for transactions for a specified country.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
ZX_SIM_TRX_DISTS zx_transaction TRX_ID
ZX_SIM_TRX_DISTS zx_transaction_lines TRX_LINE_ID


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns Status