Expense Lease Contract Amendments Import

File-based data import process to import amended expense leases data into Lease Accounting Interface tables. An expense lease refers to a document that conveys the agreement between a lessee and a lessor. An expense lease consists of header information, assets, serials, payments, options, payment lines, option lines, payment increase agreements and their assessment periods, rights and obligations. As part of amendment, supply the amended lease, changes to existing and new assets, changes to existing and new serials, changes to existing and new payments, changes to existing and new options, changes to existing and new payment lines, changes to existing and new option lines, changes to existing and new payment increase agreements, changes to existing and new assessment periods, changes to existing and new rights and changes to existing and new obligations.


  • Object owner: Lease Contract

  • UCM account: fin/fla/import

File Links

File Link
XLSM template LeaseContractAmendTemplate.xlsm
Control files

Job and Table Links

Name Link
Scheduled process

Process Lease Actions
