Assets Profile Options

Set profile options to specify how Oracle Assets controls access to and processes data, such as:

  • The number of requests you can run in parallel

  • The timing diagnostic message value

  • The amount of database information retained in a concurrent process

  • The cache reset value

  • The batch size used for bulk processing in mass processes

  • The book selected by default in Assets pages

Parallel Request Number

This profile option controls the number of requests you can run in parallel for Assets processes that can run in parallel. For example, use this profile option to run parallel depreciation processes.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Parallel Request Number


You can enter a number between 1 and 20 to specify the maximum number of parallel requests you want to allow. If you set a value that is greater than 1, you can run multiple processes at the same time. For example, if you set the value to 5, you can run multiple Depreciation processes.

Timing Diagnostics

You set whether timing diagnostic messages are printed in concurrent program log files. Support personnel can use this profile option as a tool to identify problems with the code.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value

Effect of Enabling

Effect of Disabling

Timing Diagnostics

No value (No)

Enables printing of timing information

Disables printing of timing information

Cache Sizing Factor

This profile option controls the amount of database information retained in concurrent process for performance improvement.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Cache Sizing Factor


You can set a value from 0 to 25. The number you enter controls the amount of information that can be stored in the cache. If you enter a value of 0, only one record is retained in the cache. If you enter a value of 25, a large amount of data is retained in the cache. In general, a small cache size works better for a very simple data structure. A large cache size works well for a more complex data structure, for example, setup data that uses many depreciation methods, bonus rules, depreciation ceilings, and retirement conventions.

Depreciation Single

This profile option controls the caching buffer used when you run the Depreciation process.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value

Effect of Enabling

Effect of Disabling

Depreciation Single

No value (No)

Cache is reset after every asset


Set this profile to Yes only temporarily if some assets failed previously when running the Depreciation process. In this case, rerun the Depreciation process for any set of 20 assets that failed depreciation. When this profile option is set to Yes, the log file provides information on each asset so that you can determine which asset failed. When the assets have depreciated successfully, reset the profile option to No. Running depreciation with the profile option set to Yes can slow performance considerably.

Cache is reset after every 20 assets

Batch Size

This profile option sets the batch size for the Mass Transactions process.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Batch Size


The value indicates the number of records in a batch. For example, if you use the default value of 200, each batch contains 200 records. The value can be between 1 and 10,000.

Default Book

This profile option specifies the book that appears by default on Assets pages.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value

Effect of Enabling

Effect of Disabling

Default Book


The default book appears as the value in all Assets pages where the Book field appears.

You must select a book from the menu in all Assets pages where the Book field appears.