Options for Setting Up Receipt Management Rules

Receipt management ensures that all required expense report receipts are submitted by employees. To do this, you can create receipt and notification rules to determine:

  • When to send notifications to employees

  • When to place payment holds on expense reports due to missing or overdue receipts

You can assign receipt and notification rules to each business unit in your company to reflect your business policies. When you set up receipt and notification rules according to your company's policies, employees aren't reimbursed for expenditures until missing or overdue original or imaged receipts are submitted.

When you set up receipt management rules for your company, you can specify the following:

  • Type of receipts

  • Granularity of receipt requirements

  • Receipt requirements

Type of Receipts

The first and most important receipt management decision is to specify the type of receipt your company requires for expense report submission. You can require:

  • Original receipts

  • Imaged receipts

  • Original and imaged receipts

You can specify your company's receipt requirement in the header of the Create Receipt and Notification Rule page. Original receipts are paper receipts that employees receive after incurring an expense. Imaged receipts are expense receipts that have been converted to a digital image by a camera, scanner, or fax so they can be attached to the online expense report.


If you specify that imaged receipts are required, you must also specify the point in the expense report process at which their attachment to the expense report is required.

Granularity of Receipt Requirements

The second receipt management decision is to specify the level on which you want to define receipt rules. You can specify receipt rules at all, any, or none of the following levels:

  • Organization level: Create Receipt and Notification Rule page


    If you don't select a required type of receipt on the Create Receipt and Notification Rule page, then Expenses selects Originals only as the default type of receipt required.

  • Template level: Create Expense Template page, Receipt Requirement tab

  • Expense type level: Edit Expense Type page, Receipt Requirement tab

The following table indicates the sequence in which Expenses processes receipt and notification rules. It starts with the lowest level and moves to the highest level.

Sequence in Which Expenses Processes Receipt and Notification Rules


Lowest level

Expense type

Middle level


Highest level


Receipt Requirements

The third receipt management decision is to specify receipt requirements. You can define them on the Receipt Requirement tabs of the Create Expense Template page or the Edit Expense Type page.

You can specify receipt requirements for:

  • Cash expense lines

  • Corporate card expense lines

  • Negative expense lines

  • Disallowance of missing receipts

  • Display of missing receipt warning