Default Values for Standard Balance Cube Dimensions

For Standard Balances Cube dimensions, there are default values that if used in Smart View and on financial reports created in Financial Reporting Web Studio cause #MISSING to appear when balances are returned on a report output.

If #MISSING appears, check that all dimensions are properly set. Particularly, check the Accounting Period, Ledger, Scenario, and Currency dimensions, which all must have a value selected other than the default highest level value called Gen1.

The following table lists dimensions, available and default dimension values, and provides guidance on selecting the correct dimension values.


Possible Values

Default Value

Additional Information

Accounting Period

Years, quarters, and period

Accounting Period = Accounting Period (Gen1)

You must always select an accounting period for each financial report including User Point of View, Smart View query, or allocation including Point of View. If you don't specify a valid Accounting Period, the financial reports, Smart View queries, and Account Inspector displays #MISSING.


Includes ledgers and ledger sets

Ledger = Ledger (Gen1)

If you don't specify a specific Ledger or Ledger Set, the financial reports, Smart View queries, and Account Inspector queries display #MISSING

Chart of accounts dimensions

Not Applicable

Highest level (Gen1)

There's a separate dimension for each segment of the chart of accounts used by the cube. Each segment has a default account hierarchy that includes all the detail values for the segment but not parent values. Only account hierarchies (tree versions) published from the Publish Account Hierarchies user interface are available in the cube.


Not Applicable

Scenario = Scenario represents the sum of all values: Actual + Allocated + Total for Allocations + Budget + Forecast. Select a value for this dimension.


Must always select a Scenario dimension.

Predefined values are Actual, Allocated, and Total for Allocated. Additional scenario values for Budget, Forecast Q1, and Forecast Q2 may be available if they have been added to the Accounting Scenario value set. These additional values are published to every cube.

Balance Amount

  • Beginning Balance DR, CR, or Net

  • Period Activity DR, CR, or Net

  • Ending Balance DR, CR, or Net

Highest level (Gen1)

Not Applicable

Amount Type


Amount Type = Amount Type (Gen1) which is the equivalent of Base.

Base is necessary because this is the value used to store from posting all balances at the lowest level. PTD, QTD, and YTD are calculated values.


All ISO currencies (250+).

Highest level (Gen1)

Similar to Accounting Period and Ledger, there may not be an appropriate default for Currency since different Ledgers have different ledger currencies. If you don't specify a valid currency in a financial report, Smart View query, or allocation, you get a result of #MISSING.

Currency Type

Total, Entered, and Converted from for each ISO currency = each ISO currency.

Currency Type = Currency Type (Gen1), which is the equivalent of Total.

Not Applicable

Average Balances Cubes Dimensions

The following dimensions are included in the average balances cube in this order. Most comments from standard cube are applicable unless stated.

  • Accounting Period: Valid values are years, quarters, accounting period and day, which is equivalent to accounting date.

  • Ledger

  • Separate dimension for each Chart of accounts segment

  • Scenario

  • Amount Type valid values are: PATD, QATD, and YATD

  • Currency

  • Currency Type