Levels and Generations in GL Balances Cubes

Levels and generations are cube terminology used to describe hierarchies in Oracle General Ledger balances cubes.


Levels are used to describe hierarchy levels. Levels are numbered from the lowest hierarchy level. For example, the detail chart of accounts segment values are Level 0. The immediate parent is Level 1; the next parent is Level 2.


Generations (Gen) describe hierarchy levels starting with the highest level of the hierarchy and moving down through the generations of the same.

An example for generations is as follows:

  • Accounting Period = Accounting Period is Gen 0

    • Year is Gen 1

      • Quarter is Gen 2

        • Period is Gen 3

  • Ledger = Ledger is Gen 1

    • All Ledgers is Gen 2

      • VF USA is Gen 3

    • Ledger Set (any ledger set) is Gen 2

  • Company = Company is Gen 1

    • All Company Values, for example detail values, is Gen 2

      • 11010 is Gen 3

    • Tree 1 V1 is Gen 2

      • [Tree 1 V1].[10000] is Gen 3

        • [Tree 1 V1].[10000].[11000] is Gen 4

    • Tree 2 V1 is Gen 2

      • [Tree 2 V1].[10000] is Gen 3

        • [Tree 1 V1].[10000].[11000] is Gen 4


Similar levels and generations apply to the other dimension, including chart of accounts dimensions and those that aren't chart of accounts dimensions.